
Motors en Trekkers Shell Dienstasie

Motors en Trekkers Shell Garage

Motors en Trekkers Shell Dienstasie

Motors en Trekkers Shell Garage

Motors en Trekkers Shell Diensstasie

Gas station in Riversdale on the N2, offering fuel like diesel and petrol, oil, a 24/7 convenience store, truck-stop as well as puncture repairs, car batteries and a battery recharging facility.

Pull off for a fuel-up and refreshment at the conveniently situated Shell garage on the N2 in Riversdale. They can even fix a puncture for you, or likewise, recharge a battery. They have oil, 50PPM low sulphur VP diesel, petrol as well as car batteries available.

Feel free to make use of the 24/7 convenience store where you can buy cooldrink, chips, sweets, bottles water, cigarettes as well as take-away food.

This service station is also a truck-stop where drivers can rest and refresh themselves on the long way to their destination.

Furthermore they deal in new and used cars as well as tractors and farm implements.

In addition they also have a car wash.


Motors en Trekkers Shell Diensstasie in Riversdal op die N2 Hoofweg in die Wes-Kaap op die Tuinroete.
Hulle voorsien brandstof soos petrol en diesel, olie, sowel as die regmaak van pap bande, karbatterye en ‘n fasiliteit om batterye te herlaai. Hierdie motorhawe is ook ‘n stopplek vir trokke om te rus op die lang pad.

Daar is ook ‘n 24/7 gerieflikheidswinkel wat koeldrank, skyfies, gebottelde water, sigarette, en wegneemkos voorsien. Hulle het ook ‘n karwas.

Hulle handel ook in nuwe en gebruikte motors asook trekkers en plaasimplemente.

GPS coordinates
34.090439, 21.2480360

Frans Myburgh

Tel: 028 713 2496

Cell: 082 853 2623

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