General Practitioner Dr DAJ Botha Still Bay
General Practitioner Dr DAJ Botha in Stilbaai
Dr DAJ Botha is a professionally qualified, licensed as well as highly experienced medical doctor. At the Carewell Hospital in Still Bay West near the OK Grocers in Thys Vissie Street. A popular coastal retirement as well as holiday destination in the Western Cape, South Africa along the equally popular Garden Route. Local residents, visitors and holiday makers are equally welcome to Dr André Botha’s consulting rooms. Apart from the X-ray facility at the hospital, Dr Botha also has the necessary sonar equipment to perform general sonar and ultrasound scans.
Services Offered
- Doctor André Botha treats acute as well as chronic illnesses in men, women and children alike.
- He also provides preventive care and health as well as lifestyle advice.
- Likewise he provides routine health care such as physical examinations and immunisations as well as assess and treat different illnesses or injuries.
- He is specially trained to diagnose almost any condition and can take care of your whole family. He is fully able and experienced to handle children’s illnesses, general gynaecological problems, as well as the care of older people.
- Once he has made a diagnosis, he will prescribe the proper medicine as well as advise you on the correct use of the medicine.
- If you have a serious condition which needs the care of a specialist, Dr Botha will of course refer you to, e.g., a cardiologist, neurologist, oncologist, etc.
- As licensed practitioner of medicine, he will first compile a clinical history of you as his patient before he will make a diagnosis. Routinely your blood pressure will be checked.
Special Services
- Sonar facility in Stilbaai – Dr Botha has the sonar equipment to perform general sonar and ultrasound scans.
- Stilbaai Aesthetic Practitioner – Furthermore, for those who would like to look younger without surgery, he also offers the new aesthetic procedure using Botox. With this procedure he places Botox and dermal fillers around the face to smooth out wrinkles and lines, thus creating a younger appearance.
Emergency number for medical emergencies in Stilbaai, Jongensfontein and the surrounding area.
For all medical emergencies, call 066 286 7954.
Dr André Botha Medical Doctor Stilbaai
Tel: 028 754 2460
Cell: 066 286 7954
Thys Vissie Street (Carewell Hospital)
Algemene Praktisyn Dokter André Botha Stilbaai
‘n Professioneel gekwalifiseerde, gelisensieerde en so ook hoogs ervare mediese dokter in Stilbaai. By die Carewell Hospitaal in Stilbaaiwes naby die OK Grocers in Thys Vissieweg. Dokter André Botha verwelkom een en almal by sy spreekkamers. Behalwe vir die X-straal fasiliteit by die hospitaal, het hy self die nodige sonar toerusting om algemene sonars en so ook ultraklank skanderings te doen.
Dr Botha bied alle dienste aan wat met ‘n algemene mediese praktisyn verband hou. Hy doen ondersoeke, maak diagnoses en skryf medisyne voor. Hy behandel akute en so ook chroniese pasiente. Pasiente van alle ouderdomme en geslagte is welkom om hom te besoek.
Hy behandel ook beserings en wonde. Wanneer jou siekte of besering te ernstig is om in Stilbaai te behandel, sal hy jou verwys na die spesialiste. Hy is ten volle toegerus om alle soorte siektes te hanteer. So ook algemene ginekologiese probleme, kindersiektes, asook ouer pasiente.
Botoxbehandelings – Stilbaai Estetiese Praktisyn Dr André Botha
Vir diegene wat jonger wil lyk sonder chirurgie, bied Dr Botha die estetiese prosedure met Botox en velvullers op die gesig aan. Dit stryk plooie en lyne uit en skep so ‘n jonger voorkoms.
Noodnommer vir alle noodgevalle – 066 286 7954
Dr André Botha Medical Doctor Stilbaai
Tel: 028 754 2460
Cell: 066 286 7954
Thys Vissie Street (Carewell Hospital)