Bodywave EMS Training – Mossel Bay & Stilbaai
Bodywave EMS Training – Mossel Bay & Stilbaai
Revolutionary timesaving 21st century strength and fitness training assisted by a full-time personal fitness instructor. Join Bodywave EMS Training for better brain function, balance and concentration as well as a strong, toned body. That coveted six-pack is within your reach through state of the art Bodywave Electrical Muscular Stimulation technology.
Their Modus Operandi
At Bodywave they focus solely on EMS training. Because they offer no other types of training in their Studio, they are able to offer full-time personal training. This means a personal trainer takes you through your workout making sure that you benefit optimally.
Another benefit of specialising in EMS training is their simple membership and pricing system since there is only the one service.
EMS training works on the full body, activating each muscle in accordance to your needs as well as goals.
What Is EMS Training?
EMS (electro muscle stimulation) training triggers muscles to contract by means of electric impulses while you work out. The result is similar to the actual movement of muscles.
You put on an EMS training suit which is hooked up to the EMS fitness machine that sends the impulses to your body. All of this happens under the watchful eye of your personal trainer.
What’s In It For Me?
The following are but some of numerous benefits of EMS training:
- It saves time – 2 sessions of 20 minutes per week. In those 20 minutes you achieve the same results of a 90 minute workout!
- Furthermore it strengthens and builds all the muscles while also toning the body.
- It assists with weight loss by increasing the burning of calories along with boosting the metabolism.
- In addition to reducing back pain, it strengthens the pelvic floor.
- It also helps to gain an improved posture.
- With the aid of a sport scientist and personal trainer, you can also enjoy sport specific training.
- Members of Discovery Vitality can earn points for their workout with Bodywave.
Where Is Bodywave EMS Training?
Currently the situation is like this:
- They have a Bodywave EMS Training Studio in Mossel Bay. (Open every day, except for Sundays.) Find this Studio in the Diaz Business Centre along Beach Boulevard West, Diaz Beach.
- Furthermore they offer EMS training once a week in Stilbaai at Laser4U.
Is There An Age Restriction?
Any person from the age of 16 can join the Bodywave Family. Science has proven that EMS training is actually beneficial to persons of different ages as well as different levels if fitness.
Arno Rossouw Bodywave Studio, Mossel Bay: 076 130 3891
Elmarie, Laser4U, Stilbaai: 082 496 2842
Bodywave EMS Training – Mosselbaai & Stilbaai
Rewolusionêre tydbesparende 21e eeuse fiksheidsoefening onder leiding van ‘n voltydse persoonlike afrigter. Sluit aan by Bodywave EMS Training vir beter breinfunksie, balans en konsentrasie, en so ook ’n sterk, gevormde en gedefinieerde liggaam. Daardie lankbegeerde 6-pak is binne jou bereik met hierdie toonaangewende Bodywave Elektrospierstimulasie tegnologie.
Hulle Modus Operandi
By Bodywave fokus hulle net op EMS oefening. So, omdat hulle geen ander tipes oefening in hulle lokaal aanbied nie, kan hulle jou voltydse persoonlike afrigting bied. Dit beteken ‘n persoonlike afrigter neem jou elke stap deur jou oefening en verseker so dat jy optimale voordeel daaruit put.
Nog ‘n voordeel van te spesialiseer in een oefenwyse, is dat dit die lidmaatskap en prysstelsel baie eenvoudig maak, want daar is slegs een diens.
EMS Training werk op die hele liggaam en aktiveer elke spier volgens jou behoeftes en so ook jou doelwitte.
Wat Is EMS Training?
EMS staan vir electro muscle stimulation, d.w.s. elektrospierstimulasie. Hierdie oefening prikkel spiere om saam te trek d.m.v. elektriese impulse terwyl jy oefen, so die resultaat is soortgelyk aan die werklike beweging van spiere.
Jy trek ‘n EMS oefeningspak/harnas aan wat opgekoppel is met die EMS fiksheidsmasjien wat die impulse na jou liggaam stuur. Al hierdie dinge gebeur natuurlik onder die wakende oog van jou persoonlike afrigter.
Wat Kry Ek Daaruit?
Vervolgens ‘n paar van verskeie voordele van EMS oefeninge:
- Dit bespaar tyd – 2 sessies van 20 minute per week. In die bestek 20 minute behaal jy dieselfde resultate as met ‘n 90 minute oefensessie!
- So ook versterk en bou dit al jou spiere terwyl dit spiere merkbaar definieer en vorm.
- Dit help met gewigsverlies deur verhoogde verbranding van kalorieë, asook die versnelling van die metabolisme.
- So ook verminder dit rugpyn en versterk die bekkenbodem wat natuurlik ook inkontinensie verbeter.
- Omdat die rug en skouers ook sterk word, help dit so om die postuur te verbeter.
- Met behulp van ‘n sportwetenskaplike en persoonlike afrigter, kan jy ook sportspesifieke oefeninge doen.
- Discovery Vitality-lede kan punte verdien met ‘n oefensessie by Bodywave EMS Training.
Waar is Bodywave EMS Training?
Huidiglik lyk die situasie so:
- Daar is ‘n Bodywave EMS Training Lokaal in Mosselbaai wat elke dag, behalwe Sondae oop is. Vind hierdie Lokaal in die Diaz Besigheidsentrum in Beach Boulevard langs die Diaz-strand.
- Verder is hulle so een keer per week ook in Stilbaai by Laser4U.
So, hoekom nie sommer vandag jou toetssessie boek nie? Hier is die kontaknommers:
Arno Rossouw Bodywave Studio, Mosselbaai: 076 130 3891
Elmarie, Laser4U, Stilbaai: 082 496 2842
Is Daar Enige Ouderdomsbeperking?
Enige persoon vanaf ouderdom 16 jaar kan deel word van die Bodywave-familie. Wetenskaplike navorsing het bewys dat EMS oefening in werklikheid voordelig is vir persone van alle ouderdomme en so ook vlakke van fiksheid.
Arno Rossouw Bodywave Studio, Mossel Bay: 076 130 3891
Elmarie, Laser4U, Stilbaai: 082 496 2842