iALA Gap Year
iALA Gap Year
A bridge-year programme of self-discovery through adventure, in Still Bay, Western Cape where we developed a campus for adventure and outdoor training, consequently developing the potential of young adults.
International Academy for Leadership through Adventure
Many young people are uncertain about there future therefore needs guidance with the taking of important decisions. This includes further studies and career decisions or their personal search for meaning, therefore they need a gap year.
Others might just need to take a break and do something different from school or completed studies, yet still wish to do something meaningful that will improve their quality of life and develop their self-confidence.
Most of all a group of young adults will have a life-changing experience during 32 weeks of adventure.
We appoint presenters, team leaders and contracted instructors based on their knowledge and experience, healthy and balanced values, sober conduct and professionalism.
We use the approach of referrals to individuals since that can gives specialist attention to specific situations where needed.
iALA vision
The iALA gap year vision aims at making a difference in young people’s lives. AS a result we present a bridge-year program for young people who have completed their schooling or studies or who merely seek new challenges and now need head space to decide about their future.
iALA mission
Our mission is to sensitise young people about the fact that you can develop leadership while using adventure as a learning tool. We focus on making young people aware of their potential rather then their shortcomings therefore helping them on their way to success.
iALA objectives
By means of the iALA objectives an exciting environment is created that hones in on adventurousness, endurance, courageousness and having the desire to learn to do things that most people never manage throughout their entire lives. You will develop leadership and obtain qualifications and at the same time values and skills are acquired as a result of adrenaline that helps to stimulate positive expectations about life.
iALA Gap Year Credits, certificates and life skills include:
NAUI SCUBA Open water Certificate
SETA First Aid Level 3
Driver’s license and 4×4 training
iALA Hunting and Tracking Certificate
University of Stellenbosch Career Guidance Programme
And more…
iALA Brugjaar
Klaar met matriek en het ‘n oorbruggingsjaar nodig om ‘n betekenisvolle besluit oor jou toekoms te maak?
iALA in Stilbaai, Wes-Kaap op die Tuinroete kan jou help om jou potensiaal te ontdek. Ons glo in self-ontdekking deur avontuur. Ons aanbieders, spanleiers en gekontrakteerde instrukteurs is kundig en ervare, het gesonde en gebalanseerde waardes en is sober en professioneel.
Founded in 2008.
iALA campus is at Still Bay in the Western Cape.
Jan Heenop
082 455 2875