Construction Dynamics Project and Site Management

Construction Dynamis Project and Site Management in Stilbaai

Construction Dynamics Project and Site Management

Project Management Company in George for any construction or property development, economical as well as upmarket. Construction Dynamics is a broad-spectrum consulting and management business handling all types of building projects. This site management and planning specialist, in essence offers you a one stop building solution.

Industrial trading handling all construction activities and services for on site requirements as a sub division for Construction Dynamics.

Construction Dynamics Background

The owner of Construction Dynamics has been in the building business since 1995. Over the years he has gained valuable experience in Construction Project Management as well as in the building industry. Due to his dedication to his business, his reputation for top quality workmanship comes as no surprise. He also has a reputation for completing projects on time and within the agreed upon budget.

Leon holds a Higher Diploma in Civil Engineering and is also registered with the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC). This body protects the rights of the home owner along with those of the builders. Leon takes this seriously, thus he strictly adheres to the building regulations and standards.

Construction Dynamics offers free quotes along with quality work at the best price possible. He works in George, Mossel Bay and the rest of the Garden Route area in the Western Cape.

Construction Dynamics Services

Project and Site Management

As a qualified and highly experienced builder, Leon can, of course, assist other builders, contractors and owner builders. He offers assistance with aspects such as:

  • Professional advice on conceptual designs along with programming and time management.
  • Cost planning and management including estimates of cost as well as budgets.
  • Supervision of building activities on site, including health and safety on site, material management as well as quality control.
  • As a qualified project manager, he can also plan and manage your construction project on site.
  • He uses an up-to-date programming system for proper planning. This, in turn, enables him to keep the client informed about the progress of the project.

Building and Construction

Construction Dynamics offers a comprehensive portfolio of building related services:

  • First of all, the size of your project makes no difference to them. To them each project is equally important, hence there is no difference in the quality of their work.
  • They undertake residential as well as commercial building projects.
  • New houses, apartments, flats, offices, complexes, stores, in short, any new building. They handle every aspect of such a project, from planning the project, to handing over the keys.
  • Furthermore they undertake alterations, renovations as well as additions to existing buildings. So, if you want to revamp the kitchen or bathroom, extend your home or build a granny flat, call them.
  • They also undertake maintenance work on properties. For a fresh new look, let them paint your property inside as well as out, roof and all. Or let them upgrade the floors with new tiles or cemcrete, and while they’re at it also pave the driveway?

Regular Building Related Activities

  • Laying the foundation befitting the type of building, e.g. single or multi-storey.
  • Masonry work using materials such as bricks, concrete blocks, building stone and more.
  • Plan and install the plumbing system as well as plumbing fixtures such as toilets, bathtubs, showers, basins, taps, sinks, etc.
  • Plan and install the electrical wiring system along with lighting and electrical equipment such as geysers and stoves.
  • Internal as well as external plastering and paintwork.
  • Flooring, for example tiles, carpets, cemcrete, wood, stone, brick, etc.
  • Install the ceilings using ceiling board, drywall, wood, bamboo, and many more.
  • Carpentry and timber work such as built-in cupboards, wooden floors, staircases, as well as decks, wood cladding and more.
  • Roofing (including trusses, rafters, etc.) using thatch, clay or concrete tiles, metal, etc. as well as installing the gutter system.
  • Stonework such as building with stone as well as stone cladding.
  • Interior finishing such as glazing, installation of doors, etc.
  • Exterior finishing like paving, installation of garage doors and water tanks, etc.
  • Concrete works such as concrete decking, veranda/patio (stoep) floor, retaining walls, garden walkways, fencing, etc.


Planning and executing required earthworks:

Platforms and excavations.

Concrete foundations

Collumns beams and slabs.
All general concrete work as well as specialised items.

Services planning and layouts, water Electricity and stormwater is very important in any project.

All types of building

Conventional as well as framed houses.
Roofing and ceilings.

Property development

Developing property from the initial stand to the finished house or complex

Infra structure

Roads, water and storm water projects.

Leon Kruger  –   Cell: 082 335 0747

Construction Dynamics – Projek- en Bouterreinbestuur in George

Boubesigheid in George vir enige konstruksie of eiendomsontwikkeling, ekonomies, en so ook luuks. Construction Dynamics is ‘n breëspektrum boukontrakteur wat alle tipes bouprojekte hanteer. So, hierdie bouperseelbestuur en -beplanningspesialis bied jou ‘n eenstop-bouoplossing.


Die eienaar van Construction Dynamics is reeds in die boubesigheid sedert 1995. Oor die jare het hy waardevolle ondervinding in Konstruksie Projekbestuur en so ook die boubedryf opgedoen. As gevolg van sy werkstoewyding, het hy ‘n reputasie opgebou vir topkwaliteit vakmanskap. So ook het hy die reputasie dat hy kontrakte op tyd en binne die gegewe begroting afhandel.

Leon het ‘n Hoër Diploma in Siviele Ingenieurswese en is ook geregistreer by die NHBRC. Hierdie liggaam beskerm die regte van die kliënt en so ook dié van die bouer. Leon neem dit ernstig op, dus hou hy streng by die voorgeskrewe bouregulasies en -standaarde.

Construction Dynamics gee gratis kwotasies en lewer kwaliteit werk teen die bes moontlike prys. Hy werk in George, Mosselbaai en die res van die Tuinroete in die Wes-Kaap.

Construction Dynamics – Dienste

Projek- en Bouterreinbestuur

As ‘n gekwalifiseerde en hoogservare bouer, kan Leon natuurlik hulp aan ander bouers, kontrakteurs en eienaarbouers verleen. Dus bied hy aan om te help met aspekte soos:

  • Professionele advies oor konseptuele ontwerpe tesame met programmering en so ook tydsbestuur.
  • Kostebeplanning en –bestuur wat kosteberaming en begrotings insluit.
  • Toesighouding oor bouaktiwiteite op boupersele, insluitende gesondheid en veiligheid. So ook die bestuur van materiaal sowel as gehaltebestuur.
  • As ‘n gekwalifiseerde projekbestuurder, kan hy ook jou bouprojek vir jou beplan en bestuur op jou bouperseel.
  • Hy maak gebruik van die jongste weergawe van sy rekenaarprogram om ‘n behoorlike plan op te trek. So word hy ook in staat gestel om die kliënt op hoogte te hou oor die vordering van sy projek.

Bouwerk en Konstruksie

Construction Dynamics bied ‘n omvattende portfolio van bouverwante dienste:

  • Eerstens, die grootte van jou projek maak nie vir hulle saak nie. So, vir hulle is elke projek ewe belangrik en verdien elke projek ewe hoë kwaliteit werk.
  • Hulle onderneem residensiële, en so ook kommersiële bouprojekte.
  • Nuwe huise, woonstelle, kantore, komplekse, store, in kort, enige nuwe gebou. Hulle hanteer elke aspek wat so ‘n projek behels. Van die beplanning van die projek tot die oorhandiging van die sleutel.
  • Verder onderneem hulle veranderings, opknappings en ook aanbouings aan bestaande geboue. So, vir daardie nuwe kombuis of badkamer, vergroting van jou huis of oumawoonstel, kontak hulle.
  • Hulle onderneem ook onderhoudswerk op eiendomme. Vir ‘n vars nuwe voorkoms, laat hulle jou huis binne en buite verf, en sommer die dak ook. Of laat hulle daardie verrinneweerde vloere opgradeer met nuwe teëls of cemcrete en sommer ook die inrit plavei.

Algemene Bouverwante Aktiwiteite

  • Lê van fondasies wat pas by die tipe gebou, bv. enkelverdieping, dubbelverdieping, en so meer.
  • Beplanning en installasie van die loodgieterstelsel en so ook alles wat daamee saamgaan soos baddens, toilets, wasbakke, storte, ens.
  • Beplanning en installasie van die elektriese bedradingstelsel en apparate soos geisers, stowe en beligting.
  • Interne en so ook eksterne pleisterwerk en verfwerk.
  • Installasie en bedekking van vloere soos teëls, matte, cemcrete, hout, klip, en so meer.
  • Slaan van plafonne met material soos hout, plafonbord, gipsbord, riete en baie meer.
  • Skrynwerk en houtwerk soos ingeboude kaste, houtvloere, -trappe, -dekke en so ook houtbedekking/bekleding (cladding).
  • Opsit van dakke (balke, kappe, ens. ingesluit) soos riet/grasdakke, klei- of betonteëls, metaal, ens., asook die geutstelsel.
  • Klipwerk soos klipbouwerk en klipbedekking/bekleding.
  • Binneafwerking soos insit van ruite en hang van deure, ens.
  • Buiteafwerking soos plaveisel, installering van garagedeure, watertenks, en dies meer.
  • Betonwerk soos betondekke, stoepe, stutmure, tuinpaadjies, heinings en so meer.

Leon Kruger

Cell: 082 335 0747