LP Gas Installations

LP Gas Installations – LP Gasinstallasies

Professional, legal, licensed as well as certified LP Gas installer for AJW Technical Enterprises in Still Bay. Registered and licensed to perform LP Gas installations at domestic/residential level and servicing the Hessequa area in the Western Cape. Domestic LP Gas installations such as gas ovens, gas geysers, gas fireplaces and gas barbecues. Also gas hobs, gas hotplates, etc. using LP Gas pipes and fittings, LPG regulators and LPG pigtails connecting the tank and the regulator, as well as LPG emergency shut off valves. They also perform leak testing, fault finding as well as pressure testing and more.

Certificate of Conformity (CoC)

Permanent gas installations such as gas ovens, hobs, gas hot water systems and fireplaces require an up to date CoC. Abrie Willemse will issue a COC for a permanent installation after completing a new gas installation. Furthermore he will issue a CoC after having done any modification, alteration or maintenance of an existing gas installation. When you plan to sell your property, you need a CoC for the permanent gas installations on the property. Abrie can also assist you with obtaining such a certificate if you do not have a legal and updated one.

Safety and Insurance

Moreover, if you have any permanent gas installations in your home, you should make sure that the installation is legal and certified for your safety. On the other hand, very important, your insurance policy should remain valid, or it might cost you dearly in the case of a gas related incident or disaster. Thus let these qualified professional installers of AJW Technical Enterprises repair those faulty (illegal) gas installations to comply to standards as mandated by current regulations.

Ensure that your gas oven, gas hob, gas geyser and gas fireplace as well as gas braai are always in top working order. Ask these registered gas installers to perform an annual maintenance and service check. Put safety first and be legal!

Other Services offered by AJW Technical Enterprises

AJW Technical Enterprises also does repairs on household fridges and freezers as well as air-conditioners. Furthermore Abrie is a seasoned IT (computer) consultant with more than two decades of hands-on experience behind him.

LP Gasinstallasies in Hessequa

Professionele, wettige, gelisensieerde en gesertifiseerde LP Gasinstalleerder vir AJW Technical Enterprises in Stilbaai. Geregistreer om permanente LP Gasinstallasies op huishoudelike vlak te doen. Dit sluit in gasoonde, gaswarmwatertoestelle, gasverwarmers (kaggels) en so ook gasbraaiers, gasplate, ens. Hulle kan ook gaslekke en foute opspoor en so ook die gasdruk toets.

Alle permanente gasinstallasies moet gepaard gaan met ‘n CoC-sertifikaat. Abrie kan jou van so ‘n sertifikaat voorsien na voltooiing van ‘n nuwe installering, die nagaan en herstel van ‘n bestaande installasie, asook wanneer jy jou eiendom wil verkoop.

Jou gasinstallasies moet wettig en gesertifiseerd wees ter wille van die veiligheid van jou familie, maar ook ter wille van die geldigheid van jou versekeringspolis. Onwettige installasies kan jou duur te staan kom in die geval van ‘n gasramp.

AJW Technical Enterprises doen ook herstelwerk aan huishoudelike yskaste en vrieskaste en so ook lugversorgingstoestelle. So is Abrie ook ‘n gesoute rekenaarkonsultant met meer as twee dekades ondervinding agter hom.


Abrie Willemse – AJW Technical Enterprises
Cell: 076 769 9122