Pauline Bohnen Hiking Trail – Pauline Bohnen Staproete Stilbaai
Pauline Bohnen Hiking Trail – Pauline Bohnen Staproete Stilbaai
Pauline Bohnen Hiking Trail – Pauline Bohnen Staproete Stilbaai
Scenic and easy to moderate hiking trail to the east of Still Bay. In the Western Cape, South Africa, along the ever spectacular Garden Route. Being developed around the Goukou River estuary, Still Bay offers a wide variety of water-sports as well as fishing. There are also various restaurants, shops, grocery stores as well as doctors, dentists and pharmacies. Not to mention the extremely competent NSRI office and highly alert and vigilant Police Station.
This beautiful, growing coastal town invites you to visit and spend your holiday in Still Bay. Share in the natural beauty of the town and environment and take some of the peacefulness back home in your heart.
Still Bay Pauline Bohnen Trail – Stilbaai Pauline Bohnen Staproete Information
Under the auspices of The Still Bay Conservation Trust.
Starting Point – In the Reserve.
Ending point – Circular routes.
Distance – 4 to 8 kilometres depending on the route you choose.
Time to Complete – 2 to 4 hours depending on your walking pace.
Rating – Easy to average.
Useful Advice – There are beehives in the Reserve so please take care not to annoy the bees. Best to wear good walking shoes, a hat as well as sunblock and of course your camera, water bottle and snacks.
Permits – No permits.
Regulations – Where applicable, regulations are displayed at entrance points. General rules with reference to nature conservation as well as consideration towards other hikers are applicable to all hiking routes.
Features – Hikers can enjoy views of the ocean and coast while strolling through the various dune fynbos species and limestone. Be on the lookout for the odd grysbok, duiker or bushbuck as well as the wide variety of bird species.
The Trail – This easy hiking trail is on the east-side of Still Bay in the Pauline Bohnen Nature Reserve (towards the Stilbaai airfield). Follow the signage on the way to Kloof industrial area. The Reserve is large with several trails of various lengths and can keep you occupied from one hour to the whole day. Of course depending on the purpose of your excursion. Take care not to disturb or annoy the bees in the beehives in the Reserve.
This is a trail for hikers as well as for those who just love to wander around and enjoy nature.
Pauline Bohnen Staproete Stilbaai
Onder beskerming van die Stilbaai Bewaringstrust.
Die roete begin in die Reservaat oos van Stilbaai, die hele gebied tussen die dorp en die vliegveld. Dit bestaan uit verskeie roetes van verskillende lengtes en neem van twee tot vier ure om te voltooi. Die hele roete is 4 tot 8 km lank en is maklik tot gemiddeld.
Jy word aangeraai om gemaklike loopskoene aan te trek, so ook ‘n hoed en genoeg sonblok. Onthou ook ‘n bottel water, eetgoed, jou kamera en so ook ‘n verkyker.
Die roete neem jou deur fynbos en leiklip en jy mag dalk ‘n grysbokkie, duikertjie of bosbokkie sien. Daar is ook verskeie voëlspesies en plantspesies wat van nader bekyk kan word. So ook is daar ‘n verstommende uitsig oor die see en die kus met die unieke geur van die fynbos altyd teenwoordig.
Daar is byekorwe in die reservaat, so wees asseblief versigtig om hulle nie te versteur of te hinder nie.
Still Bay Pauline Bohnen Trail – Stilbaai Pauline Bohnen Staproete