Boumag Construction Pty/Ltd

Building Contractors in Riversdale, doing construction building, painting, paving, carpentry work as well as tiling throughout the Hessequa area.

Boumag Steel Construction – Steel Structures and Factories

For the building of any steel structure or factory. Big and small sheds, hangers or factory wotkshops.

Registered with NHBRC

Boumag Construction Pty/Ltd is registered with the National Home Builders Registration Council. Overall their mandate is to protect the interests of housing consumers and to ensure that builders comply with the prescribed industry standards as contained in the Home Building Manual.

Builders of new houses as well as alteration or restoration work on existing houses. Any building work like construction, painting, paving, tiling, carpentry, as well as wooden rails and decks.

By and large, with 23 years of experience in the building industry, they are the people to phone for a quote.

Boumag Construction Pty/Ltd works in Still bay, Jongensfontein, Riversdale, Heidelberg, Albertinia, Gouritsmond and Witsand, in short, they cover the whole of the Hessequa area.

Boumag Konstruksie

Hulle is boukontrakteurs en doen konstruksie en bouwerk aan nuwe huise, sowel as aanbouings en verbeterings aan bestaande huise. Enige bouwerk, pleisterwerk, verfwerk, teëlwerk, plaveisel, asook houtkonstruksies, dekke en houtrelings.

Boumag Staal Konstruksie

Vir die bou en oprig van enige staal konstruksies en fabrieke.

Hulle werk in Stilbaai, Riversdal, Jongensfontein, Heidelberg, Witsand, Albertinia en Gouritsmond.

Henry du Plessis (NHBRC reg)

Cell: 076 538 4543

Cell: 076 356 6720