Cronje Motor Vehicle Repairs

Cronje Towing & Repairs in Stilbaai

Cronje Motor Vehicle Repairs – Stilbaai

Well-established vehicle towing and repairs company based in Still Bay. Cronje Towing & Auto Repairs is a ‘one stop do it all’ shop offering a service from towing, to servicing and repairing your vehicle. Having been in the business for more than 11 years, these motor mechanics have become experts in towing and repairing vehicles. They always strive for excellence and the safety of their clients is of the utmost importance to them.

Cronje Towing & Repairs, previously known as Kloof Motors, is in the Industrial area on the eastern side of the Goukou River in Still Bay East. Still Bay is a popular coastal town in the Hessequa area in the Western Cape along the famous Garden Route.

Their mission is to build up a reputation for integrity, excellence and leadership and to become one of the finest mechanical and towing organisations in the Western Cape. To fulfil this mission, they envision to:

  • Provide quality and affordable repairs and towing wherever you are, delivered in the shortest turnaround time as possible without sacrificing on quality;
  • Continuously improve their standards as well as the quality of their service;
  • Constantly strive to exceed the expectations of each of their clients;
  • Maintain their dedication to operate by the highest moral principles.

Cronje Towing & Repairs is a BE-EEE compliant company, available and able to perform all your vehicle services as well as repairs.

Cronje Mechanics & Motor Vehicle Repairs – Services in Stilbaai & Jongensfontein

The services of this company comprise two main components concerning vehicles – on the one hand the mechanical element, and on the other hand the towing element.

Automotive Mechanics

Their qualified motor mechanics offer all the usual mechanical services such as:

  • Engine overhauls – removed, disassembled, cleaned and repaired, new pistons, piston rings, main bearings, valves, springs as well as gaskets, oil seals, etc.
  • Wheel bearings assessment as well as replacement
  • Shocks assessment and replacement of worn shocks
  • Brakes assessment and replacement, also steering system repairs
  • Replacing bad CV joints (Constant Velocity) to prevent loss of control of the vehicle while driving
  • Exhaust system repairs as well as replacement
  • Differential and gearbox diagnostic testing and repairs, manual and automatic gearboxes
  • Crankshaft, flywheel, pistons, timing belt as well as con-rod repairs/replacement, etc.
  • Service all kinds of vehicles
  • Clutch overhauls – replacement of clutch plate, pressure plate and release bearing
  • Alternator and starter repairs as well as ignition system components, spark plugs and wires, distributor, etc.
  • Everyday vehicular problems such as battery replacements, water pump, oil pump and seal as well as fuel pump replacements, radiator repairs, carburettor repairs, etc.

Towing Service

During normal working hours they:

  • Recover any type of vehicle
  • Travel locally as well as long distances
  • Recover and tow wrecked vehicles from the scene where an accident has occurred
  • Deliver fuel and diesel along the roadside to stranded motorists
  • Recover and tow broken-down vehicles
  • Offer roadside assistance – repair the vehicle at the scene of the breakdown if possible

24 Hour Emergency Towing Service

They also offer a 24/7/365 emergency towing service which includes:

  • Accident towing and recovery
  • Breakdown towing and recovery
  • Roadside assistance

In short, Cronje Towing & Repairs is always prepared go the extra mile for every client.

Frans Cronje

Cell: 073 457 8453

Steadfrey Avenue

Kloof Industrial

Stilbaai East


Insleep- en Hersteldiens in Stilbaai – Cronje Towing & Repairs

Gevestigde voertuiginsleep- en voertuigherstelbesigheid in Stilbaai. Voorheen bekend as Kloof Motors en geleë in die Industriële gebied in Stilbaai-Oos. Hulle is ‘n BE-EEE-besigheid en beskikbaar en volledig instaat om jou voertuig te diens of te herstel.

Cronje Towing & Repairs – Dienste

Hulle dienste bestaan uit twee hoofkomponente rakende voertuie, nl. die meganiese element en so ook die insleepgedeelte.

Motorwerktuigkundige en Meganiese Herstelwerk

Die gekwalifiseerde motorwerktuigkundiges bied al die gewone meganiese hersteldienste soos:

  • Oordoen van enjins – nuwe ringe, kleppe, vere, olieseëls, suiers, en so meer
  • Wiellaers nagaan en vervang
  • Toets en vervang verweerde skokbrekers
  • So ook remme, remskoene en die res van die stuurstelsel
  • Nagaan en vervanging van homokinete (CV joints)
  • Herstel of vervanging van uitlaatstelsels
  • Toets en herstel van ratkaste en so ook ewenaars
  • Herstel en vervang van die kruk-as, vliegwiel, suiers, tydreëlketting en so meer
  • Diens van alle soorte voertuie
  • Oordoen van koppelaars – vervanging van koppelaarplate, drukplate, en so meer
  • Herstel van alternators en aansitters en so ook komponente van die ontstekingstelsel soos die vonkproppe en drade, verdeler, ens.
  • Alledaagse voertuigprobleme soos battery, waterpomp, oliepomp, brandstofpomp en olieseël vervangings en herstel van verkoelers, vergassers en so meer


Gedurende normale werksure:

  • Insleep van enige soort voertuig
  • Plaaslik en so ook oor lang afstande
  • Gaan haal en tou voertuie vanaf ongelukstonele
  • Bring brandstof en so ook diesel na gestrande motoriste
  • Gaan haal en tou gebreekte voertuie
  • Doen hulle padbystand – maak sommer die voetuig heel so langs die pad indien moontlik

24-Uur Noodinsleepdiens

Hulle bied ook ‘n 24/7/365 noodinsleepdiens op alle voertuie wat die volgende insluit:

  • Ongelukke
  • Gebreekte voertuie
  • Padbystand

In kort, Cronje Towing & Repairs is altyd gewillig om die ekstra myl te stap vir elke kliënt.

Frans Cronje

Cell: 073 457 8453

Steadfrey Avenue

Kloof Industrial

Stilbaai East