ProPollen – Comprehensive Bee-related Services in the Southern Cape

ProPollen-Beekeeping-Pollination-and-Honey in the Southern Cape

ProPollen – Comprehensive Bee-related Services in the Southern Cape

The Bee Business, ProPollen, offers a wide range of bee-related services in the Southern Cape, catering to both amateur and professional beekeepers.

Founded in 2017, the business is driven by a team of passionate, motivated, and experienced beekeepers committed to supporting the local community with sustainable and ethical beekeeping practices.

Beekeeping Services

ProPollen is dedicated to promoting sustainable and modern beekeeping practices. They work closely with beekeeping organisations and associations to raise awareness about the importance of bees. The team provides valuable resources and support for anyone interested in beekeeping, regardless of their level of experience.

  • Beekeeping Skills Development: Training and guidance for beginners and professionals alike.
  • Hive Management: Assistance with setting up and maintaining hives.
  • Monitoring Bee Health: Regular check-ups to ensure the health and productivity of bee colonies.
  • Queen Rearing: Sustainable methods for breeding and managing queen bees.
  • Honey Bee Pathology & Pest Management: Strategies to protect bees from diseases and pests.

Pollination Services

Pollination is a crucial service provided by ProPollen, especially for local farmers who rely on bees to pollinate their crops. The team uses standard hives for pollination, ensuring that bees can effectively carry out their vital role in agriculture.

  • Pollination Services: High-quality pollination to boost crop yields.
  • Bee-Friendly Practices: Encouraging the planting of bee-friendly flowers and avoiding harmful pesticides.
  • Research and Conservation: Ongoing efforts to understand and protect the role of bees in the ecosystem.

High-Quality Honey Production

ProPollen is renowned for producing high-quality, raw, and unfiltered honey, packed with natural enzymes and nutrients. Their honey is either produced by their own bees or sourced locally from ethical beekeepers in the Southern Cape, South Africa. Importantly, they do not import honey, ensuring that all products are natural and not irradiated.

  • Sustainable Honey Production: Committed to ethical and environmentally friendly honey production.
  • Variety of Honey: Offers different types of honey depending on the season and the flowers in bloom.
  • Local and Natural Product: All honey is produced locally without the use of chemicals.

Website Shop

For those not located in Albertinia, Western Cape, ProPollen offers the convenience of ordering their products online. Customers can arrange for a courier to pick up their orders directly from the premises in Albertinia, at 5 Nywerheids Avenue. Products available include beeswax, cream honey, and various quantities of Gourikwa Honey in a variety of containers, with some even available on tap.

Reminder: Honey is a seasonal product, with different types available as the flowers that provide nectar change throughout the year.

Omvattende Byverwante Dienste in die Suid-Kaap

ProPollen bied ‘n wye reeks byverwante dienste aan in die Suid-Kaap, wat beide amateur- en professionele byeboere bedien. Sedert sy stigting in 2017, het die besigheid gegroei tot ‘n span van passievolle, gemotiveerde, en ervare byeboere wat toegewy is aan die ondersteuning van die plaaslike gemeenskap met volhoubare en etiese byeboerderypraktyke.

Byeboerdery Dienste Aangebied Deur ProPollen

ProPollen streef daarna om volhoubare en moderne byeboerderypraktyke te bevorder. Hulle werk nou saam met byeboerdery-organisasies en -verenigings om bewustheid oor die belangrikheid van bye te verhoog. Die span bied waardevolle hulpbronne en ondersteuning vir enigeen wat in byeboerdery belangstel, ongeag hul vlak van ervaring.

  • Ontwikkeling van Byeboerderyvaardighede: Opleiding en leiding vir beginners en professionele persone.
  • Bestuur van Byekorwe: Hulp met die opstel en instandhouding van korwe.
  • Monitering van Byegesondheid: Gereelde ondersoeke om die gesondheid en produktiwiteit van byekolonies te verseker.
  • Teel van Koninginne: Volhoubare metodes vir die teel en bestuur van koninginbye.
  • Bye Patologie en Plaagbestuur: Strategieë om bye te beskerm teen siektes en plae.


Bestuiwing is ‘n noodsaaklike diens wat deur ProPollen verskaf word, veral vir plaaslike boere wat op bye staatmaak om hul oeste te bestuif. Die span gebruik standaard byekorwe vir bestuiwing, wat verseker dat bye effektief hul belangrike rol in landbou kan vervul.

  • Bestuiwingsdienste: Hoë kwaliteit bestuiwing om oeste te verbeter.
  • Byvriendelike Praktyke: Aanmoediging vir die plant van byvriendelike blomme en die vermyding van skadelike plaagdoders.
  • Navorsing en Bewaring: Voortgesette pogings om die rol van bye in die ekosisteem te verstaan en te beskerm.

Hoë Kwaliteit Heuningproduksie

ProPollen is bekend vir die produksie van hoë kwaliteit, rou en ongefiltreerde heuning, vol van natuurlike ensieme en voedingstowwe. Hul heuning word óf deur hul eie bye vervaardig, óf plaaslik verkry van etiese byeboere in die Suid-Kaap. Belangrik is dat hulle geen heuning invoer nie, wat verseker dat al hul produkte natuurlik en nie bestraal is nie.

  • Volhoubare Heuningproduksie: Toegewy aan etiese en omgewingsvriendelike heuningproduksie.
  • Verskeidenheid Heuning: Bied verskillende tipes heuning afhangend van die seisoen en die blomme wat in bloei is.
  • Plaaslike en Natuurlike Produk: Alle heuning word plaaslik geproduseer sonder die gebruik van chemikalieë.


Vir diegene wat nie in Albertinia woon is nie, bied ProPollen die gerief om hul produkte aanlyn te bestel. Kliënte kan reël dat ‘n koerier hul bestellings direk by die perseel in Albertinia, by Nywerheidslaan 5, optel. Produkte wat beskikbaar is, sluit in byewas, roomheuning, en verskillende hoeveelhede van Gourikwa-heuning in verskeie houers, met sommige kan jy self tap soveel jy wil hê.

Onthou: Heuning is ‘n seisoenale produk, met verskillende tipes beskikbaar soos die blomme wat die nektar verskaf, gedurende die jaar verander.