Royal Tombstones – Gravestone Manufacturers in Oudtshoorn

Royal Tombstones - Gravestone Manufacturers in Oudtshoorn

Royal Tombstones – Gravestone Manufacturers in Oudtshoorn

This company specialises in manufacturing, as well as installing quality tombstones. They also offer tombstone and funeral policies. Examples of their splendid workmanship mark the last resting place of loved ones in cemeteries countrywide. They impress with their professional service, affordable prices, as well as their unique durable products.

Royal Tombstones is in Oudtshoorn in the Klein Karoo area in the Western Cape. It is situated in the Seppie Greeff Building opposite the Museum, corner Baron Van Reede and Voortrekker Streets. Although stationed in Oudtshoorn, they deal with orders from anywhere in South Africa, as well as install tombstones in cemeteries countrywide.

  • Professional service, along with affordable prices.
  • High quality, durable granolithic tombstones – look and feel like granite, but far less expensive (mixture of cement and crushed granite).
  • Products speak of excellent workmanship – only the best to help you remember your departed loved one.
  • Visit the shop and peruse samples of their exquisite headstones and gravestones.
  • They also offer charming additional decorations for the graveside or gravestone such as little angles moulded in various poses, and flowerpots.
  • Royal Tombstones regularly offer specials on their tombstones.

Services – Royal Tombstones


  • Not only do they manufacture tombstones, but they also transport and install these headstones and gravestones.
  • These high quality gravestones come in a variety of colours as well as customised designs to meet different requirements according to traditional customs.
  • Lettering is free, to boot.
  • The stones are, of course, manufactured according to SABS specifications;
  • Delivered on time and also
  • Professionally installed exactly where you want it.
  • You can also buy on lay-by for 6 months, interest free.
  • Payment options: bank deposit, credit/debit card, EFT, or cash, of course.


Royal Tombstones is about more than just tombstones, they also offer reputable Royal Risk Cover policies.

Tombstone Plans

Royal Tombstones offers a variety of plan options to cover the cost of the tombstone of a loved one (or yourself), including various benefits. It gives you the opportunity to plan ahead and take care of the cost of tombstones.

This will prevent that you or your family end up with huge costs at the time of sudden death, either your own, or that of a loved one.

Funeral Plans

Royal Tombstones also offers three types of funeral plans – cover for a single person, a family cover, as well as an extended family cover. You have a number of choices by value of the cover, and the plan also includes various benefits.

By taking out a funeral policy, you prevent serious costs at the event of the death of those covered by the policy. Death comes suddenly, unplanned and mostly at an inconvenient time. You can prevent financial ruin by such a sudden huge expense by simply taking out cover.

So, do the smart thing. Make an appointment with Royal Tombstones today and get the ball rolling!

Business Hours

Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 14:00

Lize Le Roux

Cell: 073 587 9729

Royal Tombstones – Grafsteenmakers in Oudtshoorn

Die besigheid spesialiseer in die maak en installering van kwaliteit grafstene en so ook verkoop hulle grafsteenpolissie en begrafnispolisse. Voorbeelde van hulle uitstekende vakmanskap pryk in begrafplase oral in Suid-Afrika. Hulle beïndruk met hulle professionele diens, bekostigbare pryse, en so ook hulle unieke en duursame produkte.

Royal Tombstones is in Oudtshoorn in die Klein Karoo-gebied in die Wes-Kaap. Hulle is in die Seppie Greeff-gebou oorkant die Museum, h/v Baron Van Reede en Voortrekkerstrate. Hoewel hulle in Oudtshoorn gestasioneer is, hanteer hulle bestellings van regoor die land, en so ook doen hulle installasies in begraafplase landwyd.

  • Professionele diens, en so ook bekostigbare pryse.
  • Hoë kwaliteit, duursame stene wat lyk en voel soos graniet. Dis egter gemaak van ‘n mengsel van sement en vergruisde graniet, so dis baie goedkoper.
  • Hulle produkte spreek van uitstekende vakmanskap.
  • Besoek die winkel om voorbeelde te sien van hulle pragtige kopstukke en grafstene.
  • Hulle verkoop ook oulike bykomende dekoratiewe goetertjies vir die graf, soos klein engeltjies en so ook blompotte.
  • Royal Tombstones het ook gereeld spesiale aanbiedings op hulle grafstene.



  • Nie net maak hulle grafstene nie, maar vervoer dit ook na die begraafplaas en installeer dit daar.
  • Hierdie hoë kwaliteit grafstene kom in verskillende kleure, asook ontwerpe om so aan die vereistes van verskillende tradisionele gebruike te kan voldoen.
  • Die letterwerk is gratis.
  • Natuurlik word die stene volgens spesifikasies van die SABS gemaak,
  • Dit word op tyd afgelewer, en so ook
  • Professioneel geïnstalleer presies waar jy dit wil hê.
  • Jy kan ook op “lay-by” koop oor 6 maande, rentevry.
  • Betaalopsies: bankdeposito, krediet-/debietkaart, EFO of sommer kontant.


Royal Tombstones gaan oor meer as net grafstene. Hulle bied ook betroubare Royal Risikodekkingspolissie.


Royal Tombstones bied ‘n verskeidenheid planopsies om die grafstene van geliefdes (en jouself) te dek, insluitende verskillende voordele. Dit gee jou die geleentheid om vooruit te beplan en so met die kostes van grafstene klaar te speel.

Op die manier kan jy verhoed dat jy of jou gesin in finansiële moeilikheid beland by die skielike afsterwe van ‘n geliefde.


Royal Tombstones het drie tipes begrafnisplanne – dekking vir enkelpersone, gesinne, en so ook uitgebreide gesinne. Daar is ‘n aantal opsies t.o.v. die waarde van die dekking en die planne sluit ook sekere voordele in.

Neem ‘n begrafnispolis uit wat diegene dek vir wie jy verantwoordelik is, en voorkom so ernstige uitgawes by onverwagse dood. Sulke onbeplande uitgawes kan ‘n persoon/gesin finansieel ernstig knou.

So, doen die verstandige ding. Maak ‘n afspraak met Royal Tombstones vandag en kry die ding aan die gang!


Maandag tot Vrydag: 09:00 – 17:00
Saterdag: 09:00 – 14:00

Lize Le Roux

Cell: 073 587 9729