Milde Weiss - Tanglekaap

Milde Weiss – Tanglekaap

Milde Weiss - Tanglekaap

Milde Weiss Tanglekaap Hartenbos

Certified Zentangle® Teacher (CZT®) offering Zentangle® Art classes in Hartenbos, Mossel Bay in the Western Cape, South Africa. Of course along the well-known Garden Route. Zentangle is an interesting, versatile art form which is easy to learn, relaxing and meditative, thus promoting wellness. It is also a fun way of creating beautiful pictures by drawing structured patterns. This meditative form of creativity or drawing has its own vocabulary and techniques and was founded in the USA.

Milde Weiss explains the art of Zentangle as the act of dancing with your pen to the beat of your own improvisation of familiar music. There is a Zentangle slogan which says ‘anything is possible … one stroke at a time’™. Although you can use the Zentangle method on any surface, the traditional way to tangle is using special pens with archival ink to draw on handmade paper.

‘Zentangle’ comes from the word ‘Zen’, a Japanese form of Buddhism which emphasises the value of meditation and intuition. Coupled with ‘tangle’, an English word meaning ‘twist together’, it gives you Zentangle.

About Milde Weiss Tanglekaap in the Garden Route

Milde obtained her PhD (History) from the University of Pretoria, specialising in Afrikaans and Dutch Cultural History. She lectured at the same University and also spent time as Assistant Director of the Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology. Today this historian is retired and lives in Hartenbos from where she is offering Zentangle classes in the Western Cape area.

After the loss of her son in 2012, she discovered the therapeutic value of drawing the Zentangle way. Her passion is to share this art form with other people to embrace for whatever reason of their own. Therefore she trained to become certified to teach the Zentangle method. Only Certified Zentangle Teachers (CZT) are allowed to train people in this unique art form.

Milde calls her Art Teaching business Tanglekaap and invites you to join her in practising this therapeutic, meditative and also creative art form.

What Exactly is the Zentangle Method?

Americans Maria Thomas and Rick Roberts founded and developed this intriguing art form or method. In essence it involves abstract drawing using repetitive patterns according to the trademarked Zentangle Method. Moreover, the intention of this art form of creating tangles (patterns), is to make drawing pleasurable, meditative as well as accessible to all. Creating Zentangle art is essentially about freedom, well-being, as well as absolute focus. Once you have completed a tangle, you should feel relaxed and unburdened.

Zentangle is a relaxing, enjoyable, easy to grasp technique of drawing structured patterns to create lovely pictures. It is a form of artistic meditation anyone can actually do where the act of creating the tangle is just as important as the end-product. This is something new for an avid colourer to attempt – rather than colouring/filling someone else’s patterns, you produce your own. However, apart from having the same calming effect as colouring, it also involves drawing structured abstract patterns using repetitive strokes.

Some people might call this art form ‘doodling’, but there is an important difference between tangling and doodling. Doodling is something you do while bored mostly on the side of note on a notepad, whereas Zentangle is a mindful pen and ink drawing method or process using good quality paper. Zentangle is creating an image giving it your full and undivided attention.

Benefits of Creating Zentangle Art

  • Assists with anger management, depression, anxiety as well as treatment of trauma victims
  • Develops, as well as rehabilitates fine motor skills, e.g. in victims of stroke
  • Has therapeutic value
  • Helps with team building by developing group focus as well as improving self-esteem/confidence
  • Improves hand-eye coordination
  • Increases attention span and concentration, thus helping with ADD and ADHD
  • Inspires design as well as creates beautiful art
  • Tames the mind by putting it in a meditative state which in turn improves your mood
  • Nurtures, as well as develops creative abilities
  • Relieves stress through relaxation as well as improves sleeping patterns
  • Zentangle is a lot of fun

Tanglekaap Zentangle Classes in the Garden Route – Hartenbos

  • Zentangle art is not only for adults. As soon as a child can draw basic forms such as circles and triangles, they are able to tangle
  • Training is done in 3-hour sessions
  • Fees include the material, which is imported from the USA, as well as refreshments in the form of soft drinks
  • Classes are offered on beginner’s level, intermediate level as well as advanced level where the Zentangle ideas combine with elements of realism (like picture of something recognisable such as an animal or flower)

Milde is waiting for your call or email!


Milde Weiss

Cell: 082 620 2319


Garden Route

Western Cape


Milde Weiss Tanglekaap Zentangleklasse in die Wes-Kaap

CZT® (Certified Zentangle Teacher) in Hartenbos, Mosselbaai in die Wes-Kaap wat Zentangleklasse aanbied. ‘n Interessante, veelsydige kunsvorm wat maklik is om aan te leer, en ook ontspannend en peinsend/meditatief is. Dit is ‘n genotvolle manier om pragtige kunswerkies te skep deur die teken van gestruktureerde patrone.

Die naam ‘Zentangle’ is ‘n samevoeging van Zen, ‘n Japanese vorm van Buddisme, en ‘tangle’, ‘n Engelse woord vir inmekaargestrengel. ‘n Perfekte beskrywing van die kunsvorm.

Milde Weiss Tanglekaap in die Tuinroete – Hartenbos

Milde het haar DPhil (Geskiedenis) in Afrikaanse en Nederlandse Kultuurgeskiedenis aan die Universiteit van Pretoria behaal, waar sy ook doseer het. Daarná was sy ‘n Assistent Direkteur in die Departement van Kuns, Kultuur, Wetenskap en Tegnologie. Vandag is sy afgetree en woon sy in Hartenbos van waar sy Zentangleklasse aanbied in Hartenbos/Mosselbaai en so ook die wyer Wes-Kaapgebied.

Nadat sy haar seun verloor het in 2012, het sy die terapeutiese waarde van teken op die Zentanglemanier ontdek. Sy wou graag hierdie kunsvorm met ander deel, dus het sy opleiding hiervoor in die VSA ondergaan. Slegs gesertifiseerde Zentangle opleiers (CZT) mag klasse in hierdie kunsvorm aanbied.

Zentangle Metode

Hierdie interessante metode van teken is begin en ontwikkel deur twee Amerikaners, Maria Thomas en Rick Roberts. Dit behels abstrakte teken d.m.v. herhaalde patrone en is bedoel om die tekenproses aangenaam, meditatief en toeganklik vir almal te maak. ‘n Belangrike element is absolute fokus terwyl daar geteken word. Dis ‘n vorm van kuns-meditasie waar die skep van die patroon net so belangrik is as die eindproduk. Jy gee dus jou onverdeelde aandag aan die skep van jou kunswerk.

Voordele van die Skep van Zentanglekuns

Daar is verskeie voordele verbonde aan Zentanglekuns. ‘n Paar daarvan is:

  • Dit help mense wat sukkel met woedebeheer, depressie, angs en die nagevolge van trauma
  • Ontwikkel en rehabiliteer fyn-motoriese vaardighede en hand-oogkoördinasie bv. by beroertepasiënte
  • Dit plaas die verstand in ‘n peinsende/meditatiewe staat wat die gemoedstoestand verbeter
  • Stres word verlig deur die ontspannende aspek van die kunsvorm
  • Dit is ook groot pret om te ‘tangle’

Tanglekaap Zentangleklasse in Hartenbos – Tuinroete

  • Zentangle is nie net vir volwassenes nie. Sodra ‘n kind basiese vorms soos sirkels en driehoeke kan teken, is hy/sy gereed om te ‘tangle’
  • Opleiding word gedoen in 3-uurlange sessies
  • Fooie sluit die materiaal in (wat ingevoer word van die VSA), asook drinkgoed
  • Klasse word op verskillende vlakke aangebied – beginnersvlak, intermediêre vlak en so ook gevorderde vlak waar elemente van realisme gekombineer word met die patrone

Milde Weiss wag vir jou oproep of e-pos!


Milde Weiss

Cell: 082 620 2319


Garden Route

Western Cape