Stilbaai Online Shop – Proudly Stilbaai Products
Stilbaai Aanlyn Winkel – Trots Stilbaai en Omgewing Produkte
Online platform for marketing, selling as well as delivery of unique locally made products. StilbaaiOnline delivers your purchases directly in Stilbaai and Jongensfontein. For the rest of the country they make use of The Courier Guy as well as Pep-to-Pep services.
So, have that tempting caramel cheesecake or curried fish delivered at your doorstep. Or, while you are at it, surprise a dear one living elsewhere in the country with a handcrafted genuine leather handbag.
The Idea behind StilbaaiOnline
Stilbaai, Jongensfontein and surrounding area is home to lots of creative and industrious people manufacturing unique products. A great number of these people are always on the lookout for opportunities or markets to sell their products.
The developers of the StilbaaiOnline concept identified this need, and eventually came upon the idea of an online shop. Their idea is that the online shop should assist local people to sell their handcrafted products, unique and proudly Stilbaai.
Therefore they invite local producers to join StilbaaiOnline and let them add their products to the existing StilbaaiOnline inventory. They will then manage their products for them through marketing/advertising, selling and delivery, locally as well as countrywide.
But what is a Shop without Customers?
Of course they vigorously advertise the StilbaaiOnline shop firstly to attract local support from their fellow locals along with any visitors. Secondly the online nature of the shop, creates the potential of sales countrywide.
You will not know what you miss out on until you have virtually strolled through the shop. They need the whole community’s interest and support to make this deserving idea work and grow.
What is more convenient than to buy online in the comfort of your house and have your goods delivered at your doorstep? So, folks, let’s visit this commendable online shop today. Let’s support those fine local products to the advancement of fellow members of our community.
Why Should I Join? What’s in it For Me?
By and large joining StilbaaiOnline to market and sell your products has definite advantages:
- Because they are online, your products are visible and available for sale 24/7/365 throughout the country.
- In addition, they manage your product through marketing/advertising, sales and delivery.
- There is no joining fee, nor monthly fee, in fact, you only pay commission on your sales.
- Your product sales are delivered to the customer either locally by StilbaaiOnline, or countrywide by courier or Pep-to-Pep.
- They make use of safe payment options such as PayFast, VISA, instantEFT, maestro as well as masterpass and zapper.
How do I become a seller?
To join StilbaaiOnline as a seller is very easy. Simply complete the application form on their website and send it back.
To join them is not only easy, but also free of charge! They work on a commission structure which is added to the product price and transfer your money as soon as the product has been delivered. In essence StilbaaiOnline acts as the middleman between buyer and seller.
StilbaaiOnline – Services
The StilbaaiOnline shop offers four distinct services:
- Marketing/advertising of members’ products online.
- Selling of members’ products online.
- Delivery of sales to buyers in Stilbaai as well as Jongensfontein.
- Distribution of sales countrywide using point to point delivery couriers like The Courier Guy. Also counter to counter delivery services commonly referred to as Pep-to-Pep delivery.
StilbaaiOnline – Current Product Range/Categories
Stylish locally manufactured clothing accessories
- A variety of handcrafted cloth as well as leather ladies handbags and various other types of bags.
- Exquisite necklaces and earrings artfully crafted from local wood like Olive, Wild Olive, Milk Wood, Protea, as well as Tolbos.
- Charming bracelets, necklaces, earrings and rings made from silver, metal, glass, bronze as well as freshwater pearls and gemstones.
Creative articles for the home
- Laundry baskets, printed mugs as well as baking and cooking utensils.
- A variety of decorative items including colourful handcrafted cards (envelopes included)
- Gorgeous paintings of farm scenes and landscapes, also still life paintings and paintings of radiant flowers.
Stuff for the Children
- A variety of toys and children’s decorative items.
- Children’s books for self-reading written by a Stilbaai resident (in Afrikaans)
- Children’s masks decorated with images your child will love.
- Leather baby bibs as well as soft leather baby shoes.
- Biltong and dried sausage (droëwors)
- A variety of cakes and rusks as well as premix for pancake and flapjacks.
- Fish such as Red Roman and Cod; curried fish as well as a curry sauce for use in dishes.
Health Related Items
- First Aid kits for various purposes such as for boats, the beach, etc.
- Namo Health products such as bath salts, health spices as well as cancer bush.
- Aerosol sanitizer as well as hand and surface sanitizer.
Make use of this ingenious opportunity to market and sell your products. Add your locally produced merchandise to the items already available in the StilbaaiOnline shop and start making money.
Tronelle Steyl
Cell: 072 123 7840
1 Ebenhaeser Singel
Stilbaai West
StilbaaiOnline – Trots Stilbaai Produkte
Aanlyn platform vir bemarking, verkoop en so ook aflewering van unieke plaaslikvervaardigde produkte. So, laat hulle daai verloklike karamelkaaskoek en kerrievis nou vir jou bring!
Die idee agter StilbaaiOnline
Stilbaai, Jongensfontein en omliggende gebied is die tuiste van baie kreatiewe en bedrywige mense wat vlytig unieke produkte vervaardig. Baie van hierdie mense is voortdurend op die uitkyk vir geleenthede of afsetgebiede vir hulle produkte.
Die ontwikkelaars van die StibaaiOnline-konsep het hierdie behoefte geїdentifiseer en met die idee van ‘n aanlynwinkel gekom. Die idee is dat die aanlynwinkel plaaslike mense moet help om hulle produkte verkoop te kry.
Dus nooi hulle plaaslike vervaardigers om by StilbaaiOnline aan te sluit en hulle produkte te laat byvoeg by die huidige voorraad. Hulle sal dan die produkte bestuur d.m.v. advertensie, verkoop en aflewering, plaaslik sowel as landswyd.
Maar wat is ‘n Winkel sonder Klante?
Hulle adverteer die StilbaaiOnline-winkel energiek om plaaslike, en so ook landswye ondersteuning te bewerkstellig.
Jy sal nooit weet waarop jy uitmis nie, totdat jy self deur die winkel gestap het. Die ondersteuning van die hele gemeenskap is nodig om hierdie verdienstelike idee te laat werk en groei.
Wat is nou geriefliker as om uit die gemak van jou huis te koop en jou ware op jou drumpel te ontvang? So, vriende, kom ons besoek hierdie prysenswaardige aanlynwinkel vandag nog. Kom ons ondersteun hierdie plaaslike produkte van mede-lede uit ons gemeenskap.
Hoekom sou ek aansluit? Wat kry ek daaruit?
Deelname aan StilbaaiOnline hou definitiewe voordele vir jou in:
- Omdat dit aanlyn is, is jou produkte 24/7/365 landwyd te sien en beskikbaar om gekoop te word.
- Verder bestuur hulle die bemarking, verkope en so ook aflewering van jou produk namens jou.
- Daar is geen aansluitingsfooi en geen maandelikse fooi nie. Jy betaal slegs die kommissie op jou verkope.
- Jou verkoopte produkte word plaaslik deur StilbaaiOnline afgelewer, of landswyd d.m.v. ‘n koerier of so ook Pep-to-Pep.
- Hulle maak gebruik van veilige betaalopsies soos PayFast, VISA, instantEFT, maestro, en so ook masterpass en zapper.
Hoe word ek ‘n verkoper?
Om ‘n StilbaaiOnline-verkoper te word, is baie eenvoudig. Voltooi net die aansoekvorm op hulle webwerf en stuur dit terug.
Om aan te sluit is nie net maklik nie, maar ook gratis. Hulle werk op ‘n kommissiestruktuur wat by die prys bygevoeg word en betaal jou geld oor sodra die produk afgelewer is. So, StilbaaiOnline dus tree op as middelman tussen koper en verkoper.
StilbaaiOnline – Dienste
Die StilbaaiOnline-winkel bied ‘n vieërlei diens:
- Hulle bemark/adverteer lede se produkte aanlyn.
- So ook verkoop hulle lede se produkte aanlyn.
- Hulle lewer verkoopte produkte af in Stilbaai en Jongensfontein.
- Verder versprei hulle verkope landswyd d.m.v. koerierdienste en toonbank-tot-toonbankdienste (Pep-to-Pep)
StilbaaiOnline – Huidige Produktereeks/Kategorieë
- Stylvolle plaaslikvervaardigde bykomstighede, bv. materiaal/leer handsakke, besonderse juwele van plaaslike hout, silwer, metaal, glas, brons, en so meer.
- Kreatiewe artikels vir die huis soos wasgoedmandjies, versierde bekers, kaartjies en kleurvolle skilderye.
- Kindergoeters, bv. speelgoed, leesboeke, maskers, leer borslappies en so ook sagte leerskoentjies.
- Eetgoed soos biltong, droëwors, koeke, beskuit, kerrievis, kerriesous, en so meer.
- Gesondheidsverwante items soos verskillende groottes Eerstehulpsakke, Namo-gesondheidsprodukte en saniteerders.
So, maak gebruik van hierdie vindingryke geleentheid om jou produkte te bemark en te verkoop. Voeg jou plaaslikvervaardigde ware by dit wat reeds beskikbaar is in die StilbaaiOnline-winkel en begin geldmaak.
Tronelle Steyl
Cell: 072 123 7840
1 Ebenhaeser Singel
Stilbaai West