Fynbos Apteek

Fynbos Apteek / Pharmacy Stilbaai

A community pharmacy right in the middle of the busiest shopping centre in Still Bay, the Fynbos Centre. For the sake of the holiday makers, this is the shopping centre in which the Spar is located. Here you will find the best professional service from the pharmacists as well as the best quality medicines at competitive prices. Moreover, your health is their first and highest priority.

Bring your doctor’s prescription to Fynbos Pharmacy where their pharmacists are of course waiting to expertly and professionally attend to your need. Or maybe ask their advice on your ailment – they are highly trained and can often help you with minor problems.

Products at Fynbos Apteek / Pharmacy

Apart from prescription medicines, this grade A pharmacy also offers health products such as vitamin and mineral supplements and energy enhancers. Also hay fever and other allergy relief medicines, USN weight loss supplements as well as first aid or emergency products. Furthermore they stock the skincare products of the world accredited dermatologist, Dr Hardie De Beer, the Crème Classique range.

In addition to pharmaceuticals, Fynbos Pharmacy also sell gifts, beautiful jewellery, scarves and sarongs as well as hair products and sun protection. Also sun glasses, handbags and beauty products, perfume and make-up from Yardley, Revlon and Rommel.

Clinic at Fynbos Apteek / Pharmacy

There is also a clinic in the pharmacy where they offer a range of health care services such as dressing wounds, giving injections and immunisations. Also taking blood pressure, drawing blood, removing stitches, and do cholesterol and glucose tests. Likewise they do urine tests, haemoglobin tests, weighing, diabetic care as well as ear care.

Audiologist at Fynbos Apteek / Pharmacy

The audiologist, Susan Olivier, does hearing tests, hearing evaluation as well as hearing protection one week per month. She work on appointments only between 13H00 – 17H00. She also provides you with hearing aids as well as have your hearing aid serviced and repaired.

Apteek in die Fynbossentrum in Stilbaai

‘n Gemeenskapsapteek in die middel van die besigste koopsentrum in Stilbaai. Hulle voorsien medisyne op doktersvoorskrifte en kan ook advies gee t.o.v. sekere ongesteldhede. So verskaf hulle ook allerhande gesondheidsprodukte soos vitamien- en mineraalaanvullings, hooikoorsmedisyne en verslankingsprodukte. Ook velsorgprodukte, noodhulpprodukte, grimering, handsakke en geskenke, sonbrille, sonbrandprodukte en juwele.

Daar is ook ‘n kliniek wat gesondheidsdienste aanbied soos wondbedekkings, bloeddrukmetings, uithaal van steke, cholesterol- en glukosetoetse en bloedtrek. So ook diabetiese sorg, oorsorg, inspuitings, immuniserings, urientoetse, weeg en hemoglobientoetse.

Die oudioloog, Susan Olivier, doen ook gehoortoetse, gehoorevaluering en gehoorbeskerming op afspraak een week per maand tussen 13H00 en 17H00. Sy verskaf ook gehoorapparate en laat dit ook diens of herstel indien nodig.


Fynbos Sentrum




‘n Arrie Nel Apteek/Pharmacy

Tel: 028 754 1860 / 028 754 1436

Fax: 028 754 2878

E-mail: fynbosapteek@telkomsa.net