Langeberg CCTV & Alarm Security Systems

Langeberg CCTV Alarms Systems

Langeberg CCTV & Alarm Systems Riversdale

Company specialising in professional home and business security systems and access control. Langeberg CCTV & Alarm Systems is the ideal professional solution to safety and security problems at private homes, on farms as well as commercial properties. They install cameras which keep an eye on things 24/7 and can alert you of looming danger before it hits you. Likewise they install alarm systems which can connect you to a guard/security company monitoring 24/7, as well as offer rapid armed response to warnings.

The owner, Charl Avenant started this company in 2017 and was awarded the Top Twenty Certificate of Excellence in the same year. Customers gave his business a 5 star rating within the first year of business! They are always open and work mainly in the Riversdale/Still Bay area, but also throughout Hessequa.

Langeberg CCTV & Alarm Systems is registered with PSIRA (Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority). The main objective or PSIRA is to regulate the private security industry in the public and national interest as well as the private security industry itself.

Do not delay until things have gone south! Call Charl or Wehan today for a free quotation.

CCTV System Installation

Crime is a major issue in the world today. Technology has become very sophisticated and is very successful in protecting homes, commercial premises, farms and government properties. This technology allows remote access so you can see what is going on in and around your property 24/7 on your cellphone. You can use it like an alarm system, or to check on your house and family any time you are not there. With the latest technology the possibilities are endless. CCTV is also a visible deterrent against thieves as one can identify them and they can use the footage in court.

Langeberg CCTV & Alarm Systems knows all about installing the different cameras, indoors as well as outdoors. They know how to establish the perfect area of focus, how to cable the camera and DVR as well as configure remote access. They can advise you about the best system for your budget. A number of well placed hidden cameras on your farm such as along the road in or around the out buildings can spot intruders. Also around the homestead, farmers and workers can pick up on intruders before they can hit.

Apart from installing 24 hour video surveillance, they also service, repair and upgrade existing systems. They gladly involve themselves in the security of the community as well, and can install cameras in lampposts or gates. These cameras pick up vehicle movement in and out a complex or street and police often use such data to follow suspects of a crime.

Types of Cameras

There are different types of cameras which offer different levels of security. There is the analogue cameras as well as the IP cameras. Network IP cameras are digital video cameras that receive control data and send image data via the Internet. There are also thermal cameras which use infra-red radiation to form an electronic heat zone image.

A DVR (digital video recorder) system with a hard drive and monitor offers the ability to record, save and view data. The DVR uses analogue cameras and is a wired security system. A NVR (network video recorder) system works with a set of closed circuit cameras connected to a DVR device. The NVR uses IP cameras and is either a wired or a wireless security system. Langeberg CCTV & Alarm Systems can of course upgrade your existing analogue CCTV system to DVR if you prefer.

Security Alarm System Installation

Securing yourself, your family, your home and your possessions is a major concern in this crime ridden world we live in. The purpose for installing a security alarm system at your house or business is, in the first place, to protect your property. In the second place it is to deter criminal entry especially when you are not there.  Lastly it is to trigger prompt response from a security company.

The alarm system detects unauthorised intrusion with the help of motion sensors and security beams inside as well as outside. Also infra red, break glass, and vibration sensors, door and window magnetic contacts. All of which sit in carefully selected places.

Likewise they place panic buttons in various places which one can press for purposes other than burglaries as well, e.g., medical emergencies. A siren suddenly howling like a banshee often is enough to make a burglar summarily abandon his plans. You have control of the alarm system through the control panel. This you can programme, activate and deactivate with your secret code.

Hikvision Video Surveillance Company and Langeberg CCTV & Alarm Systems

Hikvision is a Chinese manufacturer and the world’s largest supplier of video surveillance products. It is the leading brand in CCTV cameras and equipment in South Africa. Langeberg CCTV & Alarm Systems is an authorised distributor as well as installer of Hikvision products. They invite you to call them for more information about the product.

Charl Avenant

Cell: 071 911 0919

Wehan Avenant

Cell: 071 786 1791

24 Mitchell Street


Western Cape

Kringtelevisie en Alarm Stelsel Installeerders in Riversdal

Langeberg CCTV & Alarm Systems spesialiseer in huis- en besigheidsekuriteit en toegangsbeheer. Hulle is die ideale antwoord op veiligheidsprobleme by privaat huise, op plase en ook by alle soorte besighede. Hierdie maatskappy installeer kameras en so ook alarmstelsels wat 24/7 jou plek monitor sodat jy dadelik gewaarsku word as daar indringers is.

Hulle is goedgekeurde verspreiders en so ook installeerders van Hikvision produkte in Suid-Afrika. Dit is ‘n Chinese vervaardiger van video waarnemingsprodukte en die voorste handelsnaam in die land.

Moenie wag tot die vyand jou oorval nie – bel Charl sommer dadelik vir ‘n gratis kwotasie. Hulle werk in die Riversdal/Stilbaai gebied en so ook die hele Hessequa.

Dienste Aangebied Deur Langeberg CCTV & Alarm Systems

Installasie van CCTV Stelsels

Misdaad is ‘n groot probleem in die wêreld van vandag. Daarmee saam het die behoefte aan sekuriteit hand oor hand toegeneem. Tegnologie word met groot sukses ingespan om mense, hulle huise, besittings, besighede, plase, en so meer te beveilig. Hierdie besigheid installeer kringtelevisiekameras wat 24/7 gemoniteer kan word en jou kan waarsku wanneer verdagte persone jou plek betree. Afhangende van die stelsel wat jy kies, kan die inligting opgeneem, bewaar en weer gekyk word, so dit kan help om verdagtes te identifiseer.

Langeberg CCTV & Alarm Systems het die professionele kundigheid om die kameras op die regte area te fokus, hulle verstaan die bedrading en al die komplekse dinge rondom die verskillende opsies beskikbaar. Dink byvoorbeeld net wat kan ‘n klompie goedgeplaaste verskuilde kameras doen vir ‘n boer op sy plaas wat so kan sien wie betree sy plaas. Hy kan sy buitegeboue van binne sy huis monitor asook die omgewing rondom die huis.

Hulle installeer, diens, herstel en doen opgradering van bestaande stelsels. Hulle help ook graag met gemeeskapsbeveiliging deur kameras te plaas op lamppale, toegangshekke en so meer. So kan voertuigbeweging ook gemonitor word en kan verdagte voertuie opgespoor word.

Die tegnologie is al so gesofistikeerd dat jy selfs van ‘n ander plek af op jou selfoon kan sien wat by jou plek gebeur. Selfs van ver af kan jy dadelik hulp stuur as jy iets verdags optel. Praat met hulle oor die verskillende opsies wat beskikbaar is.

Installasie van Alarm Stelsels

Dit is uiters noodsaaklik dat jy jouself, jou familie en jou besittings so goed as moontlik beveilig. Kry hierdie manne om ‘n alarmstelsel in jou huis of besigheid te installeer. Die doel van so ‘n alarmstelsel is eerstens beskerming, tweedens voorkoming en derdens om jou sekuriteitsmaatskappy te in kennis te stel sodat hulle dadelik kan optree.

Alarmstelsels werk met bewegingsensors, onsigbare strale tussen twee punte, infrarooi sensors en magnetiese deur- en venster kontakte. Ook sensors wat glas wat breek optel, vibrasiesensors, en so meer wat hulle op strategies uitgesoekte plekke aanbring. Verder sit hulle ook paniekknoppies op verskillende plekke wat ook vir ander doeleindes gebruik kan word, soos vir mediese noodgevalle.

As daardie alarm skielik afgaan, verander meeste voornemende inbrekers so vinnig van plan dat hy self nie kan byhou nie. Jy het beheer oor hierdie stelsel d.m.v. ‘n beheerpaneel wat jy kan programmeer, aktiveer en deaktiveer met jou geheime kode.

Charl Avenant

Cell: 071 911 0919

Wehan Avenant

Cell: 071 786 1791

24 Mitchell Street


Western Cape