Agro Forestry services

Agro Forestry Services

Agro Forestry services

Agro Forestry Services

in Riversdale is an agricultural and forestry consulting company overall assisting land owners in compliance with legislation with regards to CARA and NEMBA.

Advice on Acts

Agro Forestry Services serves land owners in the Hessequa area with expert advice on legislation regarding water and irrigation rights and licensing, as well as the compliance with the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act (Act 43 of 1983), the Natural Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (Act 10 of 2004), and regulation to the act (Regulation 598) Alien and Invasive Species Regulations, 2014.

Water applications

Agro Forestry Services specialise in water applications such as irrigation and water rights which would best prevent/control water logging or salination of land. They also regulate the flow pattern of run-off water and protect water resources against pollution because of farming practices. Likewise they restore eroded or damaged land and plant crops that will improve fertility and counteract erosion and rehabilitate the soil.

Weed control

They can offer expert information on, and assist with weed control plans for removal of weed and avoid the spreading of weed as well as identification and eradication of invader plants to reclaim the land from aggressive plant invaders.


Agricultural disaster and financial loss as a result of run-away veld fires are only too familiar to all farmers and pretty much everybody else in the Hessequa area. Equally Agro Forestry Services can assist to avoid the potential trauma of a run-away fire. They know all about fire break preparation and also block burns. Be sure to consult them in time before a fire catches you unprepared and uninformed.

Cultivation of trees

In addition they assist forest farmers and farm foresters to maximise profits. Consequently they advise them about the cultivation of trees for timber and firewood. How to plant economically and to the best benefit of the soil and when and how to saw the trees for use as timber of for use for firewood.

Agro Forestry Dienste in Riversdal

Die Agro Forestry Services in Riversdal is ‘n konsultasie maatskappy vir landbou- en bosbou wat grondeienaars bystaan in die nakoming van wetgewing in verband met CARA en NEMBA.

Agro Forestry Services bedien grondeienaars in die Hessequa area met deskundige advies oor wetgewing rakende water- en besproeiingsregte en lisensiëring. So ook die nakoming van die Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act (Wet 43 1983), die Natural Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (Wet 10 van 2014), en regulasie tot die Wet (Regulasie 598) Regulasie op Uitheemse- en Indringer Plante, 2014.

Agro Forestry Services spesialiseer in wateraansoeke soos besproeiings- en waterregte vir die beste voorkoming/beheer van wateropdamming of versouting van die grond.


Hulle bied deskundige inligting oor, en bystand met onkruidbeheerbeplanning vir die uitroeiing van onkruid en die voorkoming van die verspreiding van onkruid. Ook die identifikasie en vernietiging van indringerplante om die grond terug te wen van die aggressiewe indringerplante.

Agro Forestry Services kan jou help om die potensiële trauma van ‘n wegholveldbrand te vermy. Hulle weet alles van brandpaaie/vuurvoorbrande en ander tegnieke om brandverspreiding te bekamp.

Hulle help ook bosbouers om die maksimum profyt te maak uit bosbou. Boubouers word ge-adviseer oor die aanplant van bome vir skrynwerk of vir vuurmaak.

Plaas Vorentoe



Head Office

Cell: +27 (0) 81 755 2653

Faks no: 0866846641

Email us here

Eugene Kraamwinkel

Operations manager

Cell: 083 326 0874

Financial manager

Cell: 079 557 8391

Email us here