Stilbaai Dialysis Unit
Stilbaai Dialysis Unit – Stilbaai Private Hospital
The first of the Services of the Stilbaai Private Hospital, the Stilbaai Dialysis Unit, or Stilbaai Fresenius Dialysis Unit opens very soon. This brand new 6 bed dialysis unit is in Stilbaai East in the Stilbaai Private Hospital and will serve residents of, as well as visitors to Stilbaai and all surrounding areas. This is very welcome news to all people living with kidney failure in need of kidney care almost daily. Soon renal care patients will not have to travel long distances to have their regular dialysis which is critical to their survival.
Contract Signed With Fresenius Medical Care to Equip the Stilbaai Dialysis Unit
A contract has been signed in November 2019 with Fresenius Medical Care South Africa (Pty) Ltd. This is a German company providing services in Dialysis Centres in countries around the world. They are in fact considered to be the world’s leading provider of products and services for people with chronic kidney failure. The hope is that the Stilbaai Dialysis Unit will be operating very soon, since the contractors are already on site and busy with their individual installations.
Where to Obtain More Information on the Stilbaai Dialysis Unit
All prospective patients can send an email to for more information about this essential renal care service. You can also call Nico Viljoen on his cellphone 082 820 4366 or Call the Unit Manager On Call: 082 551 0392
What are the Functions of Our Kidneys?
Our bodies cannot function without our kidneys. They are responsible for removing excess body water as well as waste products 24/7 which leave the body in the form of urine. The kidneys also regulate electrolytes as well as produce hormones to control blood pressure, strengthen the bones and produce red blood cells.
What is Kidney Failure?
Kidney failure means the kidneys cannot perform their functions, thus excess body water and waste product build up in the blood. This, as well as the decrease in the production of certain hormones, will make you feel sick. Unfortunately one cannot reverse this disease which leaves the patient with a critical problem. The Stilbaai Dialysis Unit will of course lift a heavy burden from those in the area suffering of kidney failure thus needing dialysis regularly.
What is Dialysis?
Dialysis is the procedure of performing two of the most important kidney functions with the help of a dialysis machine. Dialysis treatment removes excess body water and waste products that have built up in the blood. Therefore the patient has to go on a dialysis machine regularly. Hitched to the machine the patient spends a period of time while waiting for the machine to perform the dialysis. Having a functioning renal dialysis unit in Stilbaai is the first of a number of steps towards the completion of the Stilbaai Private Hospital Project.
What is the Stilbaai Private Hospital or Stilbaai Duine Hospital Project?
From the onset, the intention was to establish a unique Private General Hospital for the residents of Stilbaai and surrounding areas. The idea is to offer full in-patient as well as out-patient surgical and medical facilities and the benefits of such a facility are very clear.
The Department of Health has already approved all the licenses for this facility with 46 beds.
The facility will provide:
- 20 Medical beds
- 14 General beds
- 2 High care beds
- 2 Day beds for day procedures
- 6 Bed Dialysis Unit
- 2 Treatment beds in ER
- 1 Emergency unit
- 1 Procedure room
- 2 Major theatres
- A pharmacy
- Radiology
- A Coffee shop
- ALS Ambulance & Station
- Pathologists
What is the Latest on the Stilbaai Private Hospital Project?
Although it seems as if the project is dragging feet, it is definitely not the case. The licensing process took 4 years to complete, but finally the Department of Health has approved all the necessary licenses for the operation of the hospital.
Approval of the building plans took very long because the buildings are unique in the Hessequa area. The last of the plans, those of Radiology, Pathology as well as the consulting rooms were approved as recently as 6 September 2019.
Phase one of the hospital has already been completed in spite of the difficult economic climate South Africa currently experiences. Soon the Stilbaai Dialysis Unit will start functioning, depending only on the contractors currently installing the equipment.
Nico Viljoen Managing Director
Stilbaai Hospital (Pty) Ltd & Hessequa Medical Centre (Pty) Ltd
Cell: 082 820 4366
Stilbaai Dialise-Eenheid by die Stilbaai Privaat Hospitaal in Stilbaai-Oos
Welkome nuus vir pasiënte met nierversaking in Stilbaai en so ook die hele omgewing. Die eerste van die dienste wat beplan word vir die Stilbaai Privaat Hospitaal, ‘n eenheid vir dialise, die Stilbaai Fresenius Dialysis Unit, gaan binnekort oopmaak.
Hierdie 6-bed dialise-eenheid is in Stilbaai-Oos en sal die inwoners van en besoekers aan Stilbaai en so ook die hele wyer omgewing bedien. So,baie binnekort sal nierversakingspasiënte van die omgewing nie meer lang afstande af te lê om hulle gereelde dialise te ondergaan nie wat kritiek is vir hulle oorlewing.
Kontrak met Fresenius Medical Care
‘n Kontrak is gedurende November 2019 onderteken met Fresenius Medical Care South Africa (Pty) Ltd. Hierdie Duitse firma voorsien dienste aan dialise sentrums in lande dwarsoor die wêreld. So ook word hulle beskou as die wêreldleier op die gebied van voorsiening van produkte en dienste vir mense met chroniese nierversaking.
Die hoop is dat die Stilbaai Dialise-Eenheid binnekort in gebruik sal wees aangesien die verskillende kontrakteurs reeds op die perseel besig is met hulle onderskeie installasies.
Waar Kry Ek Meer Inligting oor die Stilbaai Dialise-Eenheid?
Voornemende pasiënte en belangstellendes kan ‘n e-pos stuur aan vir meer inligting oor hierdie so noodsaaklike niersorgdiens. Of skakel Nico Viljoen op sy selfoon by nommer 082 820 4366 of die Eenheidsbestuurder Op Diens : 082 551 0392
Wat is die Stilbaai Privaat Hospitaal-Projek?
Die plan met die projek is om ‘n privaat algemene hospitaal daar te stel vir Stilbaai en omgewing met volledige chirurgiese en mediese fasiliteite vir binne- en so ook buitepasiënte.
Wat behels die Fasiliteit?
- 20 Mediese beddens
- 14 Algemene beddens
- 2 Hoësorg beddens
- 2 Dagbeddens vir dagprosedures
- 6-Bed dialise-eenheid
- 2 Behandelingsbeddens in Noodgevalle
- 1 Noodeenheid
- 1 Prosedurekamer
- 2 Eersterangse teaters
- Apteek
- Radiologie
- Koffiewinkel
- ALS Ambulans en stasie
- Pataloë
Waar Staan die Projek Tans?
Alhoewel dit lyk asof die projek voete sleep, is dit nie die geval nie. Die proses om al die nodige lisensies goedgekeur te kry, het so 4 jaar geneem om te voltooi. Uiteindelik het die Department van Gesondheid al die nodige lisensies goedgekeur vir die bedryf van so ‘n hospitaal hier in Stilbaai.
Die goedkeuring van die bouplanne het net so lank geneem omdat die geboue uniek is in die Hessequagebied. Die laaste van die planne, dié van Radiologie, Patologie en so ook die spreekkamers, is so onlangs as 6 September 2019 goedgekeur.
Fase Een van die hospitaal is reeds voltooi ten spyte van die heersende swak ekonomiese klimaat in Suid-Afrika. Binnekort gaan die Dialise-eenheid sy deure oopmaak. Dit hang af van hoe gou die kontrakteurs wat tans besig is met hulle onderskeie installasies, hulle werk voltooi.
Nico Viljoen Managing Director
Stilbaai Hospital (Pty) Ltd & Hessequa Medical Centre (Pty) Ltd
Cell: 082 820 4366