Barry Memorial Church
Barry Memorial Church
Barry Memorial Church
Built by the Barry family in 1849. Today this church in Witsand, Western Cape, is a national monument and still in use for services and weddings.
The Barry Memorial Church is an intimate rectangular whitewashed building with a sandstone facade, complete with a gable and thatched roof. The entrance has beautiful double wooden doors with a pointed window directly above them.
On each side of the building are two lancet windows. Furthermore the vestry is built out on the back wall. Inside are two rows of wooden pews with a passage in the middle and a wooden floor.
To the right of the entrance is a plaque denoting the history of the church which reads:
“This Church was built by the Barry Family in 1849 when Port Beaufort was a flourishing port for ships of the Port Beaufort Trading Company (later Barry and Nephews) which plied regularly between Cape Town, Port Beaufort and Malagas from 1825 to 1882.
Erected by the Historical Monuments Commission.”
In the grave yard next to the church are several graves among which is that of a 4 year old girl, Anna Elizabeth du Toit, born in 1891 and died in 1895. There is also a memorial wall in the grave yard where the niche for the original Joseph Barry (1796-1866) can be seen.
Finally on the front end of the memorial wall the propeller of the SS Kadie, a ship which sank in 1865, rests on two mill stones from the Barry & Nephew Flour Mill in Swellendam.
The building was recently renovated..
While the building was recently renovated mainly with donations from members of the Barry family around the world. The original building style and materials are now clearly visible and they plan to keep it this way so that it is educational for tourists. The front wall is stabilised and sealed, so that it can be preserved for future generations to enjoy.
This remarkable church is still in use for once a month church services and weddings.
Die Barry Gedenkkerk in Witsand, Hessequa, Wes-Kaap, is in 1849 gebou deur die Barry familie. Hierdie besienswaardigheid is onlangs gerestoureer en word nog maandeliks vir dienste gebruik asook vir troues. Dit is ‘n intieme klein kerkie met houtvloere, twee rye banke en ‘n netjiese rietdak. Die sandsteenvooraansig met die tipiese gewel vorm ‘n pragtige prentjie vir menige fotograaf.
Henri Barry
Tel: 072 247 2895