Stilbaai Builders

Stilbaai Builders

Stilbaai Builders

Still Bay Building Construction company for quality building of new houses, renovating, extending as well as restoring existing houses. Stilbaai Builders has been in the building business in Still Bay since 2002. This company is known for its top quality structures as well as perfect finishes which include Cemcrete floors, stone cladding, and thatched roofs. The dedicated full-time building team is qualified and also experienced in all building related aspects.

Stilbaai Builders as company is known for its honesty, integrity, quality work as well as its personal commitment when dealing with clients. Although based in Still Bay, they work all over the Hessequa area of the Western Cape along the Garden Route. Stilbaai is a popular coastal holiday destination on the banks of the Goukou River mouth where it meets the Indian Ocean.

Stilbaai Builders – Services

They are excellent project managers and always available via telephone. Frequently communicating by email, reporting on progress, sending photos, offering suggestions and also advice when requested. When problems arise during the building project, they will offer informed possible solutions to problems.

Making use of their own dedicated team of qualified and experienced builders, they seldom need to rely on sub-contractors.

Building New Houses

Stilbaai Builders builds quality country style houses with specialised finishes to create homes for their clients. Single storey, double storey, triple storey, houses spread along terraces, no matter what the client want, they have the expertise to build it.

This company of course handles the complete process of building your house. From digging the foundations, laying the bricks, building the walls, to inserting the door and window frames and installing the roof. They take care of the electrical wiring, the plumbing, the built-in cupboards, the flooring as well as the hanging of doors and glazing of windows.

Furthermore they will see to the guttering, paving, tiling, painting as well as all kitchen and bathroom installations and finishes. Also all woodwork such as wooden ceilings, staircases and handrails, balustrades, decks, etc. They take care of any roofing you might prefer, tiles, thatch, roof sheeting, flat roof, sloped roof, any roof you want over your head.

These builders specialise in exquisite finishes such as Cemcrete flooring and SatinCrete skimming of showers and bathrooms. Also manufacturing Liquid Stone counter tops and Oregon Pine cupboards for the kitchen. They are also experts in installing Spanish reed ceilings, Blue-gum rod patio roofs, thatched roofs as well as interior and exterior stone cladding.

Renovating Existing Homes

Possible renovation projects:

  • Overhaul existing bathroom/s – install frameless shower; Cemcrete flooring or modern tiles; SatinCrete skimming of vanity, shower and wall; replacement of bath, toilet, basin, taps, shower head, etc.
  • Modernise the kitchen – Cemcrete flooring or modern tiles, new cupboards, Liquid Stone counter tops, etc.
  • Add a built-in fireplace or braai – possibly decorated by expert stone cladding.
  • Replace an existing roof by, e.g. a thatched roof.
  • Give your house a new look with a fresh coat of paint outside and/or inside.
  • Enlarge a room by removing a wall, adding a bathroom and maybe a kitchenette.
  • Replace worn carpets or tiles with Cemcrete floors or new modern tiles.
  • Let them add some paint effects on kitchen cupboards.
  • Replace sagging ceilings with Spanish reed ceilings or any other modern type of ceiling.

Extensions on Existing Homes

Possible extension projects:

  • Add a bathroom to a bedroom.
  • Build an extra room with en suite bathroom.
  • Extend the space by adding a loft with bathroom as well as a kitchenette.
  • Build a little flat on top of the double garage.
  • Add a patio or porch to the house with a roof of natural Blue-gum rods.
  • Extend the garage to harbour another vehicle or maybe your tools.

Stilbaai Builders for Restoration of Historic Homes

The National Heritage Resources Act prohibits a person to alter or demolish structures or parts of structures older than 60 years without a permit issued by the relevant provincial heritage resources authority.

Stilbaai Builders is quite aware of this and knows how to proceed in such a case. They are known for successfully restoring historic and Cape heritage houses. So, if you need to restore such a home, contact them and be sure to handle the restoration with the necessary permit from the Western Cape Heritage Resources Authority.

Loose-standing Building Related Projects

Possible smaller projects:

  • Carport.
  • Lapa with braai (and maybe a pizza oven) and thatch roof.
  • Wooden deck (with or without a braai).
  • Pergola with stone clad pillars and also a roof of Blue-gum rods.
  • Stone garden walls.
  • Fire pit decorated with stonework.

Marlise Beckett
Tel : 028 754 2288
Fax: 086 716 1904
Cell: 082 775 4922

For more visit their Website, Click here.   Stilbaai Builders

Stilbaai Builders – Gehalte Bouers in Stilbaai

Konstruksie besigheid vir die bou van nuwe huise, asook huisverbeterings, aanbouings en restorasie van bestaande huise. Stilbaai Builders is reeds sedert 2002 in die boubedryf doenig in Stilbaai. Hulle is bekend vir hulle top gehalte strukture en so ook perfekte afwerkings insluitende Cemcrete vloere, klipwerk en grasdakke. Die toegewyde voltydse bouspan is opgelei en ervare in alle bouverwante aspekte.

As besigheid is Stilbaai Builders ook bekend vir sy eerlikheid, integriteit, gehalte werk en persoonlike betrokkenheid by kliënte. Hoewel gebaseer in Stilbaai, werk hulle oor die hele Hessequagebied in die Tuinroete.

Stilbaai Builders Dienste

Hulle is uitstekende projekbestuurders en ten alle tye telefonies bereikbaar. Verder kommunikeer hulle gereeld met kliënte per epos, lewer verslag oor die vordering, stuur foto’s, maak voorstelle, gee raad op versoek, en so meer. As daar probleme opduik gedurende die bouprojek, sal hulle ingeligte oplossing aan die hand doen.

Omdat hulle gebruik maak van die vaardighede van hulle eie voltydse gekwalifiseerde en ervare span bouers, is dit selde nodig vir hulle om van subkontrakteurs gebruik te maak.

Bou van Nuwe Wonings

Stilbaai Builders bou kwaliteit plattelandse styl huise met gespesialiseerde afwerkings om wonings vir kliënte te skep. Enkelverdiepings, dubbelverdiepings, drieverdiepings, huise uitgestrek oor terrasse, maak nie saak wat jy soek nie, hulle het die vaardighede om dit te bou.

Hierdie boukontrakteurs hanteer die volledige proses van die bou van ‘n huis. Van die grawe van die fondament, messelwerk, deur- en vensterrame, tot by die dak. Hulle sorg vir die elektriese bedrading, die dreinering en watertoevoer, die ingeboude kaste, die vloere, hang van deure en insit van ruite en so meer.

So ook doen hulle die geute en aflooppype, plaveiwerk, verfwerk en al die kombuis- en badkamerinstallasies en afwerkings. Ook alle houtwerk soos houtplafonne, trappe, handrelings, balustrades, dekke, en so meer. Hulle sorg ook vir die dak van jou keuse soos dakteëls, grasdak, sinkdak, plat dak, skuins dak, spitsdak, watter dak jy ookal oor jou kop wil hê.

Hierdie span bouers spesialiseer in gesogte afwerkings soos Cemcrete vloere en SatinCrete bedekking in storte en badkamers. Ook in die vervaardiging van Liquid Stone toonbankblaaie en Oregon-dennehoutkaste in die kombuis. Hulle is ook uiters vaardig met die installering van spaansrietplafonne, stoepdakke van bloekomlatte, grasdakke en so ook klipmesselwerk.


Moontlike verbeteringsprojekte:

  • Laat doen die badkamer/s oor – installeer raamlose storte, Cemcrete vloere of moderne teëls, Satincrete-bedekking van die mure en stort, vervang bad, toilet, wasbak, krane, en so meer.
  • Moderniseer die kombuis – Cemcrete vloere of nuwe teëls, nuwe kaste, Liquid Stone blaaie, en so meer.
  • Kry hulle om ‘n ingeboude braaiplek of kaggel te installeer en te dekoreer met klipwerk.
  • Vra hulle om jou huis binne en/of buite ‘n vars voorkoms te gee met ‘n nuwe laag verf.
  • Laat hulle die ou dak vervang met byvoorbeeld ‘n grasdak.
  • Kry hulle om ‘n kamer te vergroot deur ‘n muur te verwyder en ‘n badkamer en klein kombuisie in te bou.
  • Vervang die afgeleefde matte of teëls met Cemcrete vloere of nuwe moderne teëls.
  • Laat hulle jou kombuiskaste dekoreer met verftegnieke.
  • Vra hulle om daardie uitgesakte plafonne te vervang met spaansriet of enige ander eietydse tipe plafonne.


Moontlike aanbouingsprojekte:

  • Sit ‘n badkamer in ‘n bestaande kamer.
  • Laat bou ‘n ekstra kamer met ‘n badkamer.
  • Vergroot die spasie deur ‘n solderkamer met badkamer en kombuisie te by te voeg.
  • Laat bou ‘n klein woonstelletjie bo-op die dubbelgarage.
  • Bou ‘n stoep aan die huis met so ‘n natuurlike bloekomlatdak.
  • Vergroot die motorhuis sodat dit ‘n ekstra motor of al jou gereedskap kan herberg.

Stilbaai Builders vir Restorasie van Historiese Wonings

Die Wet op Nasionale Erfenishulpbronne verbied enige persoon om ‘n struktuur of deel van ‘n struktuur ouer as 60 jaar te verander of af te breek sonder ‘n permit van die relevante provinsiale erfenis outoriteit.

Stilbaai Builders is goed bekend hiermee en weet hoe om in so ‘n geval op te tree. Hulle is bekend vir suksesvolle restorasie van historiese en Kaapse-erfenishuise. As jy so ‘n huis wil restoreer, is dit wys om met hierdie mense te praat.

Losstaande Bouverwante Projekte

Moontlike kleiner projekte:

  • Afdakke.
  • Lapa met ingeboude braai en pizzaoond, grasdak en klipwerk.
  • Houtdek met of sonder ‘n braaiplek.
  • Pergola met klippilare en ‘n dak van bloekomlatte.
  • Kliptuinmure.
  • Vuurput versier met klipwerk.

Marlise Beckett
Tel : 028 754 2288
Fax: 086 716 1904
Cell: 082 775 4922

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