JDL Design & Photography

JDL Design & Photography

JDL Design & Photography in Stilbaai

Lecharl Neethling is well-grounded in Art, Graphic Design as well as Photography. While studying these art forms, she gathered the skills necessary for executing the services offered by JDL Design & Photography. As graphic designer she offers to design items such as business cards, letterheads, labels, flyers as well as logos, etc. She also does sketching and painting, creative digital scrap-booking, post cards and bookmarks as well as digital drawing of plans and much more.

In order for her to understand the needs of the customer, she will typically start off with an interview discussing the nature of the assignment. The designing process will start with a functional as well as aesthetically pleasing concept which she will propose to the client. The client then evaluates the proposed idea and some fine-tuning takes place until the client is completely satisfied with the end product.

JDL Design & Photography is located at ‘Wags and Whiskers’, a pet grooming service in Still Bay East. Still Bay is a coastal town and popular holiday destination in the Hessequa area along the Garden Route in the Western Cape.

The business is open from Tuesday to Saturday and closed on Sunday and Monday and she works by appointment only.

Designing for Businesses and Entrepreneurs

JDL Design & Photography offers to design the graphics appearing on various items for businesses and entrepreneurs.

Business cards

Any business owner, staff member, entrepreneur or even private individual needs a business card. It is that little card with the business logo and name, your name, telephone number as well as other company information. Slip one into the hand of a prospective client as a memory aid when your assistance is needed. The appearance of your business card can say a lot about your business or yourself, so rather have it designed by a professional.


Your business has to have a symbol or emblem or logo by which people will associate or identify your business and products. Discuss your ideas with this professional designer and make sure your logo is unique, clever and simple enough to recognise.


To have business stationery with a printed heading stating the name, address, contact info and logo saves time. If properly designed, it looks very professional and adds to the credibility of the communication. It is definitely worth spending some time and putting some thought into the appearance as well as content of the letterhead on your stationery.


The flyer or handout or leaflet advertising an event or product, is a form of advertisement that gets distributed widely. Put under wipers of cars in a public place or dropped into mailboxes or simply distributed by hand. This type of inexpensive advertisement should be carefully designed to catch the eye, otherwise it will only be chucked away. So, let JDL Design & Photography assist you with their creative ideas.


A clever way of advertising your business is to hand out calendars for the new year at the end of the current year. Such an almanac will typically show the days, weeks and months as well as school terms and public holidays. Also days which are of special interest to the business showing special events of the business during the year. And, very important, all relevant business information should also appear together with the logo.


This is perfect for entrepreneurs selling home baked or bottled food. It will add a lot of value to your product if you could add a label, or sticker or tag to your product. On this label or tag you state the name of the product, ingredients and allergens and even food value of the products. It looks really professional and will sell better than those without any information at all.

Designing for Individuals and Private Uses

Book covers

Need a digital cover for that masterpiece you want to publish online, or a printable design for the manuscript you are publishing yourself? Or a book cover for whatever other purpose, JDL Design & Photography is your answer. Contact them for a fresh idea and the perfect design to sell your book.

Lecharl Neethling

Cell: 071 516 5354


JDL Ontwerp & Fotografie – Stilbaai

Lecharls Neethling in goedgeskool in Kuns, Grafiese Ontwerp en so ook Fotografie. Tydens haar bestudering van hierdie kunsvorme, het sy die nodige vaardighede en kennis opgedoen om hierdie dienste te kan lewer. Dus, as grafiese ontwerper kan sy items ontwerp soos besigheidskaartjies, briefhoofde, etikette, logo’s, strooibiljette, en so meer. Sy doen ook sketse en skilderwerk, digitale plakboeke, teken digitale planne, ontwerp boekmerke, poskaarte, en so meer.

Maak ‘n afspraak met haar om dit wat jy verlang te bespreek sodat sy ‘n gevoel kan kry vir dit wat jy verlang, hetsy persoonlik of vir jou besigheid. JDL Design & Photography is by ‘Wags and Whiskers’, ‘n troeteldiersalon in Stilbaai-oos. Die besigheid is oop van Dinsdag tot Saterdag en sy werk slegs per afspraak.

Ontwerpe vir Besighede en Entrepreneurs

Sy ontwerp die grafika wat op verskillende items verskyn vir besighede en entrepreneurs.

Etikette vir produkte, en so meer

Lecharl Neethling

Cell: 071 516 5354