Ali Cell City – Cellular Repairs and Accessories in Stilbaai

Ali Cellular City Cellular Repairs Stilbaai

Ali Cell City – Cellular Repairs and Accessories in Stilbaai

Cellular repair shop fixing cellphones, tablets as well as iPads in Still Bay. A popular and fast growing coastal holiday town in the Hessequa area in the Western Cape along the equally popular Garden Route. Ali Cell City also does software updates, sells cellphone accessories and a variety of electronic equipment and furniture. Furthermore, although they do not handle contracts or sim swaps, they do offer MTN, Vodacom and Cell C starter packs.

This very interesting shop is next to Madisons, sharing the same parking space with a few other shops such as Still Fishing and Tabeel in Still Bay. They are highly experienced, knowledgeable and skilled in the mobile technology world. Consequently they are able to help you with most problems you might encounter with your cellphone, tablet or iPad.

What they do not have available in the shop, they are very willing to find for you. Moreover, although they can repair most types of problems in the shop, those they can’t they send to Cape Town or George and have it back to you within a day or two. They are very friendly as well as helpful and their prices are very reasonable.

Ali Cell City – Services

This company repairs or fixes cellular phones/mobiles/cell phones as well as tablets and iPads. A tablet is a flat computer with a touch screen of a size between a book and a magazine – a popular type of hand-held computer. An iPad is a tablet computer made by Apple Inc.

Types of problems or damage they offer to repair

Your phone is repaired while you wait, or, when the job is more time-consuming, you could come back after a while. Most types of problems can be handled right there in the shop. Make use of their professional expertise to save you money and trouble.

  • Cracked glass replacement and repair (protecting the LCD screen – Liquid Crystal Display)
  • Broken LCD screen repairs (supplies the touch response function)
  • Faulty charging ports as well as charging problems and poor battery power
  • Headphone jacks replacement and repair
  • USB ports repair
  • Broken power buttons
  • Broken home buttons
  • Water damage repair
  • Overheating repair
  • Sound problems as well as speaker replacement and repair
  • Camera replacement and repair
  • Data transfer for backup purposes or when switching to a new phone, as well as data recovery
  • Country lock
  • Software upgrades
  • Memory card reader replacement and repair
  • Keyboard replacement and repair

Ali Cell City – Products

Cellphone Accessories

They offer a variety of reasonably priced cellphone accessories for the more popular phones such as Samsung, I-Phone and Huawei. These include accessories like chargers, car chargers, data cables, covers and cases as well as glass protectors. Also handy 5-in-1 USB cables, power boxes and wireless headsets for hands free talking. In addition they offer selfie sticks, mobile phone telescopes, mobile speaker systems, blue tooth stereo headsets, etc. Visit them and peruse their mobile wares for yourself.

Electronic Equipment and Devices

Ali Cell City also stocks other reasonably priced electronic equipment such as flat screen televisions of different sizes. Also DVD players, including a portable DVD player with a 7” screen, and car MP3 players with USB/SD ports. They offer a variety of speakers, from mini speakers to large speakers and amplifiers. There are wireless speakers, blue tooth speakers, multi media speakers as well as head phones in different colours and laptop adapters, etc.

Furniture in Stilbaai

They also offer furniture in the form of beds, wardrobes, dressing tables with mirrors and dining tables with chairs. In addition they have easy chairs, adjustable bar chairs, chests of drawers, corner display shelves and more. Pay them a visit and see what they have on offer in the back part of their shop. You will be surprised to see their well-priced furniture.

Miscellaneous Items

  • Travel bags of different sizes on wheels
  • Ladies handbags of different sizes, shapes and colours
  • Electric two-plate cooking plates
  • Sport watches
  • Hookah pipes, also called shisha or nargile or hubbly bubbly, which come in different sizes, shapes and colours. A hookah pipe is a water pipe with a smoke chamber, a bowl, a pipe and a hose used to smoke sweetened and flavoured tobacco. The tobacco is heated and the smoke passes through the water, then drawn through a rubber hose to a mouthpiece.

Nazia Ali

Cell: 062 132 3164

Voortrekker Street



Sellulêre Foonherstelwinkel in Stilbaai

Winkel wat selfone, tablette en iPads herstel en so ook sagteware-opgradering doen. Hoewel hulle nie kontrakte of simruilings doen nie, bied hulle wel beginpakette vir MTN, Vodacom en Cell C selfoondiensverskaffers aan. Ali Cell City se pryse is baie redelik.

Hierdie winkel sit neffens Madisons naby Stil Fishing en Tabeel. Hulle is kundig en ervare in die mobiele tegnologie en kan jou help met die meeste probleme wat jy met jou foon mag ervaar. Hulle doen die herstelwerk sommer net daar in die winkel terwyl jy wag. As dit langerig sal neem, dan kan jy later in die dag weer terugkom. Soms is dit nodig om die foon na Kaapstad of George te stuur en dan neem dit 1 – 2 dae om dit terug te kry.

Ali Cell City – Sellulêre Hersteldienste en Selfoon Onderdele

Tipiese Probleme Wat Ali Cell City Regmaak

  • Gekraakte glas (die glasgedeelte van die skerm wat die LCD-skerm beskerm)
  • Gebreekte selfoon en Tablet LCD skerms (raakskerm)
  • Probleme met laaipoorte, die laai van batterye en so ook swak batterykrag
  • Foutiewe poorte vir oorfone en so ook klankprobleme
  • Gebreekte aanskakelknoppies en so ook tuisknoppies
  • Foutiewe USB poorte
  • Waterskade en so ook oorverhittingskade
  • Kameraprobleme
  • Opgradering van sagteware
  • Oorplasing van data vir rugsteundoeleindes of nuwe fone
  • Geheuekaartleserprobleme
  • Sleutelbordvervanging

Ali Cell City – Produkte

Selfoonbykomstighede en Toebehore

Hulle bied ‘n verskeidenheid redelik geprysde selfoontoebehore vir die meer populêre foonmake soos Samsung, Huawei en I-Phone. Dit sluit items in soos laaiers, datakabels, omhulsels en kassies en so ook glasbeskermers. Ook 5-in-1 USB-kabels, kragboksies, draadlose oorfone om vryhand te kan gesels, selfiestokkies, selfoonteleskope, en so meer.

Elektroniese Toerusting en Apparaat

Verder bied Ali Cell City allerhande elektroniese toerusting en -apparate soos verskillende groottes platskerm TV’s. So ook DVD-spelers, MP3-spelers met USB/SD poorte vir motors en verskillende soorte luidsprekers en versterkers. Dan is daar ook kopstukoorfone in verskillende kleure, skootrekenaaraanpassers, en so meer.

Meubels in Stilbaai

Agter in die winkel is ‘n klompie meubels soos beddens, hangkaste, spieëlkaste, tafels met stoele, laaikaste, hoekuitstalrakkies, en so meer. Kom besoek hierdie verstommende winkel en sien hulle bekostigbare meubels en ander interessante ware vir jouself.


  • Verskillende groottes reistasse op wieletjies
  • Dameshandsakke in verskillende groottes, kleure en style
  • Elektriese tweeplaat-stofies
  • Sporthorlosies
  • Hookahpype, en so meer

Nazia Ali

Cell: 062 132 3164

Voortrekker Street
