Mediese Dokters Stilbaai

Mediese Dokters Stilbaai

Mediese Dokters Stilbaai

Mediese Dokters Stilbaai / Medical Doctors Still Bay

For all general medical problems, medical emergencies, illness and other medical needs. Vir alle algemene mediese ondersoeke, ongevalle, ongesteldheid of mediese noodgevalle.

The consulting rooms of Dr SP (Fanie) Fourie, Dr JH (Kobus) Louw and Dr T Pretorius are at a very convenient spot over the street from the Blombos Pharmacy. These general practitioners (GPs) or family doctors provide routine health care such as physical examinations and immunisations. They also assess and treat many different conditions including illnesses, injuries and medical emergencies.

These highly experienced physicians will examine you, make a diagnosis of your ailment and prescribe medication. They will also renew prescriptions in the case of chronic conditions. If necessary, they will request for blood tests or other laboratory tests to confirm their diagnosis. Whenever necessary, they will refer you to a specialist for further treatment. They could also offer advice on health problems, treatment as well as prognosis.

Still Bay is a small coastal village where many holiday makers spend their holidays every year. Since there is not a proper hospital yet, it is very reassuring to know that these doctors are well equipped and experienced. They are of course experts in the typical illnesses and injuries of a holiday at the sea. Such as bluebottle attacks, sunburn, running stomach and even the odd broken limb or worse.

They are available at all hours for emergencies and also serve Jongensfontein.

Medical Emergency Help Still Bay / Mediese-noodgevalle-hulp Stilbaai

Die spreekkamers van Dr SP (Fanie) Fourie, Dr JH (Kobus) Louw en Dr T Pretorius is op ‘n gerieflike plek in die dorp regoor die Blombos Apteek. Hierdie algemene praktisyns of familiedokters sal jou fisies ondersoek, ‘n diagnose maak en medisyne voorskryf. Hulle mag ook dalk bloedtoetse of ander laboratoriumtoetse laat doen om ‘n diagnose te bevestig.

Indien nodig, sal hulle jou na ‘n spesialis verwys. So ook sal hulle advies gee oor jou siektetoestand, behandeling asook prognose.

Stilbaai is ‘n klein kusdorpie waar baie mense vakansie kom hou. Aangesien daar nog nie ‘n behoorlike hospitaal is nie, is dit gerusstellend om te weet dat hierdie geneeshere goed toegerus en ervare is. Hulle is kenners van die tipiese siektes en beserings wat met ‘n seevakansie samgaan. Soos bloublasies, sonbrand, loopmaag en selfs gebreekte ledemate of iets ergers.

Hulle is alle ure beskikbaar vir noodgevalle en bedien ook Jongensfontein.


Mediese Dokters Stilbaai / Medical Doctors Still Bay

10 Voortrekker Road

Dr J H Louw, Dr SP Fourie & Dr T Pretorius
Tel: 028 754 1100
Fax: 086 724 6175
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