
Dr Karin du Plessis and Dr Marco Olivier – Bella Dent Tandarts

Bella Dent Dentist - Bella dent Tandarts Riversdal

Dr Karin du Plessis and Dr Marco Olivier


Bella Dent Dentist - Bella dent Tandarts Riversdal

Dr Karin du Plessis and Dr Marco Olivier are the dentists at Bella Dent

Bella Dent -Tandarts / Dentist –  is situated in the beautiful countryside of Riversdale Western Cape. They provide high quality dental service to the surrounding community of Riversdale, Stilbaai, Heidelberg, Van Wyksdorp,  Witsand, Ladismith, Gouritsmond and Albertinia.

Services offered by Bella Dent:

1) Restorative dentistry:
Restorative dentistry focuses on repairing or replacing damaged or missing teeth. These procedures help improve oral health and function. Defects can be caused by trauma, disease or abnormal development. Treatment includes, but is not limited to aesthetic crown and bridge work and placement of dental fillings.
2) Orthodontic braces:
Involves treatment of misaligned and crowded teeth. Correction of problematic malocclusions are also addressed by orthodontics. The practice is also equipped with a digital dental x-ray machine that takes Cephalometric and Panoramic images that aids in the diagnoses and treatment of these conditions. Clear aligner therapy is also an option for some patients. Feel free to visit the Facebook page or website for some images of the life transforming cases.
3) Preventative dentistry:
This entails routine mouth hygiene sessions which includes dental cleaning; scale-and-polish; air polishing; fluoride treatments; nutritional counselling and informative mouth hygiene education.
4) Whitening:
Patients now enjoy their bright new smiles obtained by the professional bleaching sessions they received at this dental practice. The dentists offer in-chair and home bleach whitening.
5) Extractions
Many patients testify that their experience was painless and non-traumatic when coming to the surgery for the pulling of their teeth (extraction).
6) Dentures
If you can chew properly, you can eat properly and live healthy. With this in mind, the dentists and their dental Lab-technician will construct and plan treatment according to the patients’ individual needs. There are different types of dentures for example: full set dentures, partial dentures, flexi dent and chrome cobalt dentures.
The whole family is welcome at this friendly and professional dental practice. Where they love their Creator and therefore love to take care of His creation.

Bella Dent

Dr Karin Du Plessis en Dr Marco Olivier bedien ‘n wye gemeenskap wat die areas van Riversdal, Stilbaai, Heidelberg, Witsand, Albertinia, Van Wyksdorp, Gouritsmond en Ladismith insluit.

Die volgende dienste word aangebied:

Herstellings; kroon- en- brug werk; veilige verwydering van metaal herstellings en die maak van kunsgebitte. Roetine skaleer- en- polering van tande; bleikings prosedures asook diens verskaffing van pediatriese tandheelkunde vir kinders. Wortelkanaal behandelings en ortodonsie (of te wel draadjies) word ook gedoen.

Kontak gerus die spreekkamer vandag vir meer inligting of verdere navrae.

028 713 3096

065 842 8898

5 Heidelberg Weg

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