Think Baby Online Shop – High Contrast Development: Enhancing Baby’s Vision and Learning

Think Baby Online Shop - Garden Route and Klein Karoo

Think Baby Online Shop – High Contrast Development: Enhancing Baby’s Vision and Learning

Inspired by how new-borns see the world, Think Baby is a leader in the development of innovative, high-contrast baby products, new-borns  to 12/18 months. Based in Stilbaai, Western Cape, South Africa, Think Baby offers a range of products designed to stimulate visual and cognitive development from the moment of birth to 18 months. With a convenient online shop, they serve customers nationwide and even cater to international orders upon request.

Why High Contrast Matters for Babies

New-borns are born with blurry vision and find it difficult to focus on most things. However, they are naturally drawn to high-contrast images, such as black and white, which are easier for them to see. When babies focus on these images, it helps build new nerve pathways in their brain, fostering their visual development. This early learning experience supports their ability to concentrate, laying the groundwork for essential cognitive skills.

Products for Early Learning and Development (New-borns to 18 Months)

The high-contrast products developed by Think Baby are not only educational but also practical for both babies and parents. Designed with safety and ease of use in mind, these items help babies discover their senses and reach important developmental milestones. Additionally, they make fantastic gifts for stork teas or baby showers.

  • High Contrast Flashcards: Ideal from birth to 18 months, these flashcards assist babies in developing focus. The range includes simple black-and-white cards and even phonetic alphabet flashcards for toddlers aged 2-3 years.
  • Milestone Necessities: A selection of items like the tummy time mat, cot bumper, seat sheet, mini-soft book, busy book, mobiles, and toys all aid in reaching key developmental stages.
  • Teething Aids: Bunny buddy teething rings and rattles, perfect for soothing teething babies while providing sensory stimulation.
  • Crochet Products: A variety of crocheted items, such as balls, sensory sleepers, rattles, and teethers, which are gentle on babies and support their sensory development.

Shop Online and Save

The Think Baby Online Shop makes it easy for parents to find the perfect items for their little ones. They offer:

  • Free delivery for orders over R1500 (Prices as at October 2024)
  • National delivery options and free collection from their base in Stilbaai
  • 75% of their products are proudly locally made
  • Combo deals that help parents save money on essential baby items

The Perfect Gift

Whether you’re preparing for your own baby or looking for a thoughtful stork tea gift, Think Baby provides an excellent range of practical, high-quality products designed with a baby’s development in mind.

Visit their online shop today and get everything you need for the newest addition to the family.

Think Baby Aanlynwinkel – Hoë-Kontras Ontwikkeling: Stimuleer Jou Baba se Sig vanaf Geboorte

Think Baby in Stilbaai in die Wes-Kaap is ‘n pionier in die ontwikkeling van innoverende baba-produkte wat spesifiek ontwerp is om baba se visuele ontwikkeling te stimuleer. Hulle fokus op hoë-kontras beelde en ontwerpe, wat perfek is vir pasgebore babas tot 18 maande wat hou van eenvoudige, treffende visuele stimuli soos swart en wit. Hierdie unieke produkte is gerieflik beskikbaar in hul aanlyn winkel, en hulle lewer regoor die land. Internasionale kliënte kan ook kwotasies versoek deur middel van e-pos.

Die Rol van Hoë-Kontras Beelde in Baba se Ontwikkeling van Geboorte tot 18 Maande

Wanneer babas gebore word, is hul sig nog onontwikkeld en vaag. Dit maak dit moeilik vir hulle om op komplekse of gedetailleerde voorwerpe te fokus. Hoë-kontras beelde, soos swart en wit, is egter baie makliker vir babas om te sien en op te fokus. Hierdie tipe beelde help om nuwe senuweepaaie in hul breine te ontwikkel en te versterk. Hierdie visuele stimulasie bevorder ook vroeë leer en verbeter baba se vermoë om op dinge te konsentreer.

Produkte wat Leer en Ontwikkeling Bevorder

Think Baby se produkte is spesifiek ontwerp om nie net baba se visuele vaardighede te stimuleer nie, maar ook om ouers te help om ‘n betekenisvolle band met hul baba te vorm. Al die produkte is prakties, veilig, maklik om skoon te maak, en van hoë gehalte, wat dit ideaal maak vir alledaagse gebruik.

  • Hoë-Kontras Flitskaarte (High Contrast Flashcards): Hierdie flitskaarte kan reeds vanaf geboorte tot 18 maande gebruik word om baba se fokus te ontwikkel. Hul reeks sluit swart-en-wit kaarte vir pasgeborenes in, sowel as fonetiese alfabetkaarte vir kleuters van 2-3 jaar.
  • Mylpaalprodukte (Milestone Achievers): Produkte soos die magietydmat, kotstootkussing of bufferstrook, sitpleklaken, mini-sagte boek, besige boek, mobiele en speelgoed help babas om belangrike ontwikkelingsmylpale te bereik.
  • Tanderinge/Kouringe (Teething Aids): Sagte tanderinge (teethers) en ratels soos die bunny buddy gee verligting aan tande wat deurkom en verskaf terselfdertyd sensoriese stimulasie.
  • Hekelwerkprodukte (Crochet Items): ‘n Verskeidenheid gehekelde items soos balle, sensoriese slaapprodukte, ratels en tandekryhulpmiddels wat sag en veilig is vir babas.

Maklike Aanlyninkopies en Voordele

Die aanlynwinkel van Think Baby bied ‘n wye verskeidenheid van hul hoë-kontras produkte wat maklik bestel en gekoop kan word. Voordele sluit in:

  • Gratis aflewering vir bestellings oor R1500 (Pryse soos op Okt 2024)
  • Gratis afhaalopsies in Stilbaai
  • 75% van hul produkte word plaaslik vervaardig
  • Spesiale kombinasie-aanbiedinge wat groot besparings bied

Perfekte Babastrooigeskenk

Of jy nou voorberei vir jou eie baba of op soek is na die perfekte geskenk vir ‘n ooievaarstee, Think Baby se produkte is ideaal vir nuwe ouers. Hulle bevorder nie net baba se ontwikkeling nie, maar is ook prakties en maklik om te gebruik.

Besoek hul aanlyn winkel vandag en maak seker dat jy alles het wat jy nodig het vir jou kleinding.