Registered Nurse Sister Van der Bank – Stilbaai
Registered Nurse, Sister Van der Bank – Stilbaai
Trauma-trained professional clinic nurse at the Blombos Pharmacy in Still Bay. Offering a variety of medical tests and procedures to private outpatients as well as any other person in need of basic health care. Registered nurse, Sister Van der Bank performs basic blood tests, health assessments, administers injections, pulls stitches, etc. at the pharmacy. She also does home visits for home-bound patients.
Still Bay is a lovely coastal village and popular retirement destination in the Hessequa Area of the Western Cape in the Garden Route. Consequently a large number of residents is over the normal retirement age. Often-times there might be need for some medical help such as post-op wound care at a patient’s home. Sister Cato is willing and very able to help you out.
Medical Services Offered by the Registered Nurse at Blombos Pharmacy
- Glucose or blood sugar tests, by pricking the finger for a drop of blood.
- Cholesterol screens/tests.
- Prostate blood tests, by pricking the finger to obtain a drop of blood.
- Measuring blood pressure.
- Administering injections such as vitamin injections, flu prevention injections, injections by doctors’ prescriptions, etc.
- Removing wax from ears.
- Taking care of wounds, also post operational wounds.
- Pulling stitches.
- Vitality Discovery as well as Momentum members, screening test are done.
- And much more
Registered nurse, Sister Van der Bank also does home visits or call outs offering all of the above mentioned services to home-bound patients. As trained trauma nurse she is well equipped to handle a variety of emergency situations also at your home.
Support Services by the Registered Nurse at Blombos Pharmacy
As a registered nurse, Sister Van der Bank offers guidance on health maintenance as well as prevention of disease. She can also advise on birth control methods as well as how to take care of yourself during pregnancy and after. Furthermore she offers menopausal advice and support. Being an experienced professional nurse, she is able to do a general examination and assess a patient’s health condition.
Vitality Members of Discovery Health
Vitality members of Discovery Health have the benefit that the Medical Aid pays for a series of tests to be done depending on their membership level. Screening and prevention benefits cover vital tests to detect early warning signs of serious illness. These tests include glucose/blood sugar tests, voluntary HIV tests, cholesterol tests as well a BMI tests. BMI is the acronym for Body Mass Index which measures body fat based on height and weight and is used to determine if you are a healthy weight.
Pathcare Depot
Blombos Pharmacy is also a Pathcare depot. Pathcare is a well-known pathology practice offering and extensive range of screening and diagnostic tests. Sister Van der Bank can thus draw your blood and send it off directly to Pathcare for testing.
Cato van der Bank
Tel: 028 754 1057
028 754 1125
Fax: 028 754 1209
15B Voortrekker Street
Geregistreerde Verpleegsuster by Blombos Apteek in Stilbaai
Suster Cato van der Bank is ‘n professionele trauma-opgeleide klinieksuster. Sy bied ‘n verskeidenheid algemene mediese toetse en prosedures aan vir kliënte en so ook privaat buitepasiënte. Suster Cato doen ook tuisbesoeke waartydens sy ook hierdie dienste kan aanbied. Verder kan sy ook uitgeroep word vir ‘n noodgeval.
Sommige Mediese Dienste
- Glukose/bloedsuiker toetse deur die prik van ‘n vinger vir ‘n druppeltjie bloed.
- Cholesterol toetse.
- Prostaat bloedtoetse ook deur ‘n vingerprik vir bloed.
- Bloeddrukmeting.
- Toedien van inspuitings bv. griepinspuitings, vitamieninspuitings, voorgeskrewe inspuitings deur ‘n dokter, en so meer.
- Verwydering van was uit die ore.
- Wondversorging, so ook na-operatiewe wondversorging.
- Uithaal van steke.
- Menopousale ondersteuning en advies.
- Algemene ondersoeke en beoordeling van ‘n pasiënt se gesondheid.
- Vitality Discovery en Momentum lede – “screening” toetse.
Vitality Lede van Discovery Health
Vitality lede van Discovery Health het die voordeel dat die fonds vir ‘n reeks vroeë waarskuwingstoetse betaal volgens die voordele van hulle lidmaatskap. Dit behels glukose/bloedsuiker toetse, vrywillige HIV-status toetse, cholesterol toetse en so ook BMI toetse. Die liggaamsmassa word bereken gebaseer op lengte en gewig en so word vasgestel of jy ‘n gesonde gewig het.
Pathcare Depot
Blombos Apteek is ook ‘n Pathcare depot. So, Suster Van der Bank kan jou bloed trek en dit direk wegstuur na Pathcare, die bekende Suid-Afrikaanse patalogiepraktyk.
Registered Nurse, Sister Van der Bank – Stilbaai
Cato van der Bank
Tel: 028 754 1057
028 754 1125
Fax: 028 754 1209
15B Voortrekker Street