Lawn It

Lawn it - Instant Lawn in Stilbaai

Lawn It! – Instant Lawn Specialists in Stilbaai

Supplies, delivers and installs instant grass as well as handle landscaping, irrigation and chemical weed control aspects related to lawns. Lawn It! is in the couch grass business offering the best instant turf for residential lawns, sports grounds, parks and businesses. No lawn is too big or too small for them to roll out their instant natural lawn. It might be a small decorative lawn enhancing your garden’s appearance. Or else it might be part of the garden layout on the grounds of a new housing development. Or maybe simply part of the golf course that needs replacement because of damage to the existing green.

Lawn It! provides the best healthy, quality natural instant grass at competitive prices. The price of course depends on whether you do the installation yourself, or want Lawn It! to install the lawn for you.

They can supply grass throughout the year as long as their stock lasts and they work around Jongensfontein, Still Bay, Riversdale and surrounding areas.

Lawn It! Services

This company provides, delivers as well as installs natural instant lawns:

  • In residential, commercial as well as public gardens as decorative lawns
  • Public as well as private and business recreational parks
  • New housing developments
  • New commercial developments
  • Sports grounds, golf courses, bowling greens, rugby fields, etc.
  • Repairing existing lawns or parts of lawns damaged beyond saving
  • Anywhere there is a need for natural permanent instant lawn (couch grass is a running grass which makes it very difficult to eradicate)

Their services related to natural lawns include:


Their landscaping service does not refer to garden layout as such. It simply refers to landscaping around the instant lawns they provide and install. Landscaping in this sense refers to the preparation of the soil before the grass can be laid. With the help of a ground tiller or Rotavator they breakup, churn as well as aerate the soil where-after they level the ground so that the lawn will be without bumps.

Once the soil is ready for the grass, they pack the turf blocks or sods neatly fitted together to completely cover the ground set out for the lawn. They make sure that there are no gaps anywhere as this could trip a person walking on the lawn. The new lawn takes about month to establish properly during which time you should make sure the grass is watered regularly.

They have the machines and other equipment as well as the professional knowledge and skill to deliver a perfect instant lawn. Furthermore they can advise you on the best way to care for the lawn and thus ensure that you always have a perfect lawn.

Call them today and bring some green joy into your life!


Their irrigation service is only related to lawns, in other words irrigation as needed for your lawn or for large lawns such as sports grounds, parks, etc. They do not install the simple irrigation systems typically used to water flower/garden beds.

Lawn It! takes care of all aspects of the irrigation system when installing a lawn system. They have the knowledge as well as the equipment to install the complete system that will water said lawn at previously set times. And of course for previously set periods.

Let them install an irrigation system together with the lawn for your convenience. Also for peace of mind to keep your lawn watered even while you are not at home for a lengthy period.

A properly planned and placed, well installed irrigation system is paramount for large sports fields such as rugby fields, bowling greens, etc. Of course they also install irrigation systems for existing lawns, sports grounds, parks, etc.

For a healthy, luscious green lawn all year round, call them today!

Chemical Weed Control

One of the main problems with maintaining a healthy and luscious lawn, is the constant fight against weeds. If not addressed properly as well as regularly, they will soon completely invade the lawn and spoil or destroy it.

Lawn It! has the knowledge as well as the equipment to assist you in the fight against broad leaf weeds. They spray them with a chemical weed killer that will not kill the grass as well. Protect your beautiful lawn – call the lawn specialists now!

About Their Grass

Lawn It! supplies couch grass, also called cynodon dactylon and kikuyu grass. This grass type is drought tolerant as well as resistant to wear and recovers quickly when damaged. Couch grass does well in sunny areas. In short, if you care well for your grass, fertilise, water and mow correctly, you will always have a healthy green lawn.

The ‘grass factory’ where they grow the grass is located near the Jongensfontein Golf Course. The extensive flowing stretch of neatly mowed green lawn brings to mind a long runway. Couch grass has a shallow running root system thus making it possible to ‘harvest’ and replant successfully. From this vast grass strip they scrape off sods of grass just under their roots, then load them on a truck for delivery. Of course they cultivate new grass on the open strips of soil to ensure a continuous supply of grass ready for replanting.

Danie van Kraayenberg

Cell: 071 633 8153

Lawn It! – Kitsgrasspesialiste in Stilbaai

Voorsien, lewer af en installeer kitsgras en hanteer gronduitleg, besproeiing en chemiese onkruidbeheer t.o.v. grasperke. Lawn It! is in die kweekgras besigheid en bied die beste kitsgras vir huistuine, sportgronde, parke en so ook besighede. Geen grasperk is te groot of te klein vir hulle nie.

Hulle verskaf die beste kwaliteit gesonde, natuurlike kitsgras teen kompeterende pryse. Pryse hang natuurlik daarvan af of jy dit self lê en of hulle dit vir jou moet doen. Hulle verskaf gras dwarsdeur die jaar so lank as wat hulle voorraad gras hou in Jongensfontein, Stilbaai, Riversdal en onmiddelikke omgewings.

Lawn It! Dienste

Hierdie besigheid voorsien, lewer af en installeer natuurlike kitsgras vir grasperke:

  • In tuine by woonhuise, besighede en so ook openbare geboue
  • Openbare, kommersiële en privaat ontspanningsparke
  • Nuwe woonkomplekse
  • Nuwe kommersiële komplekse
  • Sportgronde, gholfbane, rolbalbane, rugbyvelde, en so meer
  • Herstel van dele van bestaande grasperke of grasperke wat totaal beskadig/dood is
  • Enige plek waar daar ‘n behoefte is vir ‘n permanente kitsgrasperk (kweekgras is baie moeilik om uit te roei)

Hulle dienste met betrekking tot grasperke sluit in:


Die gronduitlegdiens sluit slegs grasperke in. Dit verwys na die voorbereiding van die grond, die omdolwe, belugting en so ook gelykmaking voordat die sooie gelê kan word. As die grond gereed is, lê hulle die sooie netjies teenmekaar totdat die grond heeltemal bedek is en geen gapings gelaat is nie.

Die kitsgras neem so omtrent ‘n maand om gevestig te raak waartydens jy seker moet maak dat dit genoeg water kry.

Kontak hulle nou vir daardie kitsgrasperk!


Hulle besproeiingsdiens is slegs t.o.v. Grasperke, en sluit nie die fyn besproeiingstelsel van blomtuine in nie. Hierdie besigheid hanteer al die aspekte van die hele besproeiingstelsel vir grasperke.

Laat hulle vir jou ‘n besproeiingstelsel aanlê wat op gegewe tye aangaan en afgaan en so die druk van jou afhaal veral wanneer jy vir lang tye weg moet gaan.

Bel hulle sommer vandag!

Chemiese Onkruidbeheer

Een van die grootste vyande van ‘n gesonde en malse grasperk, is onkruid. As dit nie gereeld aangespreek word nie sal dit op die ou einde jou grasperk oorneem en so dit bederf of selfs heeltemal vernietig.

Lawn It! het die kennis en toerusting om jou te help met die breëblaar onkruid. Hulle spuit dit met ‘n chemiese onkruidgif wat nie jou gras ook doodmaak nie. So, kontak die grasperkspesialiste nou en red jou kosbare grasperk.

Oor Hulle Gras

Lawn It! verskaf kweekgras, ook genoem cynodon dactylon en kikoejoegras. Hierdie gras is droogtetolerant, bestand teen verwering en herstel vinnig van beskadiging. Kweekgras hou van son. As jy dit gereeld bemes, reg sny en so ook die regte hoeveelheid water gee, sal jy altyd ‘n gesonde groen grasperk hê.

Die ‘grasfabriek’ waar die kitsgras gekweek word, is naby die Jongensfontein Gholfbaan. Die lang, vloeiende strook netjies gesnyde groen gras lyk kompleet soos ‘n landingstrook. Kweekgras het ‘n vlak kruipende wortelstelsel wat dit maklik maak om dit te ‘oes’ en te herplant. Dit word in blokke afgeskraap net so onder die wortels, op ‘n trok gelaai en na die bestemming geneem. In die kaal stroke word weer nuwe gras gekweek om so te verseker dat daar altyd gras beskikbaar is.

Danie van Kraayenberg

Cell: 071 633 8153