Skulpies Bay Hiking Trail – Skulpiesbaai Staproete Stilbaai
Skulpies Bay Hiking Trail – Skulpiesbaai Staproete Stilbaai
Received from Deon Begemann
Skulpies Bay Hiking Trail – Skulpiesbaai Staproete Stilbaai
A fairly difficult, but wonderfully scenic and rewarding hiking trail. Between the harbour and ancient fish traps in Still Bay, Western Cape, along the equally scenic Garden Route. Still Bay is a small, vibrant coastal town developing around the Goukou River mouth. Thus offering various exiting water sports as well as other interesting and enjoyable activities. Still Bay also has its fair share of attractions and interesting places to visit such as the feeding of the eels.
Moreover, Still Bay offers locals as well as visitors all amenities they need including shops, restaurants, doctors and pharmacies. Also a very competent and efficient NSRI office as well as a highly alert and vigilant Police Station.
Still Bay Skulpies Bay Hiking Trail – Skulpiesbaai Staproete Stilbaai Information
Under the auspices of The Still Bay Conservation Trust.
Starting Point – Three starting points – from the Whale watching point (near the harbour), from the parking areas at Morris Point, as well as the parking area near the fish traps.
Ending Point – Some routes can take you back to the starting point. On other routes you might have to walk back on the same route to get back to your vehicle.
Distance – Between 2 and 6 kilometres.
Time to Complete – 1 to 3 hours depending on your fitness level and the purpose of your hike.
Rating – Up and down dunes, thus reasonably difficult.
Useful Advice – Wear comfortable walking shoes, a hat as well as sunblock. Bring water, snacks and of course your camera and binoculars.
Permits – No permits required.
Regulations – Where applicable, regulations are displayed at entrance points. General rules with reference to nature conservation as well as consideration towards other hikers are applicable to all hiking routes.
Features – On the walk you will see the indigenous milk-wood tree forests, as well as the odd grysbok, bushbuck, mongoose and otter. And also various species of birds and stunning views of the Indian ocean.
The Trail – The various trails criss-cross the entire reserve following the contours of the dunes of course. It is clearly marked with sign boards such as Elephant Bush Trail (Olifantbospad) and Brown Hyena Trail (Strandjutpad). Have no fear, though, there are no elephants, nor hyenas around any more… One of the routes takes you along the beach and is about 1.5 km. A lovely wide stretch of sand with rocks and lots of shells.
No serious hiker or nature lover should miss this route!
Stilbaai Skulpiesbaai Staproete
Onder beskerming van die Stilbaai Bewaringstrust.
‘n Redelik moeilike, maar baie mooi en vervullende staproete oor duine en tussen fynbos en melkhoutbome in die Skulpiesbaai Reservaat. Daar is drie beginpunte vir die verskillende roetes wat kruis en dwars deur die gebied loop. Een is by die Walvisuitkykpunt, een by Morrispunt en die derde een by die parkeerarea bokant die visvywers. Een van die roetes loop strandlangs vir 1.5km.
Die roete is tussen 2 en 6 kilometers lank en kan tussen 1 tot 3 ure neem afhangende van die doel van die stapper. Onthou die gemaklike stapskoene, hoed, sonblok en so ook water, eetgoed, kamera en verkyker. Die roetes is gemerk met duidelike padwysers soos Seesafraanpad of Seeghwarriepad. En, wag hiervoor, Allerhandegedagtesbospiederspunt! Net in Afrikaans…
Op die roetes kan jy dalk grysbokkies sien, of bosbokkies, muishonde en otters en so ook talle voëlspesies. En so ook is daar ‘n asemrowende wye uitsig oor die Indiese oseaan.
Still Bay Skulpies Bay Trail – Stilbaai Skulpiesbaai Staproete