Stilbaai Dekor - Still Bay Decor

Stilbaai Dekor – Still Bay Decor

Home decorating shop in Still Bay East manufacturing duvets, cushions as well as curtains. Also stocks wool, fabrics, quilting material, haberdashery and embroidery needs. They also have a long-arm quilting machine with which they can complete your quilt for you. This shop is next to Puffies on the eastern side of the Goukou River and has recently opened its doors.

Sewing and Quilting

Stilbaai Dekor – Still Bay Decor is all about interior decorating such as manufacturing and selling duvets as well as curtains and cushions. In addition, Jeanetta Wessels offers a variety of sewing necessities, equipment and tools for those who like sewing. Such as beautiful fabrics and a wide choice of material for quilting as well as backing used in quilting. Especially relevant is the long-arm quilting machine they have available to help you with the final quilting of your project. Discuss with them how you would like it done and which stitches you would like them to use. Manufacturing of curtains and clothing.


Of course you can’t sell material without also providing haberdashery such as zips, cottons, buttons, pins and needles. Also scissors, bias binding, elastic, various colours and widths of ribbons as well as different kinds and colours of lace. They sell zips, but they do not replace broken or worn zips in clothing at all.

Wool and Embroidery

Furthermore Stilbaai Dekor – Still Bay Decor carries a fair variety of wool in different colours, quality and weights. They also stock T Yarn or T-shirt yarn in different colours. To go with this, of course, they also have knitting needles and crochet needles. Additionally you will find all your embroidery needs at this shop such as embroidery designs, canvas or gauze, needles as well as embroidery cotton and frames.

Dekorwinkel in Stilbaai-Oos

Huisversieringswinkel in Hoofwegoos langs Puffies wat duvets, kussing en gordyne maak en verkoop. Hulle verkoop ook wol, T-yarn, materiaal en kwiltlap en so ook benodigdhede vir borduurwerk asook naaldwerkbenodigdhede soos knope, gare en zips. Vervaardig gordyne en damesklere.  Borduur-masjien sowel as n kwilt-masjien in Stilbaai.

Hulle het ‘n langarm kwiltmasjien waarmee hulle kwilters sal help om hulle projekte te voltooi deur die finale stikwerk vir hulle te doen volgens hulle keuse van steke.


Jeanetta Wessels – Stilbaai Dekor langs Puffies in Stilbaai-Oos.

Cell: 082 451 5866

Main Road East
