Turaco Tours & Transfers
Turaco Tours & Transfers – Garden Route
Enthusiastic personal/private tour and transfer expert in the Garden Route and Klein Karoo. Turaco Tours & Transfers offers to share its vast intimate knowledge of things worth seeing, doing, knowing and also tasting is this region. Customers even has a choice between being addressed in English or German!
Turaco Tours & Transfers is located in Knysna, deep into the eastern part of the Western Cape Garden Route. The name of the business is indeed aptly chosen, for “Turaco” refers to the striking green Knysna Loerie with the bright red wings.
Incidentally the Garden Route is one of the top 5 places to visit in Southern Africa. Thanks to its splendid beaches, along with unspoiled forests, remarkable history, charming towns and gorgeous coastal villages.
Not only tourist from other countries, but also fellow South Africans desire to see this, for many of them, unknown, part of their stunning country.
Turaco Tours & Transfers – Services
Although stationed in Knysna, Turaco offers its services as far west as George and east as Port Elizabeth.
Airport Transfers – Airport Shuttle Services
- Turaco offers a private/personal transport service, meaning the vehicle is reserved only for yourself and those with you. You do not share the comfortable SUV with other customers.
- Customers make their bookings online (on Turaco’s website) for up to 3 persons per vehicle, including 3 travel bags and 3 carry on bags.
- They offer to transport customers to and from three different airports, namely George (GRJ), Plettenberg Bay (PBZ) and Port Elizabeth (PLZ).
- Transfer fare zones involve three towns which are Sedgefield, Knysna, as well as Plettenberg Bay. A full list of these zones is available on their website.
- To and from these fare zones they shuttle customers to and from the above mentioned airports. Visit their website for the latest fares, as well as to make a booking.
- Turaco Tours & Transfers accepts Visa and also Master Card credit cards.
Private Day Tours
Turaco is not your traditional tour provider. They offer privately guided day tours of your choice traversing the Garden Route as well as Klein Karoo districts. Embark on an unforgettable exploration of undoubtedly one of the most beautiful parts in the country, and for that matter, in the whole world!
- Their experienced licensed tour guide is registered with CATHSSETA. He performs private tours for all age groups speaking English, or, on request, German.
- Turaco specialises in private tours for 1-3 persons, however, by special arrangement they can handle up to 6 persons at a time. No buses, no crammed itineraries, no strangers, so you can relax and enjoy.
- You get to choose your itinerary befitting your age, your special interests, the members of your group, etc.
Possible private tour options
Since they know the area intimately, Turaco Tours & Transfers offers some suggestions for a day tour.
- Explore Knysna (“place of wood”), the incredibly beautiful and also extremely popular coastal town beside the Knysna Lagoon. Boasting a remarkable and captivating history to boot.
- Check out Plettenberg Bay with its unmatched pristine beaches, its rich marine life as well as sea birds. Not to mention all the delightful food and cultural ways.
- Discover Tsitsikamma (“clear waters”), part of the Garden Route National Park. This one is for nature lovers and adventure seekers what with its age-old trees, gorges and rocky coastline. Home to endangered monkeys as well as birds in free roaming sanctuaries.
- Explore the Oudtshoorn area and discover the ostrich farms, their port wine, along with the prehistoric caves like the Cango Caves. This vast barren open country offers a charm of its own to the beholder.
- Go on safari in the Garden Route Game Lodge, but one of various game farms in the area. From the open safari Jeep you can see and snap the big 5 among many other animals. Afterwards a visit to the Aloe Factory near by to learn about harvesting and processing the very useful aloe sap.
- Go wine-tasting with Turaco. Visit up to three wine tasting cellars in one day tour and taste their white, red, rosé as well as sparkling wines.
For more detailed information, as well as fees pertaining these options, visit their website, or else, phone them directly.
Compile your own tour itinerary
You might be interested one of the suggested day tours, however, should you have something else in mind, discuss it with them. They will be happy to oblige.
All you have to do, is book their vehicle and guide. These are included in the base rate, but all other fees concerning your own tour itinerary, will be for your pocket.
Enjoy yourself to pieces!
Cell: 064 755 8402
Business Hours
Daily: 07:00-18:00
Closed on: New Year’s Day
Christmas Day
Day of Goodwill
Turaco Tours & Transfers – Toere en Transportasies – Tuinroete
Baie entoesiastiese persoonlike/privaat toer en vervoer ekspert in die Tuinroete en Klein Karoo-gebied. Hy bied sy wye, intieme kennis rakende dinge om te sien, te doen, te weet en so ook te proe in genoemde gebied. Kliënte kan selfs kies om óf ‘n Engelse, óf ‘n Duitse toergids te hê!
Turaco Tours & Transfers is in Knysna, diep in die oostelike deel van die Wes-Kaapse Tuinroete. Die welgekose naam van die besigheid kom van die Turaco voël, die alte fraai groen Knysna Loerie met die bloedrooi vlerke.
Die Wes-Kaapse Tuinroete is, weet jy wel, een van die top 5 plekke in suider-Afrika om te besoek. Dit is te danke aan die weergalose strande, die ongerepte woude, en so ook die merkwaardige geskiedenis, en bekoorlike dorpies.
Nie net buitelanders nie, maar ook medeburgers, wil graag hierdie, vir so baie van hulle, onbekende, deel van hulle verbysterende land besoek.
Turaco Toere en Vervoer – Dienste
Alhoewel hulle in Knysna gebaseer is, strek hulle dienste so ver wes as George en oos as Port Elizabeth.
Vervoer van en na Lughawens – Shuttle Dienste
- Turaco bied ‘n private/persoonlike vervoerdiens, so, die voertuig is net vir jouself en diegene saam met jou reserveer. Jy/julle deel nie die voertuig met ander kliënte nie.
- Kliënte bespreek aanlyn op Turaco se webwerf vir tot 3 persone per voertuig, plus 3 reistasse, plus 3 drasakke.
- Hulle vervoer kliënte na en van 3 verskillende lughawens, nl. George (GRJ), Plettenbergbaai (PBZ) en so ook Port Elizabeth (PLZ)
- Daar is optel- en aflaaipunte in 3 dorpe, nl. Sedgefield, Knysna en so ook Plettenbergbaai. ‘n Volledige lys van hierdie punte is beskikbaar op hulle webtuiste.
- Hulle vervoer klënte na en vanaf hierdie punte na en vanaf die bogenoemde lughawens. Besoek hulle werftuiste vir die jongste tariewe en doen ook jou besprekings daar.
- Turaco Tours & Transfers aanvaar Visa- en so ook Master Card-kredietkaarte.
Private Dagtoere
Turaco is nie jou tradisionele toerboer nie. Hulle bied jou selfgekose private dagtoere aan in die Tuinroete- en Klein Karoo-omgewings. Sekerlik een van die heel mooiste dele van die land en selfs in die res van die wêreld.
- Hulle ervare en gelisensieerde toergids is geregistreer by CATHSSETA. Hy bied private toere vir alle ouderdomsgroepe aan in Engels, of, indien so versoek, in Duits.
- Turaco spesialiseer in privaattoere vir 1-3 persone, maar kan tot 6 persone hanteer, indien so gereël. Geen busse, geen volgestopte dae, geen vreemdelinge, so jy kan heerlik ontspan en net geniet.
- Jy kies jou eie reisplan wat pas by jou ouderdom, spesiale belangstellings, die lede in jou groepie, en so meer.
Voorgestelde Private Toeropsies
Aangesien hulle die gebied intiem ken, het Turaco Tours & Transfers ‘n paar dagtoere saamgestel vir jou oorweging.
- Verken die ongelooflik mooi en so gewilde kusdorpie, Knysna met sy merkwaardige en boeiende geskiedenis.
- Ontdek die weergalose en ongerepte strande, ryk seelewe, -voëls en so ook kos en kultuur van Plettenbergbaai.
- Natuurliefhebbers, hierdie een is vir julle. Besoek Tsitsikamma met sy oeroue bome, klowe, ruwe kuslyn – veilige tuiste van bedreigde aapspesies en so ook voëls.
- Verken die Oudtshoorn-omgewing en beleef die volstruisplase, hulle portwyn en so ook die prehistoriese grotte.
- Gaan op safari in die Garden Route Game Lodge en sien en fotografeer die groot vyf uit die oop safari Jeep. Besoek daarna die Aalwynplaas en leer hoe die sap van die plant geoes en in so baie verskillende nuttige produkte gebruik word.
- Gaan proe wyn saam met Turaco. So drie wynkelders kan tydens ‘n eendagtoer ingepas word waar jy hulle wit-, rooi-, rosé en vonkelwyne kan proe.
Vir meer inligting, asook fooie t.o.v. hierdie opsies, besoek hulle webtuiste, of so nie, bel hulle direk.
Stel Self Jou Toerplan Saam
Dalk is jy geïnteresseerd in een van die voorgestelde opsies, maar, sou jy iets anders in gedagte hê, gesels met hulle. Hulle sal so graag help.
Al wat jy hoef te doen, is om hulle voertuig en gids te boek wat natuurlik in die basiese tarief ingesluit is. So, alle verdere fooie wat mag voortspruit uit jou selfopgestelde plan, kom uit jou eie sak.
Geniet jouself gate uit!
Cell: 064 755 8402
Daagliks: 07:00-18:00
Toe tydens: Nuwejaar
Dag van Welwillendheid (Day of Goodwill)