
The Local Choice Blombos Pharmacy & Clinic in Stilbaai

Blombos Pharmacy Still Bay / Blombos Apteek Stilbaai

The Local Choice Blombos Pharmacy & Clinic in Stilbaai

The Local Choice Blombos Pharmacy & Clinic

The Local Choice Blombos Pharmacy & Clinic in Stilbaai

Dispensary offering prescription medicines, health products, skincare products, gifts, sun-glasses, as well as cosmetic products.

Visit this chemist for all your doctor’s prescriptions, chronic medicines, pills, vitamin tablets as well as other health products, information and advice. They offer Vichy skincare products, the Revlon cosmetics range, gifts, handbags as well as sun-glasses.

In addition they sell toiletries such as shampoo, deodorant and toothpaste as well as batteries for hearing aids.

Furthermore “The Local Choice Pharmacy”, Blombos Pharmacy Still Bay offers Discovery Vitality tests. They also have Discovery Medxpress status. This chemist is also part of the GEMS network. They also offer 10% discount to members of Jagersbosch as well as do free deliveries.

Their mission is client service. They invite you to make use of their different services as well as variety of products.
Blombos Pharmacy Still Bay also has a branch in Riversdale, the Riversdale Pharmacy.

Blombos Apteek Stilbaai – The Local Choice Apteek Stilbaai

Vir al jou doktersvoorskrifte, medisyne, pille, vitaminetablette en ook ander gesondheidsprodukte en gesondheidsinligting. Hulle verskaf ook Vichy velsorgprodukte, grimering en Revlon kosmetiese produkte, geskenke, asook handsakke en sonbrille. Ook toiletware soos shampoo en deodorant asook eerstehulptassies en hervullings.

Verder bied hulle Discovery Vitality toetse en het Discovery Medxpress status en is ook ‘n GEMS-netwerk apteek. Hulle gee 10% afslag aan Jagersboschlede en doen gratis aflewering.

Blombos Apteek Stilbaai nou bekend as The Local Choice Apteek se missie is kliëntediens. Hulle nooi jou om van hulle verskeidenheid produkte en dienste gebruik te maak.

Blombos Apteek Stilbaai het ook ‘n tak in Riversdal, die Riversdal Apteek.


15B Voortrekker Street

GPS coordinates
-34.370043, 21.403435

Francois Visser
Lezanne Kotze (Pharmacist)
Tel: 028 754 1057 or 028 754 1125
Fax: 028 754 1209

Email us here

Monday – Friday: 8h30 – 17h30
Saturday: 8h30 – 13h00
Sunday: 11h00 – 12h00
Public Holidays: 9h00 – 12h00