Drs Kift en Vennote-Dokters / Doctors, Medical Practitioners or General Practitioner, Physicians with a Emergency unit.

Drs Kift and Partners

Drs Kift en Vennote-Dokters / Doctors, Medical Practitioners or General Practitioner, Physicians with a Emergency unit.

Drs Kift and Partners

Licensed General Medical Practitioners in Riversdale taking care of emergencies, injuries, children’s health, women’s health as well as other ailments and diseases.

Drs Kift and Partners are a group of medical doctors (also Gps or family doctors) in Riversdale, Western Cape. Their services include the examination and diagnosis of patients and also prescription of medicines. They also perform general operations and provide treatment for injuries, diseases and ailments.

In addition they will order blood tests or x-rays to determine the nature of certain illnesses. They will provide referrals to patients and families for specialised care in hospitals or rehabilitation centres when necessary.

Drs Kift and Partners will also identify potential complications around pregnancy and childbirth and provide the necessary referrals.

These physicians have an Emergency unit, thus they can handle emergencies and injuries quickly and professionally.

Drs Kift en Vennote

Gelisensieerde Algemene Mediese Praktisyns in Riversdal wat noodgevalle, beserings, kindergesondheid, vrouegesondheid en ander kwale en siektes hanteer. Indien hulle jou nie kan help nie, sal hulle jou verwys na ‘n spesialis.

Drs Kift en Vennote doen ondersoeke, maak diagnoses en skryf medisyne voor en doen ook algemene operasies. Hulle het ook ‘n Noodgevalle Eenheid dus is hulle toegerus om noodgevalle en beserings te hanteer.


73 Church Street (Kerkstraat 73)



GPS coordinates


Drs Edden Kift , Fanie Small, Werner Kapp, Vic van Wyk & Initza Maartens

Tel : 028 713 2500

After/Hours : 072 055 5733

Fax : 028 713 3519

Email us here