Breathing Space – In Person and Virtual Wellness and Personal Transformation Programmes

Breathing Space - Stilbaai

Breathing Space – In Person and Virtual Wellness and Personal Transformation Programmes

Using science based tools, Breathing Space offers personal transformation and wellness programmes online, as well as face to face. The purpose of these programs is to manage anxiety, depression, stress and trauma through a blend of mindfulness, breath work and visualisation.

The Company


Breathing Space is based in Stilbaai, Western Cape, but their services are available pretty much worldwide since they offer classes online, as well as in person. People from Stilbaai, Jongensfontein and Melkhoutfontein preferring to see her in person, can consult her at her consulting room – contact her for the precise location. Group classes are presented in different studios depending on the size of the groups, again, contact her for information on the venue.

To see what is upcoming, visit their Facebook page or their website.

Types of Therapy Offered

  • Occupational Therapist – a holistic approach to promoting a client’s ability to fulfil their daily routines.
  • Play Therapist – a method of therapy uncovering and dealing with psychological issues of children through play.
  • Clinical Hypnotherapist – advanced skill used in the medical and mental health fields, aiming at using hypnosis to help a person understand, accept and handle painful situations.
  • Mindfulness Coach – being aware of your thoughts, feelings and bodily sensation at all times. Mindfulness improves thinking skills, along with health and wellbeing, happiness and fulfilment, and self-awareness and life skills
  • Advanced Breath Work Facilitator – releasing memories and holding patterns trapped in the body through conscious breathing.
  • Gentle Somatic Yoga – all ages and abilities are welcome

Life changing Benefits

  • Learn strategies to alleviate anxiety, stress and depression.
  • Calm your busy mind.
  • Heal emotional trauma.
  • Regulate your emotions.
  • Increase energy levels and sleep patterns.
  • Enhanced physical health.
  • Overcome lifestyle habits and addictions.
  • Manage chronic pain.
  • Get to know yourself.
  • Find meaning and purpose.

How does it work?

  • Breathing Space offers group classes and workshops for adults, as well as kids – visit their Facebook page or Webpage for information about upcoming workshops.
  • Furthermore they offer individual sessions on request with adults and kids from 6 years old. These sessions incorporates aspects of embodied movement, breath work, meditation and mindfulness.
  • Their programmes last 8 weeks and are designed to meet your needs.
  • They offer virtual consultations.
  • Corporate programmes.

The Therapist – Louise Heunis

Louise is registered with the HPCSA (Health Professions Council of South Africa) as an Occupational Therapist. She holds a degree in Occupational Therapy (UFS) and has been practicing Occupational Therapy for 20 years. During these years she worked mainly in the field of addiction, psychiatry/wellness and emotional problems of children.

She embarked on a journey of enhancing and expanding her qualifications, completing several courses in Mindfulness and Breath work. She also holds a diploma as a Clinical Hypnotherapist from the King’s College in London. Furthermore she obtained certification as a Heal Your Life Facilitator in Wales, UK. Additionally she completed certification courses, among others in Trauma Therapy, Advanced Therapeutic Play Therapy and Emotional Intelligence. She is also a registered Tibetan Sound Healer and Reiki practitioner.

Louise regards each person as an individual with their own special needs and her passion is to help individuals heal their life by means of a holistic approach. She is exceptionally skilled and profoundly interested in helping individuals struggling with anxiety and depression to reclaim their joy.

All you need to do, is contact Breathing Space for a free 30min virtual consultation straightaway so that your journey towards healing can begin.

Breathing Space – Welstand en Persoonlike Transformasie Programme Aanlyn en In Persoon

Met behulp van wetenskaplik gebaseerde hulpmiddels bied Breathing Space persoonlike transformasie en welstand programme aanlyn en so ook in persoon aan. Die doel van hierdie programme is om angstigheid, depressie, stres en trauma deur ‘n mengsel van oplettendheid, asemhaling en visualisering te beheer.


Breathing Space is gebaseer in Stilbaai, Wes-Kaap, maar hulle dienste is beskikbaar oor die hele wêreld, aangesien hulle klasse sowel in persoon as aanlyn aangebied word. Mense van Stilbaai, Jongensfontein en Melkhoutfontein wat verkies om haar in person te ontmoet, kan haar in haar kantoor  ontmoet – kontak haar vir die presiese adres. Groepklasse vind plaas in verskillende studio’s afhangende van die grootte van die groepe. Kontak haar vir inligting oor die spesifieke plek.

Om te sien wat in die pyplyn is, besoek gereeld hulle Facebook-blad of hulle Webtuiste.

Tipes Terapie Aangebied

  • Arbeidsterapeut – ‘n holistiese benadering tot die verbetering van ‘n kliënt se vermoë om daaglikse roetines en take te voltooi.
  • Spelterapeut – ‘n metode van terapie wat sielkundige probleme van kinders deur spel uitlig.
  • Kliniese Hipnoterapeut – ‘n gevorderde vaardigheid wat gebruik word in die mediese en geestesgesondheidsvelde wat gemik is op die gebruik van hipnose om ‘n persoon te help om pynlike situasies te verstaan, aanvaar en te hanteer.
  • Oplettendheidsafrigter – om ten alle tye bewus te wees van jou gedagtes, gevoelens en liggamlike sensasies. Oplettendheid verbeter denkvaardighede, so ook gesondheid en welstand, gelukkigheid en vervulling, en selfbewustheid en lewensvaardighede.
  • Gevorderde Asemhalingsfasiliteerder – dit laat herinnerings en houpatrone deur bewustelike asemhaling vry wat in die liggaam vasgevang is.
  • Ligte Somatiese Joga – alle ouderdomme en vermoëns is welkom.

Lewensveranderende Voordele

  • Leer strategieë om angs, stres en depressie te verlig.
  • Kalmeer jou besige verstand.
  • Hanteer emosionele trauma.
  • Reguleer jou emosies.
  • Verhoog energievlakke en slaapgewoontes.
  • Verbeter fisiese gesondheid.
  • Oorkom leefstylgewoontes en verslawings.
  • Bestuur chroniese pyn.
  • Leer jouself ken.
  • Vind betekenis en doel.

Hoe werk dit?

  • Breathing Space bied groepklasse en werkswinkels vir volwassenes, sowel as kinders aan – besoek hulle Facebook-blad of Webtuiste vir inligting oor opkomende werkswinkels.
  • Verder bied hulle individuele sessies op versoek aan volwassenes en kinders van af 6 jaar oud. Hierdie sessie inkorporeer aspekte van liggaamsbeweging, asemhaling, meditasie en oplettendheid.
  • Hulle programme duur 8 weke en is ontwerp om in jou behoeftes te voorsien.
  • Hulle bied ook aanlynkonsultasies.
  • Korporatiewe programme.

Die Terapeut – Louise Heunis

Louise is as ‘n Arbeidsterapeut by die HPCSA geregistreer. Sy het ‘n Arbeidsterapiegraad (UFS) en het vir 20 jaar as arbeidsterapeut gepraktiseer. Gedurende hierdie jare het sy hoofsaaklik gewerk met verslawing, psigiatrie/welstand en emosionele probleme van kinders.

Oor die laaste klompie jare het sy begin om haar kwalifikasies uit te brei en te fokus op veral kursusse in Oplettendheid en Asemhaling. Sy het ook ‘n diploma ontvang as Kliniese Hipnoterapeut van die King’s College in London. So ook sertifikasie as ‘n Heal Your Life Fasiliteerder in Wallis, VK. Sy het verdere sertifiserende kursusse voltooi, o.a. in Traumaterapie, Gevorderde Terapeutiese Spelterapie en Emosionele Intelligensie. Sy is ook ‘n geregistreerde Tibetaanse Klankgeneser en Reiki-praktikus.

Louise sien elke persoon as ‘n individu met eie spesiale behoeftes en haar passie is om individue d.m.v. ‘n holistiese benadering te help om hulle lewens te herstel. Sy is besonder geskool en stel diep belang daarin om individue wat sukkel met angstigheid en depressie te help om hulle innerlike vreugde te herwin.

Al wat jy hoef te doen, is om Breathing Space sommer dadelik te kontak vir ‘n gratis 30min virtuele konsultasie sodat jou reis na heling kan begin.

Louise Heunis

066 400 2483

