Privelistea Wedding & Function Venue

Privelistea Wedding & Function Venue

Privelistea Wedding & Function Venue Jongensfontein & Stilbaai

Superb wedding venue for a top wedding, a fresh approach to wedding planning, masterfully handled by Privelistea. Sitting on a cliff overlooking the Indian Ocean as well as the comely hamlet of Jongensfontein. The name Privelistea means Panorama and that does not even begin to describe the splendour of the view from this unique wedding and function venue. Imagine the possibilities for the most incredible wedding pictures what with this rustic venue as well as the rocks and the beach. During the months of July through October you might even see the whales playing behind the breakers.

Privelistea Wedding & Function Venue facilities

This venue offers rustic open-air weddings where up to 240 guests can sit on amphitheatre style benches. While the wedding ceremony is performed, they can enjoy the vast view over the sea as well as the untouched nature. They might even see some of the deer which are grazing freely in the area.

There is also a spacious hall with large windows also overlooking the sea, with a kitchen as well as a bar. The décor is modern and also rustic and the stylish fairy lights are breathtakingly romantic. Let them give you a beach wedding or a rustic farm wedding. They will of course cater for your all your needs from the smallest to the most extravagant requests. This is a venue no bride and her bridegroom can afford to miss, so contact them today to secure the date of your special day.

Privelistea is not only perfect for unforgettable weddings, but also for conferences, performances as well as any other functions or events.

Jongensfontein is about 10 km from the larger coastal town of Still Bay, along the Garden Route in the Western Cape.

Privelistea in Jongensfontein & Stilbaai vir Troues en Funksies

Teen die rantjie bokant Jongensfontein sit hierdie unieke en weergalose plek met die naam Privelistea wat beteken ‘Die Uitsig’. Dit verwys na die wye panorama oor die see en die storieboekdorpie Jongensfontein. Wat ‘n lieflike plek vir ‘n onvergeetlike troue! Kan jy jou die moontlikhede voorstel vir droomfoto’s van die bruid en bruidegom…

Daar is ‘n opelug amfiteater met sitplek vir tot 240 gaste wat uitkyk oor die oseaan. So is daar ook ‘n ruim, modern-versierde saal met ‘n kombuis en kroeg. Asook groot vensters wat eweneens uitkyk oor die see en die dorpie daaronder. Natuurlik is hierdie plek ook uiters geskik vir konferensies, optredes en ander byeenkomste.

Kontak hulle vir meesterlike beplanning en aanbieding van die bruiflof van jou drome.

Privelistea Wedding & Function Venue