HomeFix Builders Stilbaai – HomeFix Bouers Stilbaai
HomeFix Builders – Stilbaai
Building Company specialising in residential as well as industrial construction and maintenance of property. From turnkey new buildings to additions and alterations, Homefix Builders is ready to serve you. Thatch work, paintwork, flooring, plumbing, electrical wiring, carpentry, in short, any building related job is what they do. Christiaan and his team have even built a church with a separate little bell tower and all.
Stilbaai has been home to Homefix Builders for quite a while. This very popular, thus fast developing coastal town is in the Hessequa area in the Western Cape in South Africa.
Their work is neat, their projects completed on time as well as within the budget and their prices competitive. They work mainly in Stilbaai, Jongensfontein, Riversdale and immediate surrounding areas.
Homefix Builders – Services
- New houses – They take care of the overall package involved in erecting a new building. This includes the foundation, masonry, plasterwork, and paintwork as well as installation of doors and ceilings, glazing, flooring and lighting. Likewise installation of the electrical wiring system, plumbing system, as well as the roof, gutter system and garage doors. Also the carpentry work, and all interior and exterior finishing – even to the weathercock on top of the chimney.
- Additions – They will gladly create that extra living space, garage or granny flat, not to mention that loft space with bathroom.
- Renovations/Alterations – Another speciality of them is the renovation of existing kitchens and bathrooms. Imagine a modern cemcrete bathroom with frameless shower and sleek new taps. To say nothing about brand new built-in kitchen cupboards, sink and a cemcrete or tile floor.
- Maintenance and Repairs – They also handle any maintenance job such as fixing roof leaks or repair/replace thatch/other roofs. Likewise they repair/replace floors and ceilings, repaint houses and roofs, replace damaged roof rafters and trusses, etc.
Homefix Builders – Loose Building Related Jobs
Homefix Builders also accepts specific loose standing building related jobs – nothing is too insignificant for them. They are willing to assist with any job and will complete each job to the satisfaction of their client. Every client is important to them.
Examples of possible loose jobs:
- Let Homefix build that outdoor braai, fire pit or other garden structure such as a wood or steel structured pergola.
- Likewise let them erect that long needed carport.
- Not to mention that long desired lapa equipped with everything you need for a splendid braai every weekend.
- Homefix also builds decks.
- In addition they undertake paving/tiling jobs.
- Call them to insulate the roof.
- They take care of any odd paintwork as well.
- Cladding and stonework is also one of their expertise.
- Let them put up your fencing or build your perimeter walls or retaining walls.
- While they are at it, let them install water tanks at your property.
- Carpentry work – should you need some cupboards or shelves installed, again Homefix Builders is your answer.
Call Christiaan today and get it done!
Cell: 082 498 9124
Homefix Builders – Bouers in Stilbaai
Boubesigheid wat spesialiseer in residensiële en industriële konstruksie en so ook onderhoud van eiendom. Van volledige nuwe geboue, tot aanbouings en opnappings/veranderings, Homefix Bouers is gereed vir aksie. Dakdekwerk, verfwerk, vloere, loodgieterstelsels, elektriese bedrading, skrynwerk, in kort, enige bouverwante werk is wat hulle doen. Christiaan en sy span het selfs ‘n kerkie gebou met ‘n losstaande kloktorinkie en al.
Hulle werk is netjies, hulle projekte op tyd, en so ook binne die begroting voltooi, en hulle pryse is kompeterend. Homefix Bouers werk hoofsaaklik in Stilbaai, Jongensfontein, Riversdal en omliggende gebiede.
Homefix Bouers – Dienste
- Nuwe huise – Hulle sorg vir die totale pakket. Dit sluit in die fondasies, messel- en bouwerk, verfwerk en so ook die installasie van deure, plafonne en ruite. Ook die installasie van die bevloering, elektriese bedradingstelsel, loodgieterstelsel, beligting, bedakking, geutstelsel, garagedeure, ingeboude kaste en so meer. Verder doen hulle alle binneshuise- en buitenshuise afronding – selfs daardie weerhaan of rob op die skoorsteen.
- Aanbouings – Hulle skep graag daardie ekstra leefspasie, motorhuis of oumawoonstel, solderspasie met badkamer, en so meer.
- Opknappings/Veranderings – Verder spesialiseer hulle in die opknapping van bestaande badkamers en kombuise met moderne afwerkings soos cemcrete vloere, en so meer.
- Instandhouding en Herstelwerk – Homefix Bouers hanteer enige instandhoudingswerk soos die regmaak van daklekke en die herstel/vervanging van riet- en ander dakke. So ook herstel/vervang hulle vloere en plafonne, herverf huise en dakke, vervang beskadigde dakkappe en balke, ens.
Los Bouverwante Werke
Homefix Builders aanvaar ook losstaande bouverwante werk – niks is vir hulle te onbeduidend nie. So, hulle is gewillig om te help met enige los werk ook. Natuurlik is die Kliënt se tevredenheid vir hulle net so belangrik soos met groot projekte.
Voorbeelde van sulke los werke:
- Bou ‘n buitebraaiplek, vuurput of so ook enige ander tuinstruktuur soos ‘n pergola met ‘n hout- of staalraamwerk.
- Bou van ‘n motorafdak of enige ander afdak.
- Of daardie so lankbegeerde lapa met al die braaifieterjasies ingebou vir ‘n braai elke naweek.
- Homefix bou ook dekke.
- So ook doen hulle los plaveiwerk of teëlwerk.
- Kry hulle om die dak te insuleer om hitte en koue beter te kan beheer.
- Hulle doen ook los verfwerk.
- Bedekking (cladding) en so ook klipwerk is nog twee van hulle vaardighede.
- Laat hulle vir jou ‘n heining oprig, tuinmuur bou, asook stutmure waar dit benodig word.
- Terwyl hulle nou daar is, laat hulle sommer vir jou so ‘n paar watertenks ook oprig.
- Het jy iewers kaste of rakke wat jy wil inbou? Homefix Builders is weereens jou antwoord.
Skakel Christiaan vandag en kry die ding gedoen!
Cell: 082 498 9124