Clean Energy Corporation – Solar Panels and Mounting Structures Suppliers in South Africa

Clean Energy Corporation - Solar Panels and Mound Structures Suppliers in South Africa

Clean Energy Corporation – Solar Panels and Mounting Structures Suppliers in South Africa

Manufacturers of ground mounting solar structures and suppliers of solar panels, Clean Energy Corporation promises that what they don’t have, they’ll source for you.

They have been in the lightweight steel industry for more than 15 years and are confident that they can be a valuable partner to your company. Moreover, they are always looking for new ways to help their client’s businesses to succeed.

Solar Ground Mounting System – Fixed Tilt

  • Clean Energy Corporation manufactures and supplies reliable high-quality, and cost effective lightweight steel ground mounted solar structures in South Africa.
  • They use the FRAMECAD software to design their structures, consequently their designs are highly accurate, efficient and meet industry specifications.
  • Their designs are engineer tested to ensure their structures will last in African conditions.
  • They manufacture their structures from AZ150 or Z275 high-quality, lightweight, cold formed steel, using G550 yield strength steel.
  • Over and above their manufacturing capabilities, Clean Energy Corporation will also erect the structures should a client so choose. This will speed up your project timeframes as well as save on cost.
  • Due to the materials they use and the flat pack of bundles, they can load more tables than mild steel, saving you thousands on transport. Moreover, they can export to any country via road or ocean.

Solar Panels (and Other Solar Equipment)

  • Clean Energy Corporation works in partnership with large importers to supply solar panels (and other solar equipment) to the green energy market.
  • They do not deal with suppliers other than the original manufacturers.
  • To ensure that their products are always of the highest quality, they house the stock in clean and secure warehouses.
  • They make use of leader brands in the industry (who can back their promised warranty), such as Trinasolar, as well as LONGISolar, TW SOLAR, JinKOSolar and JASOLAR.

Clean Energy Corporation – Verskaffers van Sonkragpanele en Monteringstrukture in Suid-Afrika

Vervaardigers van grondgemonteerde sonkragstrukture en verskaffers van sonpanele. Clean Energy Corporation belowe dat wat hulle nie het nie, hulle vir jou sal bekom.

Hulle is al meer as 15 jaar in die ligte staalbedryf en is vol vertroue dat hulle ‘n waardevolle vennoot vir jou maatskappy kan wees. Daarbenewens soek hulle deurgaans na nuwe maniere om hul kliente se besighede te ondersteun en te laat slaag.

Produkte en Dienste

Sonkrag Grondmonteringstrukture

  • Clean Energy Corporation vervaardig en voorsien betroubare hoë kwaliteit, en koste-effektiewe ligte staal grondgemonteerde sonkragstrukture in Suid-Afrika.
  • Hulle gebruik die FRAMECAD-programmatuur om hul strukture te ontwerp, gevolglik is hul ontwerpe hoogs akkuraat, doeltreffend, en voldoen aan bedryfsspesifikasies.
  • Hul ontwerpe ondergaan ingenieurstoetse om te verseker dat hulle strukture in Afrika-toestande sal hou.
  • Hulle vervaardig hul strukture van AZ150 of Z275 hoë kwaliteit, ligte, koudgevormde staal, met gebruik van G550 breekkrag staal.
  • Bo en behalwe hul vervaardigingsvermoë, sal Clean Energy Corporation ook die strukture oprig sou ‘n kliënt so verkies. Dit sal jou projektydlyne versnel en kostes bespaar.
  • Danksy die materiaal wat hulle gebruik en die plat verpakking van bondels, kan hulle meer strukture as sagte staal laai, wat jou duisende op vervoer kan bespaar. Boonop kan hulle na enige land per pad of oseaan uitvoer.

Sonkragpanele (en Ander Sonkragtoerusting)

  • Clean Energy Corporation werk in vennootskap met groot invoerders om sonpanele (en ander sonenergie toerusting) aan die groenenergiemark te voorsien.
  • Hulle handel nie met ander verskaffers as die oorspronklike vervaardigers nie.
  • Om te verseker dat hul produkte altyd van die hoogste kwaliteit is, berg hulle die voorraad in skoon en veilige pakhuise.
  • Hulle maak gebruik van voorste handelsmerke in die bedryf (wat hul beloofde waarborg kan nakom), soos Trinasolar, sowel as LONGISolar, TW SOLAR, JinKOSolar, en JASOLAR.

Registration number 2020/901456/07
Gerhard Brits
Cell: 084 889 7768