
Jongensfontein Reserve Trail – Jongensfontein Reservaat Staproete

Jongensfontein Staproete

Jongensfontein Reserve Trail – Jongensfontein Reservaat Staproete

Jongensfontein Reserve Trail - Jongensfontein Staproete Jongensfontein Reserve Trail – Jongensfontein Reservaat Staproete

Hiking trail, Mountain Bike trail, 4×2 and 4×4 trail in Jongensfontein. A small coastal town in Hessequa, Western Cape, South Africa, some 10 km from Still Bay. Developed along a stretch of rocky coast, ideal for rock fishing and surfing. A very popular holiday destination and gradually growing out of its storybook image as more and more people discover this exquisite treasure. Lots of holiday accommodation, a beach and tidal pool.

Jongensfontein Reserve Trail – Jongensfontein Reservaat Staproete Information

Under the auspices of The Still Bay Conservation Trust.

Starting Point – From the parking area at the entrance to the Reserve.

Distance – 1 to 5 kilometres of various short routes.

Time to Complete – 1 to 3 hours depending on the purpose of your hike.

Rating – Fairly easy to fairly difficult.

Useful Advice – Come with comfortable walking shoes, a hat as well as sunblock. Also bring water, snacks, your camera and your binoculars. Be on the lookout for snakes such as puff-adders and the big black mole snake. The mole snake will not harm you, but stay away from the poisonous puff-adders.

Permits – No permits necessary.

Regulations – Where applicable, regulations are displayed at entrance points. General rules with reference to nature conservation as well as consideration towards other hikers are applicable to all hiking routes.

Features – You will enjoy glorious sea views while walking through fynbos smelling their unique aroma. You might be fortunate enough to see some wildlife such as bushbuck, grysbok, mongoose and turtles. Also many different bird species, including sea-birds.

The Trail – The Jongensfontein Reserve borders on the western side of the town and stretches up to the sewage farm. Various routes are criss-crossing the Reserve and offer a breathtaking view of the Indian ocean as well as the fynbos. Hikers as well as mountain bikers can come and enjoy these routes. Also 4×2 and 4×4 vehicles, but regretfully no regular vehicles are allowed because of the roughness of the terrain. There is clear signage to show which roads may be used for driving.

Jongensfontein Staproete

Foto : Deon Begemann

Jongensfontein Reservaat Staproete

Onder beskerming van die Stilbaai Bewaringstrust.

Stappers, bergfietryers en so ook 4×2 en 4×4 voertuie kan van die roete in hierdie reservaat gebruikmaak. Daar is duidelike aanwysings wat aandui watter roete deur die voertuie gebruik mag word. Geen gewone voertuie word toegelaat nie as gevolg van die ruwe terrein.

Die roete begin by die parkeerplek by die ingang tot die Reservaat. Die hele roete is so 5km en daar is verskeie korter en langer paadjies wat die hele reservaat deurkruis. Kom baie beslis met gemaklike skoene, ‘n hoed en sonblok en so ook water, jou kamera en verkyker vir die voëltjies.

Op die roete is daar pragtige seeuitsigte, fynbos en sommige kleinwildlewe en baie soorte voëls. Die Reservaat grens aan die westelike kant van Jongensfontein en strek to by die rioolplaas.

Jongensfontein Reserve Trail – Jongensfontein Reservaat Staproete