TriPlex Solutions – Sub Metering in Still Bay
TriPlex Solutions – Sub Metering in Still Bay
Need to continuously measure and manage individual renters’ use of water and/or electricity? Sub metering by TriPlex Solutions is definitely your answer. The sub meter measures the use in the sub metered area separately, thus allowing the owner to accurately charge individual tenants for their own consumption.
About the Business
TriPlex Solutions offers an affordable, interpersonal and customised service to customers. This includes prepaid and postpaid metering and sub metering, vending, as well as management of consumption of electricity, water and gas.
With the help of cutting-edge technology TriPlex Solutions supplies, installs, as well as maintains prepaid sub meters on the owner’s side of the municipal meter. Such meters allow the monitoring of usage through a prepaid sub meter (STS6 compliant).
They can install sub meters in each of the units on your property as long as it has its own DB board. The same would apply to a business property owner renting out a number of shop areas, each billed according to individual consumption.
Even though TriPlex Solutions is situated in Stilbaai, they work all over the Garden Route, Overberg and Cape Winelands. Among their customers are owners and managers of private and retail property, as well as rental agents, landlords, body corporates, developers, etc.
Monitoring and Managing Water Consumption
We all need to save water, so TriPlex Solutions focuses on prepaid water meters to manage water consumption. As explained before, these sub meters are installed on the owner’s side of the municipal water meter. This is the perfect solution for property owners renting out flats, shops, etc., because it enables them to bill individual tenants for their own water usage.
Customers can continuously monitor and manage usage on the electronic platform (Web or App). You can read your meter, set usage alerts, become aware of excessive water usage fast, cut usage off, see the usage history, as well as many other advantages.
TriPlex Solutions Prepaid Electricity or Water Purchasing Options
Web based – Mobiles or personal computers (Android and Apple)
- netVendor Mobile App
- Via Ozow instant bank to bank
- Zapper
- Via EFT
- Credit card
- PayGate
- EasyPay in retail stores
Apart from South Africa, this SMART metering and monitoring system is used internationally in countries such as Australia, Namibia, Algeria and Mauritius.
Some Benefits of a SMART Metering and Monitoring System for the Customer
- Prepaid sub meters monitor, as well as measure individual utility consumption of multiple users and provide precise usage information.
- Monitoring is done from the web or App, e.g. read the meter, set usage alarms, etc.
- You can manage your electricity and water right there on your mobile or computer.
- There is a number of flexible vending options to suit your lifestyle.
- You can instantly notice excessive water usage caused by leaks, for example.
- Likewise you can detect low usage which could mean tampering with the meter.
- Fair and impartial sharing of municipal bills.
- You have access to remote, as well as on-site support and maintenance.
Jaco Botha
Cell: 072 817 0309
TriPlex Solutions – Submeters in Stilbaai
Het jy die behoefte om voortdurend individuele huurders se water- of elektriese kragverbuik te meet en te bestuur? TriPlex Solutions se submeters is jou antwoord. So ‘n submeter meet die verbruik in die area agter die submeter apart, dus kan die eienaar individuele huurders akkuraat aanslaan vir hulle eie krag- of waterverbruik.
Omtrent die Besigheid
TriPlex Solutions bied ‘n bekostigbare, interpersoonlike en aangepaste diens aan kliënte. Dit sluit in vooruitbetaalde en laterbetaalde meters, submeters, aankoop van dienste en so ook bestuur van elektrisiteits-, water- en gasverbruik.
Met behulp van moderne tegnologie voorsien en installeer TriPlex Solutions vooruitbetaalde submeters aan die eienaar se kant van die munisipale meter. Hierdie submeters stel jou in staat om die verbruik te monitor.
Hulle kan submeters installeer in elkeen van die eenhede, soos woonstelle, op jou eiendom, solank dit sy eie verdeelbord het. Dit geld ook vir eienaars van besigheidseiendomme wat verskillende winkelspasies verhuur. So kan elkeen apart vir sy eie verbruik verantwoordelik gehou word.
Al is TriPlex Solutions in Stilbaai gestasioneer, werk hulle oral in die Tuinroete, Overberg, en so ook die Kaapse Wynland. Onder hulle kliënte is eienaars en bestuurders van privaat- en besigheidseiendomme, verhuurders, verhuringsagente, ontwikkelaars, bestuursliggame, en so meer.
Monitor en Bestuur Waterverbruik
Waterbronne word al skaarser, so ons moet almal water bespaar. Daarom fokus TriPlex Solutions op voorafbetaalde watermeters om waterverbruik te bestuur. So ‘n watermeter word natuurlik aan die eienaar se kant van die munisipale watermeter geïnstalleer.
Dit is die ideale oplossing vir besitters van eiendom wat woonstelle, winkels, en so meer uitverhuur, want dit stel hulle in staat om individuele huurders vir hulle eie waterverbruik aan te slaan.
Kliënte kan verbruik voortdurend monitor en bestuur op die elektroniese platform. (Web of Toep) Jy kan jou meter lees, waarskuwings oor verbruik opstel, vinnig bewus raak van buitensporige verbruik, toevoer afsny, die verbruiksgeskiedenis sien, en so meer.
TriPlex Solutions Voorafbetaalde Elektrisiteit of Water Koopopsies
Webgebaseerd – Mobiele toestelle of persoonlike rekenaars (Android, so ook Apple)
- netVendor Mobiele Toep
- Via OZOW kits bank-tot-bank
- Zapper
- Via EFO
- Kredietkaart
- PayGate
- EasyPay in winkels
Behalwe vir Suid-Afrika, word hierdie SLIM Meting- en Moniteringstelsel internasionaal gebruik in Australië, so ook in Namibië, Algerië en Mauritius.
Sommige Voordele van ‘n SLIM Meting- en Moniteringstelsel vir die Kliënt
- Voorafbetaalde submeters monitor, sowel as meet individuele utiliteitsverbruik van verskeie gebruikers en voorsien so juiste verbruiksinligting.
- Monitering word gedoen vanaf die Web of Toep, bv. lees van die meter, stel van gebruikswaarskuwings, en so meer.
- Jy kan jou elektrisiteit en water bestuur sommer op jou foon of jou rekenaar.
- Daar is ‘n verskeidenheid koopopsies om by jou leefstyl in te pas.
- Jy kan dadelik sien as daar buitensporige waterverbruik is wat kan dui op ‘n waterlek.
- So ook kan jy sien as die waterverbruik baie laag is, wat daarop kan dui dat met die meter gepeuter is.
- Munisipale rekeninge word regverdig verdeel.
- Jy het toegang tot afstandsbystand en -instandhouding en so ook bystand en instandhouding op die perseel.
Jaco Botha
Cell: 072 817 0309