Shabach Panel Beating
Shabach Panel Beating
Shabach Panel Beating Knysna
Auto body repair shop or panel beaters in Knysna. Doing vehicle body repairs as well as spray-painting on vehicles having been in a collision. They are in the Industrial area in Knysna, but offer their services all over the Western Cape.
The panel beaters at Shabach Panel Beating work on a variety of vehicles such as motor cars and pick-up trucks. Also delivery vehicles, combis, motor cycles, in short any vehicle with damage to its body. The damage need not be as a result of an accident, but it can merely be minor dents or scratch marks. Maybe rust patches or also paint peeling here and there or hail damage.
The damage could be major as well, like an old vehicle which has been exposed to the elements or sea-wind for a long period. Bring the damaged vehicle to Shabach Panel Beating and get back a brand spanking new car.
They also do creative, neat letter-work on vehicles advertising the business of the owner of the vehicle.
Shabach Paneelkloppers Knysna
Hulle doen paneelklopwerk en spuitverfwerk op voertuie wat in ‘n botsing was. Hulle is in die Industriële gebied in Knysna, maar werk ook oor die hele Wes-Kaap.
Shabach Paneelkloppers werk aan alle soorte voertuie. Hulle doen allerhande reparasiewerk van kleiner duikies en krapmerkies, verf wat oplig, roesplekkies en haelskade. So ook groter skade soos voertuie wat in erg gehawende toestand is van langdurige blootstelling aan die elemente en seewind. Hulle maak jou voertuig weer spiksplinternuut.
So ook doen hulle kreatiewe, netjiese letterwerk op voertuie as advertensie van die eienaar se besigheid.
Johan de Villiers
Tel: 044 382 1300
Cell: 079 984 0938