Simply Wireless – Stilbaai
Simply Wireless – Stilbaai
Internet access services providers in Hessequa providing reliable and robust Internet in the form of Wi-Fi, Fibre and LTE. Simply Wireless takes care of the final step in making the Internet available to you, the end user, according to your chosen package.
Location and Background
Simply Wireless was established in Stilbaai in November 2020. They have since proved to be professional, knowledgeable, fast and also affordable.
On 1 August 2022 they merged with EasyComs and moved to the latter’s old offices in Die Solder Building in Stilbaai West. This building is just off Main Road West next to the Clinic, in the same street and not far from Nedbank.
- Simply Wireless provides and installs new Internet access services.
- They also move existing installations.
- Obviously there is a call out fee if you don’t live in Stilbaai, Jongensfontein or Melkhoutfontein.
- Prices are higher should a client prefer not to pay by debit order, due to admin costs involved.
- They provide affordable wireless as well as fibre Internet packages.
Simply Wireless Coverage
Although stationed in Stilbaai, Simply Wireless provides wireless Internet in most of the towns and surrounding areas in the Hessequa region. Apart from Stilbaai, Jongensfontein and Melkhoutfontein, towns and surrounding areas such as Witsand/Infanta, Malgas, Riversdale, Albertinia and Gouritsmond are also included.
Are you interested in their service, but not sure whether your area is covered? Contact them now! Or be contend to lose out on a terrific deal as well as service.
As fast as fibre is rolled out in the Hessequa region, Simply Wireless will be in hot pursuit. Thus, when fibre comes to your town, make sure you talk to Simply Wireless immediately.
Uncapped Wireless Internet Packages
- Bear in mind that their uncapped wireless Internet packages involve installation costs, along with a once off activation fee.
- Their packages make provision for permanent residents and also holiday homes (pay as you use).
- They offer speeds of 10Mbps or 20Mbps, so you can select your package according to your needs.
- You can always upgrade your speed, which, by the way, is guaranteed.
- Moreover, all packages are uncapped and unthrottled.
- Simply Wireless also offers month-to-month options on all packages, should you prefer not to sign a contract. A contract is a little cheaper, though.
- Installation time can be up to 10 days depending on demand.
Uncapped Fibre Internet Packages
- Their uncapped fibre Internet packages include Fibre to the home (FTTH), as well as Fibre to the business (FTTB).
- There is no installation cost.
- Fibre Internet access is more expensive due to the high cost of the infrastructure.
- They offer uncapped lines from 35Mbps and upwards to suit individual clients.
- Users connect directly on fibre.
- Packages include 1 router – equipment, by the way, remains the property of Simply Wireless. If your own router is compatible with their network, though, you can provide your own.
- Unfortunately you can’t provide your own antenna since they make use of their own antennas.
- Installation time can be up to 2 weeks depending on demand as well as the fibre provider.
- Of course they can only provide fibre Internet in areas where fibre has already been rolled out.
Business hours
Monday to Friday: 08:00-17:00
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Tel: 028 754 6222
Cell: 078 225 2405
Technical Support
7 Days a Week: 08:00-22:00
Technical Support Number: 072 438 1514
Follow them on Facebook and also visit their Website to stay on top of their fibre installation progress.
Simply Wireless – Internet-diensverskaffer in Stilbaai
Plaaslike Hessequa verskaffers van betroubare, robuuste en gemaklike Internet in die vorm van Wi-Fi, vesel en so ook LTE. Simply Wireless hanteer die laaste treetjie op die pad om die Internet beskikbaar te stel aan jou, die eindgebruiker.
Ligging en Agtergrond
Simply Wireless het in November 2020 in Stilbaai begin en het sedertdien bewys dat hulle professioneel, kundig, flink en so ook bekostigbaar is.
Op 1 Augustus 2022 smelt hulle saam met EasyComs en skuif na laasgenoemde se kantore in Die Solder-gebou in Stilbaai-wes. Hierdie gebou is geleë langs die Kliniek net af van Hoofweg-wes in dieselfde straat as, en nie ver nie van, Nedbank.
- Simply Wireless voorsien en installeer nuwe Internettoegangsdienste.
- So ook verskuif hulle bestaande installasies.
- Uit die aard van die saak is daar ‘n uitroepfooi as jy nie in Stilbaai, Jongensfontein of Melkhoutfontein woon nie.
- Sou jy verkies om nie per debietorder te betaal nie, is die pakket duurder omdat daar administrasiekostes betrokke is.
- Hulle voorsien bekostigbare draadlose, en so ook vesel Internet-pakkette.
Simply Wireless se Dekking of Reikwydte
Alhoewel geleë in Stilbaai, voorsien Simply Wireless draadlose Internet in meeste van die dorpe en omliggende gebiede in die Hessequa-gebied. Bo en behalwe Stilbaai, Jongensfontein en Melkhoutfontein, word dorpe ingesluit soos Witsand/Infanta, Malgas, Riversdal, Albertinia, Gouritsmond en so meer.
Stel jy belang in hulle diens, maar is onseker of jou gebied gedek is? Kontak hulle sommer dadelik. Jy wil nie uitmis op hulle uitstekende diens en aanbiedinge nie!
So vinnig as wat vesel in die Hessequa-gebied gelê word, sal Simply Wireless volg. So, wanneer vesel na jou dorp kom, maak seker jy praat met hulle sonder verwyl.
Onbeperkte Draadlose Internet-pakkette
- Hou in gedagte dat hulle onbeperkte draadlose Internet-pakkette installasiekostes behels en so ook ‘n eenmalige aktiveringsfooi.
- Hulle pakkette maak voorsiening vir permanente inwoners en so ook vakansiehuise (betaal soos jy gebruik).
- Verder bied hulle ‘n lynspoed van 10Mbps en 20Mbps, so jy kan die pakket kies wat in jou behoeftes voorsien.
- Lynspoed is gewaarborg, en, net so terloops, jy kan enige tyd jou lynspoed opgradeer.
- Alle pakkette is boonop onbeperk, asook ongeriemd.
- Simply Wireless bied ook maand-tot-maandopsies op alle pakkette, sou jy verkies om nie ‘n kontrak te teken nie. So ‘n kontrak is natuurlik effens goedkoper.
- Installasietyd kan tot 10 dae wees afhangend van die aanvraag.
Onbeperkte Veselinternet-pakkette
- Hulle onbeperkte veselinternet-pakkette sluit in FTTH (Vesel na die Huis), en so ook FTTB (Vesel na die Besigheid).
- Daar is geen installasiekoste nie.
- Veselinternet-toegang is duurder a.g.v. die hoë koste van die infrastruktuur.
- Hulle bied onbeperkte lyne vanaf 35Mbps en opwaarts om so elke individuele kliënt te pas.
- Gebruikersverbinding is direk op die vesel.
- Pakkette sluit 1 roeteerder in – toerusting, so terloops, bly die eiendom van Simply Wireless. Sou jou eie roeteerder egter versoenbaar wees met hulle netwerk, kan jy jou eie roeteerder verskaf.
- Dis ongelukkig nie ook so met jou eie antenna nie, aangesien hulle hulle eie antennas gebruik.
- Installasietyd kan tot 2 weke wees afhangend van die veselvoorsiener en so ook die aanvraag.
- Natuurlik kan hulle slegs veselinternet voorsien in gebiede waar die vesel reeds gelê is.
Maandag tot Vrydag: 08:00-17:00
Saterdag en Sondag: Toe
Tel: 028 754 6222
Sel: 078 225 2405
Tegniese Bystand
7 Dae per Week: 08:00-22:00
Tegniese Bystandsnommer: 072 438 1514
Volg hulle op Facebook en besoek ook hulle Webtuiste. Bly so op hoogte van hulle vordering met die veselinstallasies.