Lighthouse Electronics Mossel Bay
Lighthouse Electronics Mossel Bay
Specialist installers of DStv, CCTV and access control systems along with electric fencing. Lighthouse Electronics also specialises in the installation of gate and door automation and audio visual systems. In addition they provide and install various wireless internet packages and services. Not only do they provide and install these services, but they also offer backup support and an excellent aftersales service.
13 Parsons Avenue,
Voorbaai Mossel Bay
Western Cape
Lighthouse Electronics and MultiChoice
Since 2016 Lighthouse Electronics is operating in conjunction with MultiChoice. The two sections of Multichoice, namely the DStv Agency and DStv Installers are in separate shops in the same building.
Together they offer innovative next generation technology to those in need of digital transformation. Of course they are accredited MultiChoice installers also offering subscriber care and aftersales service. By the way, keep in mind that MultiChoice does not support non-accredited installers/installations.
Service excellence, reliability, availability, quality and real value for money is what you can expect from this company. Moreover, for installations they use quality products from selected suppliers and offers a three months guarantee on their workmanship.
The business is opposite Langeberg Mall in Voorbaai, Mossel Bay. They have four teams of technicians doing installations all over Greater Mossel Bay as well as all adjacent areas.
Mossel Bay with its rich history is a very popular and picturesque coastal town right in the heart of the Western Cape Garden Route.
Lighthouse Electronics Services
DSTV Installations
- They are accredited DStv installers with more than 20 years’ experience. First of all they do residential installations, supplying and installing quality products.
- Furthermore they specialise in DStv installations in multiunit dwellings such as apartment blocks, guest lodges, hotels, etc.
- Call them now for a quotation.
Access Control Systems
- Lighthouse Electronics supplies, plans, installs and repairs residential as well as commercial access control systems. The function of these are to keep unauthorised persons out, thus protecting your property/workplace.
- They offer a wide range of products as well as options, for instance voice only intercoms or video intercoms.
- Their products support RFID standards as well as biometric readers, or else a combination of the two.
- Let them give you a quote – the price will surprise you!
Audio-Visual Systems
- Again, Lighthouse Electronics supplies and installs audio-visual systems for all residential as well as commercial audio-visual needs. They are, in fact, experts in AV system design and installation.
- They offer the latest technology in audio equipment for home theatre entertainment as well as multizone audio systems.
- Likewise they are experts in business AV systems such as PA systems, conference room systems, speciality displays, amplification, etc.
- Installation products and equipment include items such as speakers, subwoofers, sound bars, cabling as well as remote control equipment.
- Ask for a quote straightaway and never look back!
CCTV Security Systems
- Lighthouse Electronics offers a whole range of the latest technology surveillance CCTV security systems.
- Their qualified and experienced technicians do installations at residential as well as commercial properties across the Garden Route.
- Their CCTV installations are reliable and affordable and gives you the opportunity of surveillance of your property from any place.
- Contact them for a quote today and protect your family and property.
Automation Systems
- Looking for automation specialists to install or repair your gate’s or garage door’s automation system?
- Lighthouse Electronics provides, installs as well as repairs a range of security gate and garage door automation systems. Including, of course, the controls such as keypads and remote controls, etc.
- Call them for a quote today and enjoy the convenience of automation.
Electric Fencing
- These people are effective and reliable perimeter security specialists.
- They supply, install and repair electric fencing at homes as well as corporate parks, complexes, industrial premises, etc.
- Correctly installed electric fencing offers protection from intruders in most cases. So, make sure they install the fencing at your property.
- Ask them for a quote, you can only gain!
Wireless Internet Provision
- They are leaders in providing a high-speed residential as well as business internet service.
- Their Wireless internet services cover the whole of Mossel Bay from Heiderand through to Reebok.
- They offer a handsome variety of capped as well as uncapped wireless packages.
- Solve your internet struggles today – ask them for a quote!
Tel: 044 695 2718
Working Hours
Mondays – Fridays: 08:00 – 17:00
Saturdays: 08:00 – 12:00
Sundays and Public Holidays: Closed
17 Bolton Road
Shop 1 Rochtrei Building
Mossel Bay
Lighthouse Electronics – Elektroniese installasies in Mosselbaai
Sedert 2016 werk Lighthouse Electronics saam met MultiChoice. Die twee MultiChoice-afdelings, naamlik die DStv Agentskap en DStv Installeerders is in verskillende winkels in dieselfde gebou.
As geakkrediteerde MultiChoice-installeerders bied hulle ook intekenaarsorg en top naverkopediens. So terloops, MultiChoice bied geen ondersteuning aan installasies wat deur nie-geakkrediteerde installeerders gedoen is nie.
Hulle lewer uitstekende diens, is betroubaar, hulle gebruik kwaliteit produkte en so ook is daar ‘n 3 maande waarborg op hulle vakmanskap.
Die besigheid is regoor Langeberg-mall in Voorbaai, Mosselbaai. Hulle vier tegniese spanne doen installasies dwarsoor groter Mosselbaai en aangrensende gebiede.
Lighthouse Electronics Dienste
DStv Installasies
- Hulle is geakkrediteerde DStv-installeerders met meer as 20 jaar ondervinding.
- Hulle voorsien en installeer kwaliteit produkte by woonhuise, woonstelblokke, hotelle, gastehuise en so meer.
- Bel hulle sommer nou vir ‘n kwotasie.
- Lighthouse Electronics voorsien, beplan, installeer sowel as herstel toegangsbeheerstelsels by wonings en besighede om ongemagtigde persone uit te hou.
- Hulle bied ‘n wye reeks produkte asook opsies, byvoorbeeld steminterkoms of beeld-en-steminterkoms en so meer.
- Die produkte gebruik RFID of biometriese skandeerders, of so ook ‘n kombinasie van die twee.
- Laat hulle vir jou ‘n kwotasie gee – die prys sal jou verras!
Oudiovisuele Stelsels
- Weereens, Lighthouse Electronics voorsien en installeer oudiovisuele stelsels vir alle woonplek- en besigheidsbehoeftes. Om die waarheid te sê, hulle is deskundiges in die ontwerp van oudiovisuele stelsels.
- Hulle bied die nuutste tegnologie in klanktoerusting vir tuisteatervermaak en multisones.
- Verder is hulle deskundiges in besigheidstelsels soos konferensiekamerstelsels, klankversterking, interkoms, en so meer.
- Vra vandag vir ‘n kwotasie en kyk nooit weer terug nie!
- Lighthouse Electronics bied ‘n hele reeks jongste tegnologie veiligheidstelsels in die vorm van kringtelevisiestelsels.
- Hulle gekwalifiseerde en ervare tegnici doen installasies by woonplekke en so ook besighede dwarsoor die Tuinroete.
- Die kringtelevisie-installasies is betroubaar en bekostigbaar en jy kan natuurlik ook so jou eiendom van enige plek af dophou.
- Kontak hulle vir ‘n kwotasie sommer vandag nog en beskerm so jou gesin en eiendom.
- Op soek na iemand om die oop- en toemaak van jou hek of motorhuisdeur te outomatiseer?
- Lighthouse Electronics voorsien, installeer, asook herstel ‘n reeks outomatiese beheerstelsels vir veiligheidshekke en motorhuisdeure.
- Bel hulle vandag nog vir ‘n kwotasie en geniet die gemak van outomatisering.
Elektriese Heinings
- Hierdie mense is effektiewe en betroubare perimeter/grensheining veiligheidspesialiste.
- Hulle voorsien, installeer en herstel elektriese heinings by huise, besighede, komplekse, industriële persele en so meer.
- Korrekgeїnstalleerde heinings bied in meeste gevalle beskerming teen indringers, so maak seker hulle spesialiste installeer jou elektriese heining.
- Kry ‘n kwotasie vandag nog – jy kan net baat!
Draadlose Internetvoorsiening
- Lighthouse Electronics is voorste voorsieners van hoëspoed internetdienste aan besighede en so ook woonplekke.
- Hulle draadlose internetdienste dek die hele Mosselbaai vanaf Heiderand tot by Reebok.
- Verder bied hulle ‘n gawe verskeidenheid beperkte, sowel as onbeperkte draadlose internet pakkette aan.
- So, vra hulle vandag nog vir ‘n kwotasie en laat hulle jou internetprobleme oplos.
Tel: 044 695 2718
Maandae – Vrydae: 08:00 – 17:00
Saterdae: 08:00 – 12:00
Sondae en Publieke Vakansiedae: Closed
17 Bolton Road
Shop 1 Rochtrei Building
Mossel Bay