Moerby Trading Co Hartenbos
Moerby Trading Co Hartenbos
Coffee Shop, Deli, Home Industry as well as Outdoor Equipment Shop in Hartenbos. Right next to Mossel Bay on the N2 along the well-known Garden Route in the Western Cape, South Africa. All under one roof in a neat bluish-grey barn-like building with high windows, one of a selection of shops in the Hartenbos Seafront retail centre.
Moerby Trading Co Coffee Shop and Deli
The Coffee Shop or café menu offers one delicious treat after the other. Try a slice of their wide variety of freshly baked cakes and tarts such as carrot cake, chocolate cake and red velvet cake. Also milk tart and their special Banting cheese cake.
Add something to drink from their variety of choices such as filter coffee, cappuccino, tea, rooibos cappuccino as well as hot chocolate and mango freezo, to name but a few.
They also serve light meals such as mouthwatering wraps, breakfast wraps, omelettes, toasted sandwiches and curry vetkoek. Also filled pancakes, quiche and salad, home baked pies, chicken strips or fish and chips as well as soups like vegetable soup and bean soup and more.
Furthermore they make bread/sandwich platters which are ideal for any event at home or at the office. You can also arrange with them for functions like birthday celebrations to be held at the coffee shop.
The Deli offers various items to die for such as biltong, dry wors, chilli sauces, olives and garlic stuffed olives. Also jams, bottled fruit and vegetables, cookies/biscuits, rusks, braai spices and gluten-free cookies/biscuits, etc.
Moerby Trading Co Outdoor Equipment Store
The shop trades in various interesting, reasonably priced items for those leaning more towards the outdoor life such as braai and camping equipment.
They offer a huge range of braai accessories such as grid brushes, fire-lighters, braai grids, braai mats, and braai tongs. Also braais using wood or briquettes, gas braais, iron pots (potjies) of different sizes and shapes. Also on offer they have a very interesting gadget called a piggy bread oven. You can always surprise the man in the house with an espatada braai which in South African terms would be called a sosatie braai. Espatada is the Portuguese word for cooking food on skewers.
Their camping equipment includes items such as camping chairs, non electrical kettles, cool boxes, coffee mugs with lids and butcher blocks. Also aluminium casserole dishes, iron saucepans with lids and a Recce recipe book. And a very amusing ‘mystical fire’ making for a colourful camp-fire. Simply throw a pack of mystical fire into the camp-fire and enjoy the excitement.
The Moerby Trading Co Hartenbos is very much focusing on the male of the species what with all the beard products from The Captain’s Beard. Spoil your man with some beard oil to keep the beard soft, shiny and smooth. While you are at it, also get him the beard comb, balm, soap and tonic to complete the treatment of his pride and joy. These products will keep the skin underneath the beard from drying out and getting itchy and flaky.
Gas Bottle Refills
Come to Moerby Trading Co Hartenbos to have your gas bottles refilled or exchanged. They are at your service with the best prices in town.
Moerby Pensioners’ Day
Moerby Trading Co Hartenbos hasn’t forgotten their elderly, very valuable clients, the pensioners. Every Wednesday is Pensioners’ Day at Moerby Coffee Shop!
Cell: 083 564 6462
Moerby Hours
Monday through Saturday – 07:00 to 18:00
Sunday – 07:00 to 15:00
Moerby Koffiewinkel en Handelaars in Toerusting vir Buitelugaktiwiteite
Koffiewinkel, Deli, Tuisnywerheid en so ook Kampeer en Braaitoerustinghandelaars in Hartenbos. Alles onder een dak in die Hartenbos Seefront winkelsentrum.
Die koffiewinkel verkoop heerlike koek en tert saam met koffie of tee. Hulle het ook heerlike Banting kaaskoek. Verder bedien hulle ligte maaltye soos kerrie vetkoek, gevulde pannekoek, geroosterde toebroodjies en so ook lekker boontjiesop.
Hulle maak ook toebroodjieborde en bied ook funksies soos verjaarsdagvierings aan.
Die deli verkoop verskeie lekkernye soos biltong, droëwors, brandrissiesouse, olywe en so ook knoffelgestopte olywe. Ook konfyte, glutenvrye koekies, beskuit, braaispeserye, ens.
Moerby Trading verkoop ook ‘n groot verskeidenheid braaitoerusting en braaigereedskap. So ook verskillende soorte braaiers en potte en kastrolle. Ook sosatiebraaiers en varkie-oondjies om brood in te bak.
So ook ‘n verskeidenheid kamptoerusting soos kampstoele, gasstofies en ook ‘mystical fire’ wat ‘n kleurvolle vuur maak as dit in die vuur gegooi word.
Verder hou hulle ook The Captain’s Beard baardprodukte aan soos baardolie, baardkamme, seep, balm en tonikum om die manne se velle onder die baard gesond te hou.
Gasbottels kan ook hier gevul of omgeruil word teen die beste pryse in die dorp. En Woensdae is pensioenarisdag by Moerby Koffiewinkel!
Cell: 083 564 6462