New Roofing & Painting Solutions – Stilbaai, Jongensfontein, Hessequa and Knysna
New Roofing & Painting Solutions – Stilbaai, Jongensfontein, Hessequa and Knysna
Roofing experts knowing all about roofing installations, rubberising, waterproofing, painting and maintenance. The New Roofing & Painting Solutions team consists of highly trained, experienced and motivated individuals offering top quality outcomes.
About New Roofing & Painting Solutions
- They are the most cost effective roofing supply and roofing installation professionals in the area.
- Crucial to this company is hard work, along with top quality workmanship and neatness.
- They follow extremely thorough and careful procedures using the latest technology to ensure the best achievable rubberising, waterproofing, painting and roof installation.
- New Roofing & Painting Solutions offers free quotes, as well as handle insurance claims.
- Their clients are from the residential, commercial and industrial sectors in Hessequa, in and around towns like Stilbaai and Jongensfontein. They also work in Knysna and surrounding area outside of the Hessequa region.
- Very important: they operate 24/7, in other words they provide for emergency call-outs. Good thing to know in these times of severe storms.
- Clients say: “These guys go the extra mile. Fair pricing and excellent results.”
Their Services
New Roofing & Painting Solutions specialises in:
New Roofing Supply and Installation
Reasons for new roofs/replacement of roofs could be a variety of things such as missing/broken/cracking tiles or hail damage. The roof may be sagging, there may be leaking and water damage, or the old roof may be in such a state that it can’t be saved by paint alone anymore.
Roofing Maintenance
The function of a roof is to protect the contents of your home, along with the supporting beams, rafters, walls and foundation against the elements. Roof maintenance means catching little problems before they grow into large damage, for instance, replacing loose roofing bolts or roof sheets/tiles.
Damp Proofing/Waterproofing/Rubberising/Rubber Proofing
Minimise moisture entering through roofs, walls and windows causing damage. New Roofing & Painting Solutions are accredited applicators of rubber proofing. Not only is rubberising great for waterproofing, but it also protects the roof from UV and corrosion damage. The rubber is in liquid form, thus enabling penetration and sealing of tiny cracks and crevices.
Roof Painting by Spray on Application
Except for the aesthetic value of a fresh layer of paint on your roof, painting a roof also adds a layer of protection to the roofing materials. Moreover, it protects against moulding and rotting, thus extending the lifespan of the roof.
Specialised Roof Coating
These coatings, (e.g. acrylic, asphalt, polyurethane and silicone coatings) offer long-term protection of all types of roof surfaces.
Exterior and Interior Painting
While having the roof painted, it makes perfect sense to have the exterior and interior of the house painted as well. So, why not round off the picture with a fresh new look?
Asbestos Encapsulation
Encapsulation (treating asbestos with a sealant to close seal off the harmful fibres) is a far more cost-effective, easier and safer way to deal with asbestos materials. Due to the health hazard asbestos poses, a specialist team of experts has to perform the encapsulation process, using approved sealants only. Rubber proofing is one of the ways this company encapsulates asbestos materials.
Asbestos Removal
Although much more expensive, in some cases removal is the only choice. Only reliable contractors complying with all regulations may collect, transport and dispose of asbestos at sites specified by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. New Roofing & Painting Solutions undertakes such removals.
Maintenance and Restoration of Outdoor Timber Structures
Timber structures should be maintained on a regular basis to prevent damage and to extend the lifespan of the wood. New Roofing & Painting Solutions does maintenance and restoration work on all outdoor wooden structures, including latte ceilings, doors and frames and timber houses.
Wooden Decks
They build new decks, as well as maintains, repairs, or even replaces existing decks if it is damaged to such an extent that the structure is no longer safe.
Dakinstallering- en Dakverfdeskundiges in Stilbaai, Jongensfontein, die hele Hessequa en Knysna
New Roofing & Painting Solutions is gesoute dakwerkspesialiste en doen dakinstallasies, rubberisering, waterdigting, verf en instandhouding van dakke. Hulle span bestaan uit hoogs opgeleide, ervare en gemotiveerde individue wat topgehalte resultate bied.
Oor die Maatskappy
- Hulle is die mees koste-effektiewe dakspesialiste in die omgewing.
- Vir hierdie maatskappy is harde werk, tesame met topgehalte vakmanskap en netjiese werk, van kardinale belang.
- Hulle volg uiters deeglike en sorgvuldige prosedures en die nuutste tegnologie om die beste moontlike rubberisering, waterdigting, verf en dakinstallasie te verseker.
- New Roofing & Painting bied gratis kwotasies aan, en hulle hanteer ook versekeringseise.
- Hulle kliënte kom uit die residensiële, kommersiële en industriële sektore in die hele Hessequa. Dit sluit dorpe soos Stilbaai, Jongensfontein en omgewings in, asook Knysna en omgewing buite die Hessequa-gebied.
- Baie belangrik: hulle is 24/7 oop, so, jy kan hulle kontak tydens ‘n noodgeval. ‘n Goeie ding om te weet in hierdie tye van erge storms.
- Kliënte sê: “Hierdie ouens stap die ekstra myl. Billike pryse en uitstekende resultate.”
Hulle Dienste
New Roofing & Painting Solutions spesialiseer in:
Voorsiening en Installasie van Nuwe Dakke
Redes vir ‘n nuwe dak/vervanging van ‘n dak kan nodig wees as gevolg van verskeie faktore soos ontbrekende, gebreekte of gekraakte teëls of haelbeskadiging. Die dak kan insak, daar kan lekkasies en waterskade wees, of die ou dak kan in so ‘n toestand wees dat dit nie meer deur ‘n laag verf gered kan word nie.
Instandhouding van Dakke
Die funksie van ‘n dak is om die inhoud van jou huis, tesame met die ondersteunende balke, raamwerk, mure en fondament teen die elemente te beskerm. Dakonderhoud beteken om klein probleempies te vang voordat dit groot skade veroorsaak, byvoorbeeld, die vervanging van los dakboute/spykers of beskadigde dakplate/teëls.
Dit minimaliseer vog wat deur dakke, mure en vensters binnegaan en skade veroorsaak. New Roofing & Painting Solutions is geakkrediteerde aanwenders van rubberdigting. Rubberisering is nie net uitstekend vir waterdigting nie, maar dit beskerm ook die dak teen UV-strale en korrosieskade. Die rubber is in vloeibare vorm, wat in fyn krakies en spleetjies insyfer en dit so verseël.
Hoëdrukspuitverf van dakke
Behalwe vir die estetiese waarde van ‘n vars laag verf op jou dak, bied die verf ‘n ekstra beskermingslaag op die dakmateriaal. Daarbenewens beskerm dit teen skimmelvorming en verrotting, wat die lewensduur van die dak verleng.
Gespesialiseerde dakbedekking
Sulke bedekkings (bv. akriliese, asfalt, poliuretaan en silikonbedekkings) bied langtermynbeskerming van alle tipes dakoppervlaktes.
Binne- en Buiteverfwerk
Terwyl die dak geverf word, maak dit perfekte sin om ook die buite- en binnekante van die huis te verf. So, waarom nie die prentjie afrond met ‘n vars nuwe voorkoms nie?
Die seëling van asbes (behandel asbes met ‘n seël om die skadelike vesels te bedek) is ‘n baie meer koste-effektiewe, makliker en veiliger manier om met asbesmateriale om te gaan. As gevolg van die gesondheidsrisiko wat asbes inhou, moet ‘n spesialisspan van kundiges die verseëlingsproses uitvoer, waarby slegs goedgekeurde verseëlingsprodukte gebruik word. Rubberdigting is een van die maniere waarop hierdie maatskappy asbesmateriale verseël.
Alhoewel baie duurder, is verwydering in sommige gevalle die enigste opsie. Slegs betroubare kontrakteurs wat aan alle regulasies voldoen, mag asbes verwyder, vervoer en aflaai by spesifieke terreine wat deur die Departement van Waterwerke en Bosbou aangedui is. New Roofing & Painting Solutions bied wel hierdie diens.
Instandhouding en Restourasie van Houtstrukture en Houthuise
Daar behoort gereeld instandhouding gedoen te word op houtstrukture om beskadiging te voorkom en die lewensduur van die hout te verleng. New Roofing & Painting Solutions doen onderhouds- en restourasiewerk op alle buite houtstrukture, insluitende latplafonne, deure, rame, houthuise, en so meer.
Hulle bou nuwe dekke, sowel as onderhou, herstel, of vervang bestaande dekke indien dit tot so ‘n mate beskadig is dat dit nie meer veilig is nie.