Freaking Fast Wave Rider Mossel Bay
Freaking Fast Wave Rider Mossel Bay
Be introduced to the thrilling experience of wave riding by speed boat. Taste the high adrenaline rush as the boat does some exhilarating high riding on the waves. In fact, lose all inhibition and allow yourself to scream with raw excitement and pure joie de vivre. Prepare of course to get wet from the water spray and froth as you speed along the waves. Although extremely elating, it is also a friendly and fun first experience of the art of wave riding by speed boat. Snug in a proper safety jacket, you can relax and just enjoy the ride.
This adrenaline filled activity is one of the main attractions in Mossel Bay for someone looking for exciting things to do.
Freaking Fast Wave Rider Boat
The boat was a category winner in the 2009 Trans Agulhas Race. It was designed by the British special forces and has a ballistic hull. The two Yamaha V-max custom motors are of course providing the speed. The seats are also the same as those used on the NSRI boats. The boat is very comfortable and in fact designed to prevent injuries as far as possible. This freaking fast boat completes a 22 km trip in under 15 minutes.
Especially relevant – the skippers have more than 30 years experience altogether.
Freaking Fast Wave Rider trips
They offer freaking fast wave rider trips on board of the luxury custom built power boat. One trip can accommodate up to 12 people.
Boot Trips to view the Caves – Cave Trips
This trip leaves from Mossel Bay Harbour Waterfront Jetty and will take you to view the caves at the point as well as to the Seal Island and back. Weather and sea conditions permitting, they will push up the speed to let the adrenaline pump, but of course no wave jumping. The ride is comfortable and good for all age groups with a stop over at the caves as well as the island to enjoy the scenery. This trip takes 20-30 minutes and is brimming with adrenaline.
Boot trips to Seal Island – Seal Island Trips
This trip also leaves from Mossel Bay Harbour Waterfront Jetty and will take you around Seal Island and back at the fastest speed allowed by the sea and weather conditions. The speed may even exceed 120 km/h but no wave jumping will be done. This trip takes 10-15 minutes and will leave you shaking with adrenaline.
Other trips
Although they use this fast boat for adrenaline producing trips, they also use the boat for all-ages eco-trips to the Point Caves as well as around the Seal Island.
Freaking Fast Wave Rider is at the Mossel Bay Harbour Waterfront Jetty. Adrenaline junkies, come and experience the thrill and excitement of speed boat wave riding, but take care, this might become addictive.
Spoedbootritte vir die Adrenalienverslaafde in Mosselbaai
Beleef die opwinding van ‘n blitsige rit op die branders in ‘n snelboot. Voel die adrenalien pomp as die wind deur jou hare waai en die seesproei jou natspat terwyl jy knus in die veiligheid van ‘n reddingsbaadjie sit.
Die boot was ‘n kategoriewenner in die 2009 Trans Agulhas-resies. Met sy twee Yamaha V-max motors draf hy 22 km op die see kaf in onder 15 minute.
Bootritte na Robbe-eiland sowel as na die Mosselbaai grot – punt van menslike oorsprong
Hulle doen ‘n rit om die Robbe-eiland van 10 – 15 minute en as die toestande op die see dit toelaat, bereik hulle ‘n spoed van oor die 120 km/h. Hulle doen egter nie golfspronge nie.
So doen hulle ook ‘n rit van 20-30 minute na die Puntgrotte asook Robbe-eiland en stop op beide plekke sodat jy die tonele kan besigtig. Gedurende hierdie rit trek hulle ook daardie motors oop as die weer dit toelaat.
By die Mossselbaaihawe, Waterfront-jettie.
Cobus van Rensburg
Tel: 083 303 1960
Mossel Bay Harbour,
Quay 4 | Waterfront Jetty,
Garden Route, South Africa