Essies Tee – Essies Tea
Essies Tee – Essies Tea
An alternative herbal supplement which enhances the immune system, helps with killing cancerous cells as well as detox the body in a natural way.
Essies Tea or Essies Tee is located in Riversdale, Western Cape. They have been in business since 2003 using health giving plants, trees, leaves as well as grass to create a health tonic. This relieves pain and discomfort in humans and also animals.
The tea is, in fact, a natural mixture of 8 different herbs mixed together in a powder to be boiled and drank twice a day. Two of these herbs, Sheep Sorrel and also Burdock Root, are known for killing cancerous cells. The rest of the herbs fight off disease, build up the immune system, detox, as well as protect your organs.
Essies tea is a complete herbal supplement to enhance your immune system before, during, and after not-so-good health. Also when having diseases like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, allergies as well as heart conditions. Not to mention multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, Alzheimer’s, Crohn’s disease, etc.
Benefits of Essies Tea
Essies Tea targets the liver first, a very important organ in your body that helps to purify your blood, helps the body to function normal again and it also manufactures lecithin. A few benefits of the tea are (among many others):
-Headaches such as migraines
-High blood pressure cured as well as
-Chronic allergies disappeared, also
-Prostate problems cured
-Increase energy levels
Essies Tea for animals
You can use the tea to relieve illnesses like cancer, pain and arthritis and animals as well. It strengthens the immune systems in most animals.
Essies Tee
Essies Tee is ‘n kruiemengsel wat gebruik word om skade in die liggaam op ‘n natuurlike manier te herstel.
Hierdie gesondheidstonikum is ‘n natuurlike mengsel van 8 verskillende kruie. Twee van hierdie kruie, skaapsuring en klitsgraswortel is bekend daarvoor dat dit kankerselle doodmaak. Die ander beveg siektes, nou die imuunstelsel op, ontgif die bloed en beskerm ook jou organe.
Dit kan ook gebruik word om siektes te verlig soos pyn, kanker en artritis in diere en versterk ook die imuunstelsels in meeste diere.
Essies Tee werk in Riversdal op die Tuinroete in die Wes-Kaap.
Soekie Gerber
Contact Details: 028 050 0003
084 245 1685
39 Lobelia Street