Gerhard Brits Building Contractors – Gerhard Brits Boukontrakteurs
Gerhard Brits Building Contractors in Still Bay – Gerhard Brits Boukontrakteurs in Stilbaai
Professional building contractor in Stilbaai specialising in building turnkey new residential as well as light industrial property. Gerhard Brits Projekte makes use of two methods of construction, namely conventional building and lightweight steel frame building. Not only are they builders, but also project managers, therefore their projects are delivered on time and within the budget.
About Gerhard Brits Projects
Gerhard Brits is a project manager and building contractor in Stilbaai, a popular developing coastal town in the Hessequa area. Hessequa is part of the Western Cape Garden Route district in South Africa. Not only do they construct new buildings, but they also build additions and do alterations to existing buildings.
Before coming to Stilbaai, Gerhard has worked in the corporate environment where he has managed and overseen large projects. He values customer satisfaction, is committed, service delivery orientated, reliable as well as an innovative problem solver. They work in Stilbaai, Jongensfontein, Riversdale as well as the rest of the Hessequa area.
Gerhard Brits Projects (GB Projekte) is, of course registered with the National Home Builders Registration Council (NHBRC). Also with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and works strictly according to the building regulations and standards.
Gerhard Brits Building Contractors – Gerhard Brits Boukontrakteurs – Services
Project Management
Before embarking on a project, Gerhard and his team put together a detailed construction plan. As a result they can avoid costly mistakes and ensure a positive final outcome. Every week they share an updated progress report with their client as well as all other stakeholders.
GB Projects also offers a professional project management service to other builders.
Conventional Buildings
This is one of the building methods this company uses. Conventional building refers to standard or ordinary construction, making use of brick and mortar, traditional material and regular floor plans.
Lightweight Steel Frame Buildings/Nutec Homes
Manufacturing of components like wall panels, trusses and floor joists happens in factories. These they erect and assemble on site to form structural wall panels and roof trusses. Much like in timber frame construction, they clad these lightweight steel frames with a range of cladding materials.
They do interior and exterior cladding as well as install insulation material in the wall cavity. Of course they also take care of electrical wiring as well as the plumbing system.
Because of the lightness of these structures they can (in most cases) build on top of existing foundations without alterations. Apart from saving on foundation costs, another advantage of these structures is that they are more resistant to movement.
New Buildings, Additions, Alterations, Renovations
Whichever building method they use, or whatever project they undertake, they deliver a turnkey product. They take care of every aspect involved in erecting a building, from the foundations until the client can move in.
Masonry, electrical wiring, plumbing, flooring, paintwork and tiling, carpentry, glazing, lighting as well as installing the ceilings. All interior along with exterior finishes, roofing, gutter system, paving and garage doors, also garden walls, gates, water tanks, etc.
Loose/Single Building Related Projects
Various building related activities can stand as a project on its own. GB Projects also undertakes such loose standing projects, no matter the size or importance. For the client even a small job is important, therefore they treat small jobs with the same care and precision.
Some examples of such activities:
- Paving work or maybe tiling work
- Need for extra built-in cupboards as well as shelving
- Paintwork, also
- Cladding work
- Need for a carport, pergola, lapa, fire pit, outdoor braai as well as garden walls or retaining walls
- Reparation/Replacement of a floor/roof
- Decking
- And many more…
GB Projects is awaiting your call!
Gerhard Brits Projekte – Building Contractors
Cell: 084 889 7768
Gerhard Brits Projekte – Boukontrakteurs in Stilbaai
Gerhard Brits is ‘n projekbestuurder en boukontrakteur in Stilbaai, ‘n gewilde ontwikkelende kusdorpie in Hessequa in die Wes-Kaapse Tuinroete. Hulle bou nie net nuwe geboue nie, maar so ook doen hulle aanbouings en veranderings aan bestaande geboue.
Voordat hy Stilbaai toe gekom het, het Gerhard in die korporatiewe omgewing gewerk en toesig gehou oor groot projekte. Hy heg groot waarde aan kliënttevredenheid, is toegewyd, diensgeoriënteerd, betroubaar en so ook ‘n innoverende probleemoplosser.
GB Projekte werk in Stilbaai, Jongensfontein, Riversdal en die res van die Hessequa-gebied.
Hulle is geregistreer by die NHBRC en so ook die CIDB en werk streng volgens die voorgeskrewe bouregulasies en -standaarde.
Gerhard Brits Projekte – Dienste
Voordat ‘n projek ‘n aanvang neem, trek Gerhard en sy span ‘n gedetailleerde konstruksieplan op. Dit help om duur foute te vermy en ‘n positiewe finale uitkoms te verseker. Elke week word die vordering opgedateer en met die kliënt en so ook die ander betrokkenes gedeel.
GB Projekte bied ook ‘n professionele projekbestuursdiens aan ander bouers.
Konvensionele Geboue
Dit is een van die metodes wat hierdie besigheid gebruik. Konvensionele bouwerk beteken standaard of gewone konstruksie, naamlik bakstene en sement, en so ook tradisionele materiaal en gewone vloerplanne.
Liggewig Staalraamwerk Geboue/Nutec-huise
Die maak van komponente soos muurpanele, kappe en dak- en vloerbalke gebeur in fabrieke. Dit word op die perseel aanmekaar gesit en opgerig om ’n stuktuur te vorm waarteen die muurpanele vaskom. Daar is verskillende materiale vir die bedekking van die mure.
Hierdie bedekking word binne en buite opgesit en tussenin installeer hulle insulasiemateriaal. So ook doen hulle die elektriese bedrading en installeer die loodgieterstelsel.
Die ligtheid van hierdie strukture maak dit meestal onnodig om fondamente aan te pas as jy boontoe wil bou. Nog ‘n voordeel behalwe vir besparing op fondasiekostes, is dat hulle meer bestand is teen beweging.
Nuwe geboue, Aanbouings, Veranderings, Opknappings
Watter boumetode hulle ookal gebruik of welke projek hulle onderneem, hulle lewer ‘n volledig voltooide produk. So, hulle sorg vir elke aspek betrokke in die oprigting van ‘n gebou. Beginnende by die fondamente tot op die dag wanneer die eienaar kan intrek.
Messelwerk, elektriese bedrading, loodgietery, bevloering, verfwerk en teëlwerk, skrynwerk, ruite insit, beligting en so ook plafonne slaan. Alle binne- en buiteafwerkings, dakke, geutstelsels, plaveisel en motorhuisdeure, tuinmure, hekke, watertenks, en so meer.
Enkel/Losstaande Bouverwante Projekte
Verskeie bouverwante aktiwiteite kan as projekte op hulle eie staan. GB Projekte onderneem ook sulke los projekte, maak nie saak hoe gering. Elke kliënt se behoeftes is vir hulle ewe belangrik, so hulle doen ewe veel moeite met elke projek.
Voorbeelde van sulke aktiwiteite:
- Plaveiwerk of so ook teëlwerk
- Behoefte aan ekstra ingeboude kaste of rakke
- Verfwerk, so ook
- Bedekking (cladding)
- Behoefte aan ‘n motorafdak, pergola, lapa, vuurput, buitebraaiplek, tuinmuur, stutmuur, en so meer
- Herstel/Vervanging van ‘n vloer/dak
- Bou van ‘n dek
- En nog baie meer…
Gerhard Brits Projekte wag vir jou oproep!
Gerhard Brits
Cell: 084 889 7768