Maré Squared Accounting Solutions

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Maré Squared Accounting Solutions in Stilbaai, Jongensfontein & Throughout South Africa.

Chartered Accountant and Tax Practitioner offering a range of business as well as personal accounting services. Maré Squared Accounting Solutions include accounting services such as monthly bookkeeping and payroll functions. Also company and personal tax issues, financial statements, financial advice, operational controls, implementation of business processes, etc.

Denise Maré holds a B.Com Acc Honours degree from RAU (UJ) and has more than a decade’s experience in accounting and auditing. She believes in personal interaction with clients and is passionate about her work. Denise is registered with SAICA (South African Institute of Chartered Accountants) as a Chartered Accountant. She is also registered with SARS as a Tax Practitioner. With her as your accountant, you are certainly in expert hands.

Although she currently lives in Jongensfontein in the Hessequa area in the Western Cape Garden Route, she offers her online accounting services country-wide.

Contact Maré Squared Accounting Solutions for accounting expertise and personalised services that will save you time, money as well as lots of frustration.

Maré Squared Accounting Solutions Services

This accounting company offers a range of personal as well as business accounting services. Top quality service, speedy turnaround time, personal consultation as well as around the clock attention.

Bookkeeping Services in Stilbaai, Riversdale & Jongensfontein

  • Outsourcing your accounting functions will save you time as well as money
  • Let them set up a cloud accounting system streamlining your data capturing process
  • They perform the monthly record keeping
  • This enables you to report on your business in, or close on, real time

Accounts Management

  • They issue monthly management accounts
  • You always have current knowledge for making quick informed decisions at your finger tips
  • Key drivers – budget, cash flow forecast, also GP percentages, etc.
  • Moreover, they will have management meetings with you to discuss progress, analyse performance and also offer sound advice

Payroll services

Maré Squared Accounting Solutions offers full outsourced payroll services such as

  • Processing the monthly payroll as well as
  • Issuing encrypted salary slips
  • Month-end reports
  • Submit biannual IRP5 reconciliation to SARS
  • File PAYE, UIF, also SDL, etc.

Tax services in Still Bay, Riversdale & Jongensfontein

  • Calculate and also submit Provisional tax returns as well as
  • Company tax and also
  • Dividend taxes
  • Calculate as well as submit Personal income tax
  • VAT returns
  • Income tax certificates
  • Compile and submit Annual Financial Statements

Business processes

  • They assist with the implementation of business processes for optimisation
  • Also suggest more efficient operational controls as well as
  • Point out where cost can be cut
  • They also offer sound business advice
  • Moreover they set up Last Wills & Testaments
  • Draft contracts as well as
  • Minutes of meetings, etc.

New company set-up

Applying their online registration procedure, they will assist with:

  • New company registration as well as
  • Statutory registrations such as
  • SARS (South African Revenue Service)
  • Compensation Fund
  • PAYE (Pay As You Earn)
  • UIF (Unemployment Insurance Fund)
  • SDL (Skills Development Levy)
  • VAT (Value-added Tax)

Maré Squared Accounting Solutions – Rekenmeester in Stilbaai, Jongensfontein, Riversdal en Hessequa.

Geoktrooieerde rekenmeester en belasting praktisyn wat haar boekhoudienste aanbied aan persone of besighede. Denise Maré het ‘n B.Com Acc Honeursgraad en reeds meer as ‘n dekade ondervinding in boekhouding en ouditering. Sy is geregistreer by SAIGR as ‘n Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeester en so ook by die Suid-Afikaanse Inkomstediens as Belastingpraktisyn.

Hoewel sy huidiglik in Jongensfontein in die Wes-Kaap Tuinroete woonagtig is, bied sy haar dienste landwyd aan aangesien sy alles aanlyn doen. Kontak Maré Squared Accounting Solutions vir boekhoudingsbedrewenheid en verpersoonlikte dienste en bespaar so jouself baie tyd, geld en frustrasie.

Maré Squared Accounting Solutions – Rekenmeester en Boekhou Dienste

Hierdie rekenmeestersbesigheid bied ‘n reeks boekhoudingsdienste aan vir privaat persone of besighede. Topgehalte diens, vinnige omkeertyd, persoonlike konsultering en so ook aandag te alle tye.

Boekhoudingsdienste in Stilbaai, Riversdal en Jongensfontein.

Uitkontraktering van jou boekhoudingsfunksie sal beslis vir jou tyd en geld spaar. Laat hulle vir jou ‘n boekhoudingstelsel in die wolk opstel waar jou maandelikse rekordhouding gedoen word en jy so enige tyd toegang kan kry tot die posisie van jou besigheid.

Bestuur van Rekeninge

Maré Squared dien maandelikse verslae in. Jy het altyd toegang tot die nuutste inligting en kan ingeligte besluite neem. So ook hou hulle bestuursvergaderings met jou om die vordering van jou besigheid te bespreek, die prestasie te analiseer en advies te gee.


Hulle dienste sluit in uitgekontrakteerde betaalstaatdienste soos prosessering van die maandelikse besoldigingstaat en salarisstrokies. So ook maandverslae en halfjaarlikse IRP5 rekonsiliasie aan die Inkomstediens. Verder sorg hulle vir die LBS, WVF, Vaardigheidsontwikkelingsheffing, ens. bydraes.

Belastingdienste in Stilbaai, Jongensfonteine en Hessequa

Hulle bereken en dien in voorlopige belasting, besigheidsbelasting, persoonlike belasting, dividendebelasting, BTW en so ook jaarlikse finansiële state.


Maré Squared Accounting Solutions help met die implementering van besigheidsprosesse asook meer effektiewe operasionele kontroles. So ook gee hulle besigheidsadvies, wys uit waar kostes besnoei kan word, stel testamente, kontrakte en notules op, ens.

Op die Been Bring van ‘n Nuwe Besigheid

M.b.v. hulle aanlyn registrasieprosedure help hulle graag met die registrasie van nuwe besighede en so ook die vereiste registrasies wat daarmee gepaard gaan. Dit sluit in:

  • Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens
  • Kompensasiefonds
  • LBS (Lopende betaalstelsel of Werknemersbelasting)
  • Werkloosheidsversekeringsfonds
  • BTW (Belasting op toegevoegde waarde)
  • Vaardigheidsontwikkelingsheffing

Denise Maré CA(SA) 

Cell: 082 447 1230 (Western Cape Office)

Cell: 082 466 2215 (Gauteng Office)

Office Hours:

Mon – Fri: 8am – 5pm