Stilbaai Fine Art Focus

Stilbaai Fine Art Focus

Stilbaai Fine Art Focus

A group of talented artists in Still Bay each with his/her own art form as well as style. Stilbaai Fine Art Focus is a kind of platform or organisation called into existence by a group of artists. The purpose of this group is to share their love for art, their individual knowledge as well as skills and art techniques.

These artists are from in and around Stilbaai and Jongensfontein, two picturesque sister coastal towns in close proximity of each other. In the Hessequa area of the Western Cape along the equally beautiful Garden Route. Offering plenty of creative inspiration to any artist, and therefore attracting distinctly talented people to this area to practise their individual art forms.

Stilbaai Fine Art Focus – About Their Art

This group of artists represents a variety of art forms such as painting, drawing and sculpting. They make use of different art styles/genres such as abstract art, realistic art, modern art, contemporary art, minimalist art, etc.

Their paintings represent a variety of themes such as animal studies, flowers, figure studies, landscapes, portraits as well as seascapes and still lifes. They find their inspiration for many of these paintings from the beautiful natural fynbos, indigenous wild life as well as rocky sea shores, fish and sea birds.

Every artist has his/her own preference where it comes to the medium in which he/she works. Some artists work in different mediums, depending on the image they want to capture and the best medium to bring out the mood or message. These painters are no different and make use of oil paint, acrylic paint, watercolour paint, charcoal, pastel, pencil, etc.

More About the Artists of Stilbaai Fine Art Focus

  • Some of the artists belonging to this group form part of the Stilbaai Tourism Arts & Crafts Route.
  • A number of them offer art classes to individuals interested in painting or sculpting.
  • Some of them have their own galleries where one can peruse as well as buy their work.
  • Lastly, some of these artists accept commission work from individuals and businesses.
  • They regularly participate in fine art exhibitions in and around Still Bay/Jongensfontein where their paintings and sculptures can be perused and bought.

Why don’t you visit their Website – take a stroll through their gallery. Stilbaai Fine Art Logo

These artists would love to discuss their artwork as well as techniques with you. They invite you to contact them for an appointment to peruse their work.

Skonekunste groep in Stilbaai

Stilbaai Fine Art Focus is ‘n groep talentvolle kunstenaars in Stilbaai, elk met sy of haar eie styl en kunsvorm. Die doel van hierdie groepie kunstenaars, is om hulle liefde vir kuns, hulle kennis en so ook hulle tegnieke met mekaar te deel. Hulle is van die Stilbaai/Jongensfonteinomgewing en kry hulle inspirasie uit die mooi omgewing en die see.

Oor Hulle Kuns

Die groep kunstenaars van Stilbaai Fine Art Focus verteenwoordig ‘n paar verskillende kunsvorms soos skilderwerk, tekenwerk en so ook beeldhouwerk. Hulle maak gebruik van verskillende kunsstyle soos abstrakte kuns, realistiese kuns, moderne kuns, kontemporêre kuns, en so meer.

Die skilderye verteenwoordig ‘n verskeidenheid temas soos dierestudies, blomme, figure, landskappe, portrette, seetonele, stillewes en so meer. Hulle put inspirasie vir baie van hulle kunswerke uit die mooi natuurlike fynbos, inheemse wildlewe, rotsagtige kuslyn, vis en so ook seevoëls.

Elke kunstenaar het sy/haar eie voorkeur kunsmedium, terwyl ander net so bedrewe is in verskillende mediums. Hierdie skilders maak gebruik van mediums soos olieverf, akrielverf, waterverf, houtskool, pastelle, potlood en so meer.

Meer oor die Kunstenaars van Stilbaai Fine Art Focus

  • Sommige van die kunstenaars behorende aan hierdie groep, vorm ook deel van die Stilbaai Tourism Arts & Crafts Route.
  • Party van hulle bied kunsklasse aan belangstellendes.
  • So ‘n klompie van hulle het hulle eie gallerye waar hulle werk besigtig en ook gekoop kan word.
  • Party van die kunstenaars aanvaar ook werk in opdrag van, of op bestelling deur individue of besighede.
  • Hulle neem gereeld deel aan kunsuitstallings in die Stilbaai/Jongensfonteingebied waar hulle skilderye en so ook beeldhouwerk bekyk en gekoop kan word.

Kliek hier, besoek hul Webtuiste en gaan stap gerus deur die gallery . Stilbaai Fine Art Logo

Hierdie kunstenaar gesels graag met jou oor hulle kunswerke en tegnieke eie aan hulleself. So, jy word genooi om hulle te kontak vir ‘n afspraak om te gesels en hulle werk te besigtig.