Go Self-Drive Tours Knysna

Go Self-Drive Tours

Go Self-Drive Tours Knysna

Professional tour designers specialising in designing personalised self-drive tours for their customers. Based in Knysna along the beautiful Garden Route in the Western Cape, South Africa. Understanding the need of some people to tour on their own instead of doing a scheduled coach tour. Drawing from their years of experience to put together a specially tailored tour to fit your unique requirements. Of course taking into account different aspects such as time available as well as your budget.

This professional self-drive touring business is known for its effective service, attention to detail as well as personal contact. Also for arranging great programmes resulting in memorable trips. Let them design your trip, make your bookings and allow yourself to enjoy a fantastic trip to the location of your choice. They are the experts, they know all the less known, but stunning places to visit as well as the best accommodation befitting your budget.

Go Self-Drive Tours is a registered tour operator and the touring company is also registered with the Knysna Tourism Board.

Be on the lookout for their regular special deals.

Typical Go Self-Drive Tours Customers

  • International first-timers to visit South Africa
  • People not having time do do travel research themselves
  • Those who would like to see less-known areas
  • Honeymooners
  • Customers with special interests, such as the more extreme types of activities like kite surfing, bungy jumping, shark cage diving, etc.
  • Pre- or post conference or sports events (such as Comrades, Argus, etc.) add on holiday
  • Golfers wanting to play golf as they travel along
  • Family vacations

Go Self-Drive Tours – Services

  • To get things going, you can apply on the South African tour enquiry form from which these tour planners suggest a custom made tour plan. Of course based on your specifications and preferred areas
  • They then discuss the suggested tour plan with you and make the necessary adjustments
  • Hereafter they source accommodation to suit your budget and then put together your tour package and offer you a quote
  • There is no obligation, but on acceptance of the final quote they confirm all the reservations as well as supply your car hire voucher and self-drive itinerary. Also their ‘General Information and Hints’, travelling file with directions and maps, list of all activities and attractions as well as recommended restaurants. Furthermore they include specialised information on your specific interests such as golf and hiking. Also diving, deep-sea fishing, hot-air-ballooning, game drives, shark cage diving, etc.

Go Self-Drive Tours – Scheduled Tours

These tour operators specialise in self-drive tours, but they can also include scheduled half-day and full-day guided sightseeing tours in various towns.

  • There are half-day as well as full-day guided tours available in Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg and Mpumalanga
  • Wine-land tours in Stellenbosch area
  • Also scheduled guided tours of 3 – 16 days all over the country, including the Kruger Park in the far north and the Garden Route in the far south
  • There is also a Victoria Falls add on: From Johannesburg to the Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and straight back, or back via Chobe, Botswana

Go Self-Drive Tours – Possible Destinations

  • Garden Route – Including exciting places such as Knysna, Plettenberg Bay, Tsitsikamma, Wilderness, George, Mossel Bay, etc. Each offering is own unique activities and attractions
  • Cape Town – Sights, attractions and activities such as Table mountain, the aquarium, Robben Island, the historical Castle of Good Hope, township tours, shark diving
  • Wine-lands – Including Stellenbosch and the many historic wine estates in the area, Hottentots Holland and Franschhoek mountains as well as Wemmershoek
  • Hermanus – Offering the best land-based whale watching in the world, the Whale Festival, long white beaches as well as shark cave diving with Great White sharks
  • Oudtshoorn – capital of the Klein Karoo with the ostrich show farms, Cango Caves as well as marvellous 4×4 routes
  • Eastern Cape – Offering lots of water sports activities, 800 km long coastline along the warm Indian Ocean, game reserves, the Addo Elephant National Park. Also places such as Jeffreys Bay with its legendary waves surfers dream about, etc.
  • Drakensberg Mountains – With peaks rising to heights of over 3 000 m, some rock art sites as well as the Tugela Falls, the 2nd highest waterfall in the world
  • KwaZulu-Natal – Various destinations such as the vibrant Durban, Sodwana Bay and Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Game Park, etc.
  • Kruger Park, Mpumalanga – Most exciting African safari destination where you can peruse the big five: the lion, buffalo, elephant, rhino and the leopard as well as numerous other wildlife and plants
  • Gauteng – Visit Johannesburg, Soweto, Pretoria/Tshwane, the Cradle of Humankind as well as various historic monuments in this area

Speak to them – they have so much more to offer!                    For more visit their Website here!     Go Self Drive Tours Garden Route and Klein Karoo

Self-Ry Toere aangebied deur Go Self-Drive Tours in Knysna

Professionele toerbeplanners wat spesialiseer in die saamstel van gespesifiseerde selfry toere vir individuele kliënte. Hulle verstaan dat nie alle mense hou van geskeduleerde bustoere nie. Uit hulle ondervinding oor baie jare kan hulle jou help om die perfekte toer te beplan wat in jou behoeftes voorsien. Daar word gekyk na die tyd beskikbaar, jou belangstellings en so ook jou beskikbare begroting.

Met hulle deskundige kennis van die land, weet hulle van die beste plekke om te besoek, die beste akkommodasie en so ook voertuigverhurings. Go Self-Drive Tours is ‘n geregistreerde toeroperateur en so ook geregistreer by die Knysna Toerismeraad.

Hou ook dop vir hulle gereelde spesiale aanbiedings.

Tipiese Go Self-Drive Tours-Kliënte

  • Internasionale eerstekeerbesoekers
  • Mense wat nie tyd het om self reisverwante navorsing te doen nie
  • Wittebroodspaartjies
  • Kliënte met spesiale belangstellings, bv. die meer ekstreme aktiwiteite soos rekspronge, haaitenkduik, en so meer
  • Golfspelers wat graag op ‘n golfspeelroete wil toer
  • Familie/gesinsvakansies, en so meer

Go Self-Drive Tours – Dienste

  • Doen aansoek op die Suid-Afrikaanse toernavraagvorm wat dan gebruik word deur die toerbeplanners om ‘n toerplan voor te stel. Dit baseer hulle op jou spesifikasies, belangstellings, begroting en so aan
  • Hierdie plan bepreek hulle vervolgens met jou en bring die nodige veranderings aan
  • Dan kyk hulle na verblyf wat in jou begroting pas en stel vir jou ‘n pakket saam en so ook ‘n kwotasie
  • Daar is geen verpligting nie, maar, sou jy dit aanvaar, bevestig hulle die verblyfreserverings en oorhandig die bewys van die voertuighuur en so ook die selfry-reisplan. So ook ‘n inligtingsgids, aanwysings en kaarte en ‘n lys van aktiwiteite en aanbevole eetplekke. Verder is daar inligting oor jou spesifieke belangstellings soos golf, staproetes, warmlugballonritte, hengel in die diepsee, en so meer

Go Self-DriveTours – Geskeduleerde Toere

Hoewel hulle in die beplanning van selfry toere spesialiseer, kan hulle ook geskeduleerde halfdag en voldag begeleide besigtigingstoere insluit. So ook langer toere bv. na die Kruger Wildtuin of selfs na die Victoriawatervalle in Zimbabwe.

Moontlike Bestemmings of Landstreke

  • Al langs die Tuinroete in die Wes-Kaap
  • Allerhande besienswaardighede in en om Kaapstad
  • So ook deur die Wynland
  • Hermanus, die beste plek om die manewales van die noorkapperwalvisse dop te hou
  • Oudtshoorn, bekend vir sy volstruise en die Kangogrotte
  • Die Oos-Kaap met sy wildreservate, die Addo Olifant Nasionale Park, en so ook 800 km lange kuslyn met elke watersport denkbaar
  • Majesteuse Drakensberge met sy rotskuns en so ook die Tugelavalle
  • KwaZulu-Natal met sy verskeidenheid bestemmings
  • Kruger Wildtuin in Mpumalanga met die groot vyf: die leeu en luiperd, die olifant en renoster en so ook die gevaarlike buffel
  • Gauteng met sy kosmopolitaanse karakter en so ook die bewaarder van die Wieg van die Mensdom

Praat met hulle – daar is so baie meer wat hulle kan bied!

Tel: 044 382 3290 (local)
Tel: +27 (0)44 382 3290 (international)
Fax: 044 382 4185 (local)
Fax: +27 (0)44 382 4185 (international)

Email us here

Vir meer besoek hul Webtuiste hier!     Go Self Drive Tours Garden Route and Klein Karoo