NL Timber Supplies Stilbaai
NL Timber Supplies Stilbaai
All timber or wood needs. NL Timber Supplies sources any construction timber for inside as well as outside use. They also estimate how much timber you will need for your house based on your building plans. Furthermore they quote on hardwood, exotic timber, softwood as well as manufactured or engineered wood. Quality building timber and wood planking, all planed and also round material at the best price.
Not only do they operate in Stilbaai, but they also offer their expertise in wood sourcing to clients in Jongensfontein and Riversdale. Also throughout the Hessequa area in the Garden Route in the Western Cape Province. They source any timber you will need for internal or external structural building purposes such as roof and floor joists, struts as well as rafters. Also trusses, purlins, posts, beams and laminated Pine beams, decking, slabs, staircases, etc.
What Timber are They Quoting on?
Some of the solid timber (cut directly from the tree in length form) they quote on are Oak, Beech, Blackwood as well as Kiaat. Also Rosewood, Saligna, Rhodesian Teak, Garappa and Pacific Jarra, South African Pine and Oregon Pine. Some of these are referred to as hardwood, others as exotic timber, and still others as softwood.
In addition they supply manufactured or engineered wood boards and planks such as SupaWood and MDF. (Medium Density Fibre wood) Also different types of Plywood such as Pine ply, Commercial ply, Marine ply, Birch ply and Smart Ply (OSB3 – Oriented Strand Board) These products are available in different lengths, widths and thicknesses.
Nelus draws on more than 20 years of experience in sourcing and selling wood and timber. Consequently he can expertly estimate timber needs from building plans as well as offer realistic quotes. Moreover, his company offers the best quality wood at the best price.
You couldn’t be in better hands – so call him today!
NL Timber Supplies – Types of Building Timber They Source and Supply
One only needs to look at a tree to determine whether it produces hardwood or softwood. Hardwood comes from trees that do not have needles or cones, ergo softwood comes from trees that have needles or cones.
The list of hardwood and softwood appearing in this article is not all they can source for you. Contact them for any other timber you might need that are not on the list.
South African Hardwood and Exotic Hardwood
So, what is exotic hardwood exactly – again easy to explain. Exotic hardwood comes from trees that do not grow in the woods or forests in your own country. Because of their natural beauty, special properties, as well as rarity, some people prefer them above domestically grown wood. Consequently they source and import them from other countries.
Saligna in Stilbaai
Commonly known as Bluegum, Saligna originates from Australia, but also grows well in South Africa. Saligna is therefore readily available and popular for use in general building construction for purposes such as panelling, flooring, poles, posts, etc.
The colour of the wood ranges from pink to a reddish brown.
Blackwood in Still Bay
Another tree originating from Australia, the Blackwood also grows in South Africa in Southern Cape forests like the Knysna forest. In building construction they use this wood for flooring, panelling, joinery and more. They also use it for pricey furniture, cabinets, boat building and such.
Blackwood has a rich golden brown colour sometimes with reddish streaks.
Oak in Stilbaai
Native to the northern hemisphere (America, Asia, Europe and North Africa) the oak yields strong, hard, heavy and also dense wood. Oak wood is very resistant to insect as well as fungal infestations. Not only do they use it for manufacturing beautiful furniture, but also in construction work for joinery, flooring, panelling, decking and more.
The colour of oak wood is light beige through brown and red.
Kiaat in Stilbaai
Kiaat trees grow in Southern Africa and is famous for its great resistance against bugs and termites. The wood is durable, very stable and also easy to work with. They commonly use it for stunning furniture and boat building.
A very beautiful wood, Kiaat is brown with irregular reddish streaks.
Beech in Still Bay
Beech trees, which are native to Europe and America, produce a very hard wood with a straight grain. The wood is strong and pliable, They use it for flooring, furniture, cabinetry as well as chair and table legs joinery.
This exotic hardwood is pale cream in colour.
Rhodesian Teak in Still Bay
Also called the Zambesi Redwood, the Rhodesian Teak is naturally durable and resistant to termite attacks. They use this wood mainly for flooring, decking, store fittings, furniture as well as cabinetwork and turnery.
Remarkably beautiful, Rhodesian Teak is reddish brown, commonly with black streaks.
Rosewood in Still Bay
Native to Africa, Rosewood is one of the most beautiful woods on earth and makes for stunning furniture and kitchen cupboards. They also use it for flooring, decking, architectural panelling and woodwork, boat building and much more.
Aptly named, the Rosewood has a dark orange-brown-red colour, making it extremely popular. In fact, its sustainability is under threat because of over-demand worldwide.
Garappa in Stilbaai
Of South American origin, Garappa, or the Brazilian Oak, has a natural resistance to rot, decay and insect attacks. The wood is hard-wearing and durable. They use it for outdoor furniture, as well as decks, exterior structures, wood sidings and more.
Garappa is another undeniably beautiful hardwood with a golden to yellowish brown colour that darkens with age.
Pacific Jarra in Stilbaai
Native to Australia, Pacific Jarra is famous for its hardness, durability and natural resistance to white ants as well as fungi. It is no surprise then that they use it for decks, flooring, architectural panelling, joinery as well as furniture.
Pacific Jarra is a stunningly beautiful dark brown or dark red Australian hardwood.
Softwood From NL Timber Supplies
Softwood comes from trees that produce needles or cones.
South African Pine in Stilbaai
The Pine tree is of course, not indigenous to South Africa. In the 17th century Jan Van Riebeeck requested seeds for various types of these trees from his superiors. Today huge pine forests exist in various provinces including Limpopo, Mpumalanga and the Western Cape.
Pinewood has in fact become the most widely sold timber in South Africa. They use this wood commonly for building purposes such as window and door frames, as well as ceilings and flooring. Also for roofing, beams, fascia, baseboards and joinery, ceilings, cladding, etc. Furthermore pine wood is popular for making various kinds of furniture and even packaging. They also pulp the wood for the purpose of making paper products.
This very versatile, useful as well as popular softwood is yellow-white with some streaks of brown.
Douglas Fir, also known as Oregon Pine in Still Bay
Oregon Pine is a Western North American softwood, a rare wood in South Africa. They originally used for construction purposes. For structural framing such as trusses, beams, interior and exterior joinery, flooring, as well as ceilings and much more. The old timber is being reclaimed for manufacturing quite pricey sought after rustic furniture. Oregon Pine has a resistance to marking and is extremely durable and new Oregon is mostly used for making furniture.
This North American/Canadian timber varies in colour from a light to medium brown with a yellow to orange or even red tint.
Manufactured or Engineered Wood From NL Timber Supplies
So, what exactly is manufactured or engineered wood? Well, in short, it is man-made wood. As one can expect, there are various types of manufactured wood, each with its own properties making it suitable for specific uses. This is also the greenest, most environmental friendly building material one can build with.
The sell manufactured wood of course in the form of boards or planks that vary in thickness, length and width.
Supawood or MDF (Medium Density Fibre-wood) in Stilbaai
Supawood board consists of sawdust particles combined with glues, waxes as well as resins that are compressed under high pressure. MDF, which is generally more dense than plywood, is an inexpensive alternative to wood for manufacturing furniture. Also perfect for cabinets, counters, shelves, etc. because it is pliable and you can paint, varnish, seal and veneer it.
See their Boards Price List for the different widths, lengths and thicknesses in which their boards are available.
Plywood in Still Bay
This manufactured wood is made by pressing and bounding together thin sheets of wood veneer in one solid piece. Various wood types are used for making plywood such as pine and birch and it comes in different thicknesses, lengths and widths.
Plywood makes for very strong building material thus you can use it in house construction as well as for table tops, kitchen cabinets and such. Marine plywood is suitable for boats, boat docks, decks, bathroom and kitchen walls as well as sub-flooring.
On their Boards Price List they make mention of Pine Plywood, Commercial Ply, Marine Ply as well as Birch Plywood.
OSB3 (Oriented Strand Board) in Stilbaai
Another engineered wood is, of course OSB3 board – a heavy duty load-bearing board that can be used in humid conditions. This wood-based product is free of knots as well as voids and well suited for structural use. Perfect for internal and protected external uses such as roofing and sarking, flooring, internal walls, sheathing for external walls, etc.
Consult their Boards Price List for the range of thicknesses, lengths and widths of their OSB3 boards.
Houtverskaffers in Stilbaai
Kontak NL Timber Supplies vir al jou houtbehoeftes. Hulle soek vir jou enige konstruksiehout vir gebruik binnekant en so ook buitekant jou huis. Gebaseer op jou huisplanne skat hulle hoeveel hout jy benodig en werk vir jou ‘n kwotasie daarvolgens uit. Nelus het meer as 20 jaar ervaring van houtverkope, so hy weet waar die beste hout te kry is teen die beste pryse.
Maak gerus gebruik van sy kennis om die hout vir die konstruksie van jou huis in die hande te kry. Dit sluit in alle houtstrukture soos dakbalke, vloerbalke, daksparre, dakstutte, dakkappe, kaplatte, en pale. Verder ook dwarsbalke, gelamineerde dennehout dwarsbalke, pale, dekhout, trappe en traprelings, houtblaaie en so meer.
Hulle is ‘n Stilbaai, maar werk ook in Jongensfontein, Riversdal en selfs so wyd as die hele Hessequa.
Sommige Houtsoorte wat NL Timber Supplies Verskaf
Soliede Hout in Stilbaai
Dit is hout wat direk in die lengte van die boom gesaag is en in verskillende groepe ingedeel word. So is daar harde houtsoorte, eksotiese houtsoorte en sagte houtsoorte.
- Hardehout of Loofhout – hierdie hout kom van bome wat nie naalde of kegels het nie.
- Voorbeelde van hardehout wat inheems in Suid-Afrika groei, of ingevoer is van elders. Daar is die bekende Bloekom of Saligna en so ook die Swarthout ingebring uit Australië. Dan is daar die pragtige Kiaat en so ook die Eikeboom wat uit die noordelike halfrond gebring is. Verder ook die Kaapse Boekenhout wat van Europese afkoms is.
- Eksotiese Hardehout – dit is hout wat nie in jou land groei nie.
- Hierdie is bome soos die Rhodesiese Kiaat, die pragtige Rooshout uit Noord Afrika, die Garappa of Braziliaanse Eik en so ook die treffende Australiese hout, Pacific Jarra.
- Sagtehout of Naaldhout – hierdie is hout van bome wat wel naalde en kegels het.
- Die immergewilde Denneboom wat wyd in Suid-Afrika aangeplant word maar nie werklik inheems is nie.
- So ook die eksotiese sagtehout, Oregon Dennehout waarvan die mooiste meubels gemaak word.
Vervaardigde Hout in Stilbaai
Hierdie is natuurlik mensgemaakte hout. Hierdie hout kom in plankvorm in verskillende lengtes, breedtes en so ook diktes. Elkeen van hierdie mensgemaakte houtsoorte het sy eie kenmerke wat dan ook so die bepalende faktor is in jou keuse van hierdie hout.
- Supawood of MDF planke.
- Verskillende soorte laaghoutplanke soos Dennelaaghout, Kommersiële laaghout, Marine laaghout, Berkelaaghout en so meer.
- OSB3 planke.
Nelus Loots
Cell: 082 802 1009
Tel: 028 880 0615
NL Timber & Hardware
Vat no. 4190300436