Paddavlei Kunsgoete – Studio & Art Classes
Paddavlei Kunsgoete – Studio & Art Classes
Offers Art Classes, an Art Gallery, an Art and Crafts Shop, Picture Framing and Gifts. The brightly decorated Paddavlei Kunsgoete – Studio & Gallery is in fact housed in what was once the town’s bio-scope.
Browse through all the arts and home-made creations and also exquisite handmade artistic things. Feast your eyes on the local talent in the small art gallery. The owner, Marilise Lombard, also an artist, displays her work together with other local artists. Also handmade crafts of the children in the art classes which she hosts.
In addition she displays jewels, dolls, clothes, hand bags and pickled food. Also colourful hand painted cushions made by disabled residents of Mosaїek and hand-spun wool and eye-catching canvasses of herself. In addition there is even colourful art on the floors. They also do framing of pictures and offer art classes.
In conclusion, you will find the Studio and Gallery in Riversdale, Western Cape, on the N2 along the Garden Route.
Paddavlei Kunsgoete – Kunsklasse in Riversdal
Paddavlei Kunsgoete – Studio & Gallery is ‘n kunsstudio waar die kunstenares, Marilise Lombard besoekers verwelkom.
Hulle verkoop ‘n verskeidenheid plaaslike kuns en handvervaardigde goed soos handgeverfde kussings deur gestremde inwoners van Mosaїek. Ook handgeweefde wol en Marilise se eie treffende en kleurvolle akriel-op-doek werke.
Ook handgemaakte kuns van die kinders in die kunsklasse wat Marilise aanbied. Daar word ook ander plaaslike mense se kuns uitgestal in die kunsgallery.
Daar is ook geskenke, klere, en kunsbenodigdhede. Hulle doen ook raamwerk van prente bied kunsklasse aan.
7 Church Street (Kerkstraat 7)